Thread for positivity

Jul 29, 2012
With the constant news talking of wars, the invention of WSHH, ignorance being placed on a pedestal, positivity and good vibes seem down and out in this world. I was really moved by the kid who was batman for a day.

At any rate, I wanna generate a platform for NT'ers to share something positive they're trying to achieve or something they've done. I don't want this to be an egotistical thing where you're flaunting things you've done, but rather an inspiration piece for forum full of materialistic people who for the most part are hoarding leather and rubber at an inflated value (myself included).

So to start it off, I've been feeling this urge to go out of my way to help people lately. I always talk myself down with ill do it next time line. I finally worked up this courage to offer this dude I saw limping on the side of the road a ride to where ever he needed. Turns out he was headed to work but the bus service on base was cut, due to the draw backs in military spending. Talking to him he seemed pretty loopy but I felt safe. He tells me he used to box and was in rocky 3. I'm thinking BS, but the guy probably finds peace telling the story what ever. Any rate, I get ready to drop him off and he asks to show me his pics. I'm kinda creeped, but I let him proceed and he shows me :

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After wards we talked for about 10 mins and he explained how he got where he was. Almost had me in tears.

So I hope this is the start of our community constantly trying to generate something positive.

Shout out to my brothers in the
Thread. Through the pages of discussion, info posted, I've been able to find what's important to me in my journey of self exploration.
I'm in.

It always seems like the littlest things can turn a crap day into a good one. If its just a compliment or some one doing something nice for you. Will try to do something nice for some one today.

Pay if forward :smokin
Great Idea for a thread.

I am using 2014 to get myself healthy.  I lived a very poor lifestyle, from a health standpoint, and decided it was time to change.  On Jan 1st, I was 5'8", 237.4 lbs

As of yesterday, March 4th, I am now 208.6 lbs (down 28.8 since the 1st).

I now no longer crave non-healthy food and everything has improved (health, confidence, sleeping, etc...).

I also have inspired friends and family to change their tracks as well.

Hope my message did not come off as a brag, but rather to inspire
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This thread is ill already. Great idea OP. It's always chance encounters that happen where you find out some amazing stuff. 
Great Idea for a thread.

I am using 2014 to get myself healthy.  I lived a very poor lifestyle, from a health standpoint, and decided it was time to change.  On Jan 1st, I was 5'8", 237.4 lbs

As of yesterday, March 4th, I am now 208.6 lbs (down 28.8 since the 1st).

I now no longer crave non-healthy food and everything has improved (health, confidence, sleeping, etc...).

I also have inspired friends and family to change their tracks as well.

Hope my message did not come off as a brag, but rather to inspire

Good stuff man. Didn't come off as a brag at all. I think most of us can tell when something is genuine versus made for TV with orchestral music and fake tears. Glad to see everyone is is feeling the idea thus far.
Hope my message did not come off as a brag, but rather to inspire
Not a brag at all and clearly you've been inspirational to your friends and family already. Taking care of your health is important and the better you treat your body, the better it treats you.
Good thread dude.

You ever listen to Sly's story about how he got Rocky 1 completed and how he had to sell his dog at one point? Great listen man, really inspirational.

maldonado maldonado
johnnyredstorm johnnyredstorm
glad to see yall were one of the first people in here. Maldy Look forward to linking up. I'll check it out now Johnny. Haven't forgot about your paper man. Rehabs been killing me. I'll get it done though.

AgentZero AgentZero
Anything brother: I'd like it to be antithesis to everything negative. I'm gonna try and post something positive every day so we can maintain the thread with it out getting corny and people sharing stuff for social media attention etc.
I'm in :pimp:...def. like the idea of this thread.

Will have a success story very soon, within the next day or so.
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Brown vs. Virginia

My goal for positivity today is trying to shake off the stereotypes I have of people and looking for the best that's in all of us despite what our physical reflects.

"Love thy neighbor, like thyself."
Sup fellas...I'm ready.

I am finally moving closer to my goal of respecting && valuing myself first by letting go of people/situations/things that don't truly value me or my presence. I know the thought, 'Toretto, it really took you THIS long...?' may come about as some read this, but this has truly been a lifelong flaw/downfall for me...

For years...specifically, all of mine on this Earth...I've been that guy with the people pleasing vibe, that 'heart of gold', so to speak. Always noble, fighting to the bitter end for folks who just didn't give a damn, && falling on the sword as a result. After I'd get away for awhile to heal my wounds, I'd go through the same process with someone else, only to endure the same ending. It just got to a point where I would see the end drawing near, try to fall back from it all, && actually have a modicum of success...only for my conflicted rationale to tell me to try to hang on, && attempt to do so while knowing it would lead to the same thing I tried to prevent...

I'd even find myself forgiving those people (it wasn't their fault), while beating myself up about it indefinitely because I knew I was stunting my own growth as a was like putting on a shirt 4 sizes too big having all this vacant space that I wasn't growing into. However, today I realize that what I was feeling as I tried to walk away from detrimental situations wasn't was the cutting of a diamond. That's why, as I go through this process yet again, I will now embrace being cut...while continuously moving forward. No longer will I allow 'wanting to be approved of/liked by everyone' dictate my actions..especially when I'd just be taken for granted && disposed of in the end. It hurts a bit (....ok, a lot), knowing what I thought things could/would be...letting someone open the closed book that I had become, only for her childish games to ensue...words && no action being articulated to me, etc. But no power, no growth, nor any strength is acquired without pain along the way, especially initially.

Therefore, the accompanying pain of taking the action to do what I know I must, to walk away from that which doesn't serve me, && closer to finding what does..will always outweigh the self inflicted pain of remaining in my comfort zone. I just hope that, down the line, folks will respect me for finally doing what's best for me (&& why I had to), cause it's truly no hard feelings. It's just that I'm nobody's option...&& my actions are finally proving it.

Sorry for the long read, y'all...just felt I'd share. Been a long time coming, but still this is a major stepping stone for me...hopefully someone can take something from this. :nthat:
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Retto Retto

Good stuff man. I really can't add much to that. Seems like you've got your path figured and what you wanna change in your life. For what it's worth man to man I'm proud of you.

I'm trying to find something positive for the day. Would gladly appreciate someone posting something else.
C.Magneto C.Magneto Thanks my's highly appreciated.

Now I'm aiming to implement 15 mins of meditation into my daily routine, after I first wake up && before I retire for the day. Gonna check out that Chaplin speech also.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
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