Thread for Funny Comments: Any Source ....

Dec 4, 2010
A lot of my time spent browsing the net now is just reading the comment section. People be posting some funny ish. Was just reading some comments about chris bosh on some youtube video that was mad funny....

chris bosh is probably so chill but he just comes off as a fa**ot

look at my boi kris bosh sweggin rite now, he be a beast and is a clutch mastr. but he still has yet to prov hes on lebruns sweg level. cuz lebrun jems be ballin all day. dese fuk bois outside the het are all trash. look at lebruns sweggy outfit and hedphons in da vidio, hes just sweggin hard at dis point. da heat are da best tem in history, noris coal, lebrun jems , mario chamers, kris bosh, dwine wayde >>>>>>mikel jordin. jordin was a jok and had no sweg at all lol only 6 rings, menwhlebruns goin for hhis 8th 
stuff like this has it's time and place

they tend to lose effect just pooled together and away from it's source material ya dig
Amazon product ASIN B003CT2A2M
$1500 HDMI cable on Amazon.

Being that this cable is a friggin' bargain, unlike the more pricey platinum cable imported directly from Zimbabwe (they can run you close to twice the price), the picture this cable produces is exceptional. I swear to you from the moment I opened the box, it was as if the heavens opened up. Immediately as I un-boxed it, an epic orchestral song started playing out of nowhere; yes, this cable had it's own THEME MUSIC. When I plugged this monster bad boy in, lighting struck directly outside my room with suck brute force. God began talking to me. He told me that I would now be accepted into heaven simply because I purchased this cable. After much excitement, I finally turned on my TV while holding various religious memorabilia and to my surprise, the picture was beyond what I would have ever suspected. It was so good. I've lost weight, I sleep better, my car even increased its own horsepower by 200...and I started getting more women left and right. It was as if this cable has blessed me with SO much good luck. I could write so much more about it, but I need to go. I'm going to buy some lottery tickets to REALLY test this bad boy cable out.

This HDMI cable has helped my life countless times, one time i brought a girl over and she laid eyes on this HDMI cable and blowjobs were on lock for tonight! This HDMI cable was the one used on the Osama Bin laden operation, the quality is superb. This also made my TV 4K

I bought this cable for my two-year-old daughter in the hopes that it would help bring her out of her shell a bit (she's very shy). Little did I know, this cable has an unexpected "feature". As soon as my daughter began to use the cable, it almost instantly stole her soul and replaced it with the soul of a perverted southeast asian pedicab driver named, "Bô Lemon". Bô will berate your parenting skills for about twenty minutes in what sounds like Thai, and then collapse exhausted into a heap, fast asleep. The manufacturer hasn't gotten back to me yet about whether or not this will be permanant, but even if not, this should have been clearly printed on the packaging, instead of in the fine print on page 44 of the user's manual.

I would *NOT* recommend this product to anyone with large or small or no children until this is fixed!
the comments on the reviews for wolf shirts on amazon, also read the comments on the related shirts with animals on em some of em are funny.

Amazon product ASIN B002HJ377A
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