Tipping Male Bartenders.....Yay or Na?

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont see why tips should even be given for certain jobs.

Why the hell should i give u extra money for doing something you were hired to do. I never understood that. I understand waiters/waitresses getting tips because they actually have to work though

EDIT: since people get butt-hurt so easily on NT dont take my comment seriously

Answer is really simple, people who work for tips don't get much of a paycheck. Their employers are legally allowed to pay them way under minimum wage because they are allowed to count tips as part of the wage. Servers (waiters and waitresses and bartenders) get paid somewhere around $2 or $3 an hour, they depend on tips to make a living.
Which is why people employers who don't leave tips pay minimum are d-bags.
* fixed

Are the consumers really at fault here?

I'm all for tipping but someone needs to call out the owners here. Makin patrons feel morally obligated while they sit back and cake.
Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont see why tips should even be given for certain jobs.

Why the hell should i give u extra money for doing something you were hired to do. I never understood that. I understand waiters/waitresses getting tips because they actually have to work though

EDIT: since people get butt-hurt so easily on NT dont take my comment seriously

Answer is really simple, people who work for tips don't get much of a paycheck. Their employers are legally allowed to pay them way under minimum wage because they are allowed to count tips as part of the wage. Servers (waiters and waitresses and bartenders) get paid somewhere around $2 or $3 an hour, they depend on tips to make a living.
Which is why people employers who don't leave tips pay minimum are d-bags.
* fixed

Are the consumers really at fault here?

I'm all for tipping but someone needs to call out the owners here. Makin patrons feel morally obligated while they sit back and cake.
If owners start paying their employee's 3-4 more dollars per hour, their prices go UP UP UP in order to keep their doors open.

You want bartenders to go from a couple bucks an hour to 8 or 9? youll still be paying for it, trust in that.
Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont see why tips should even be given for certain jobs.

Why the hell should i give u extra money for doing something you were hired to do. I never understood that. I understand waiters/waitresses getting tips because they actually have to work though

EDIT: since people get butt-hurt so easily on NT dont take my comment seriously

Answer is really simple, people who work for tips don't get much of a paycheck. Their employers are legally allowed to pay them way under minimum wage because they are allowed to count tips as part of the wage. Servers (waiters and waitresses and bartenders) get paid somewhere around $2 or $3 an hour, they depend on tips to make a living.
Which is why people employers who don't leave tips pay minimum are d-bags.
* fixed

Are the consumers really at fault here?

I'm all for tipping but someone needs to call out the owners here. Makin patrons feel morally obligated while they sit back and cake.

Wrong. If you force the employers to pay servers minimum wage, only thing that will happen is 15% will be AUTOMATICALLY added to your bill. So you will beforced to pay the tip anyway, and your service will go down hill because there will be NO INCENTIVE for your waiter/waitress/bartender to do a better jobbecause it will have no effect on their pay. Then you will be the one sitting there complaining about how crappy your service was.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Dakingii

I dont see why tips should even be given for certain jobs.

Why the hell should i give u extra money for doing something you were hired to do. I never understood that. I understand waiters/waitresses getting tips because they actually have to work though

EDIT: since people get butt-hurt so easily on NT dont take my comment seriously

Answer is really simple, people who work for tips don't get much of a paycheck. Their employers are legally allowed to pay them way under minimum wage because they are allowed to count tips as part of the wage. Servers (waiters and waitresses and bartenders) get paid somewhere around $2 or $3 an hour, they depend on tips to make a living.
Which is why people employers who don't leave tips pay minimum are d-bags.
* fixed

Are the consumers really at fault here?

I'm all for tipping but someone needs to call out the owners here. Makin patrons feel morally obligated while they sit back and cake.

Wrong. If you force the employers to pay servers minimum wage, only thing that will happen is 15% will be AUTOMATICALLY added to your bill. So you will be forced to pay the tip anyway, and your service will go down hill because there will be NO INCENTIVE for your waiter/waitress/bartender to do a better job because it will have no effect on their pay. Then you will be the one sitting there complaining about how crappy your service was.
On the money.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by ICUP

If bammas are not going to tip, just do it properly. The clubs that I go to they have multiple bars and multiple bartenders. If you get one drink from one bartender and you dont tip him/her, go to another bartender. As simple as that. You won't have diminished service or anything, because you are first time customer every time you get a drink.
that doesn't work when there's one bar only.
dudes talk to each other

I know someone that got froze out of getting a drink b/c he didn't tip.
u have to tip if the service is adequate regardless of the server's gender. it is class and etiquette.
Yall disgust me. Like I said before, always help out the little people. Bartenders are definitely not caking like somebody on the last page said.
Originally Posted by SKYFLYDUl

the same people who spend hundreds on kicks can't drop a dollar or two for a tip?

QFT. My barber charges me $15 for a cut and I give him $20 and it's his shop. I definitely believe in tippin in any industry.
Originally Posted by starbury03

You guys that don't tip need to seriously stay the +@%% home. Are you that broke? Don't go out then. Are you really trippin on a few bucks? Make more money. Are just just an %$%*$#!? Well, what goes around..comes around.

x 100

completely classless to not tip. I'm not even a bartender but it irks me to no end when I see this, especially when dude orders a labor intensive drinklike a mojito. How you gonna walk away without droppin a couple bucks when dude had to go through the trouble of smashing up fresh mint leaves for you.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by Jehul

* fixed

Are the consumers really at fault here?

I'm all for tipping but someone needs to call out the owners here. Makin patrons feel morally obligated while they sit back and cake.

Wrong. If you force the employers to pay servers minimum wage, only thing that will happen is 15% will be AUTOMATICALLY added to your bill. So you will be forced to pay the tip anyway, and your service will go down hill because there will be NO INCENTIVE for your waiter/waitress/bartender to do a better job because it will have no effect on their pay. Then you will be the one sitting there complaining about how crappy your service was.

Wrong? Yet you back up your point with flawed logic

Can we agree here with the following statement: Tips = better service

With that said how does adding an automatic tip justify a worker (working in the service industry) to provide "crappy" service?

What would be the rationale for providing bad service when they (a) earn above minimum wage plus (b) receive a built-in 15% bonus? A bonus people in other mostindustries don't receive.

* As stated earlier I do tip, I just don't agree with the logic.

"there will be NO INCENTIVE for your waiter/waitress/bartender
to do a better job because it will have no effect on their pay.
Then you will be the one sitting there complaining about how crappy your service was."
In a free market economy the business owner would tell their workers that they can either provide good service or quit.

Unhappy customers = less business = less income = crunchy/broke owner

Workers don't run the show, owners do. If a worker worker to provide lousy service just b/c they weren't satisfied with their wage and built-in tip asuccessful business owner would straighten them out or have them walk it out.
If you're too cheap to tip a buck or two then you might as well not even go out. If you want to look like a cheap lame then go ahead and don'ttip. And tipping based on whether the bartender is male or female is absurd in itself. Don't even go out if you think like that.
Back before I knew any better, I used to wait for the bartender to turn around and make somebody else's drink to swipe my change back and dip with thequickness
But now, it's not really a big deal to leavethem $1 for every drink.
i usually tip big on the first drink (like 20 -25%) then watch em pour the second... if its stiff they get a cool lil 15% tip, then the last round no tipwhatsoever... It balances out percentage wise and u get hooked up on the drinks
Originally Posted by Princetonchaney

i usually tip big on the first drink (like 20 -25%) then watch em pour the second... if its stiff they get a cool lil 15% tip, then the last round no tip whatsoever... It balances out percentage wise and u get hooked up on the drinks
Sounds like some George Costanza type cheap-logic.
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Yall disgust me. Like I said before, always help out the little people. Bartenders are definitely not caking like somebody on the last page said.

And whose fault is that then? If Chili's is allowed to pay you 3$ an hour and make you give a portion of it to the busboy and you accepted that job, why isthe consumer at some moral obligation to atone for that? Talk to your boss, who is saving about 60-75% per employee versus paying you a normal minimum wage bytrying to defer the burden onto the consumers via some illogical guilt trip ideaology.

Just looking at Oklahoma numbers, 2.50$ versus 7.50$, let's assume you work 50hr weeks which isn't uncommon at all. 2.50$an hr x 50 hrs in a week x 52weeks in a yr= $6,500 7.50$ an hr x 50 hrs in a week x 52 weeks in a yr= $19,500 or a whole 66.6% more.

This is of course ignoring the other service industries where the employees do make regular minimum wage + salaries and still have their hands out for a tiplike doormen, delivery men, cab driver, bus drivers (especially at the airport), the "stand by your bag of food that someone worked feverishly to put in astyrofoam box AND a plastic bag for you and hand it to you when you arrive" person, amongst others.

Maybe you guys should go on strike, it'd do both sides some good. The service industry people would realize how infinitely replacable and menial their jobsare when they see themselves being replaced by underaged scabs with no dropoff in quality and therefore stop feeling entitled, and then come back more gratefuland maybe do a better job, and then perhaps get more tips or employers feel more like they should pay you appriopriately.

What about the service industries who actually provide a service that the consumer is, himself, unable or unwilling to do on their own and therefore forced topay a premium for. Let's take car problems for example. You pay a mechanic however much because you don't know what the hell is going on in there ordon't want to be bothered with it if you do, so there's a level of difficulty or a real skill there the consumer doesn't possess and therefore paysa person who does.

You guys work a soda machine. There's a picture of a Sprite logo and a button underneath it which you depress with the cup and then dispenses Sprite. Ifsomehow you guys all of a sudden didn't exist, I could figure that out and still get me some damn soda. I mean it's great you grabbed the bottle out ofthe fridge AND poored it in a cup for me and all, ppreciate it bro *head nod,* but I really could have done that myself. Other service areas where I lack thedesire and/or the expertise to handle myself, I'd be more for tipping them and have less of a problem really, because going back to the car example, if itweren't for you I'd be @+## outta luck. My 5 yr old neice could fill up a cup of soda and bring it to me, or write things down on a peice of paper andtake it to a cook.
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Yall disgust me. Like I said before, always help out the little people. Bartenders are definitely not caking like somebody on the last page said.

You guys work a soda machine. There's a picture of a Sprite logo and a button underneath it which you depress with the cup and then dispenses Sprite. If somehow you guys all of a sudden didn't exist, I could figure that out and still get me some damn soda. I mean it's great you grabbed the bottle out of the fridge AND poored it in a cup for me and all, ppreciate it bro *head nod,* but I really could have done that myself. Other service areas where I lack the desire and/or the expertise to handle myself, I'd be more for tipping them and have less of a problem really, because going back to the car example, if it weren't for you I'd be @+## outta luck. My 5 yr old neice could fill up a cup of soda and bring it to me, or write things down on a peice of paper and take it to a cook.
bartenders do much more that that
Originally Posted by AllDay AllNight

Originally Posted by Crook

you sound mad homophobe
Most of the goons on this board are unnecessarily and outrageously homophobic.

Which I don't understand.

lot of children on this board
Originally Posted by cjspida619

Originally Posted by DatZNasty

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Yall disgust me. Like I said before, always help out the little people. Bartenders are definitely not caking like somebody on the last page said.

You guys work a soda machine. There's a picture of a Sprite logo and a button underneath it which you depress with the cup and then dispenses Sprite. If somehow you guys all of a sudden didn't exist, I could figure that out and still get me some damn soda. I mean it's great you grabbed the bottle out of the fridge AND poored it in a cup for me and all, ppreciate it bro *head nod,* but I really could have done that myself. Other service areas where I lack the desire and/or the expertise to handle myself, I'd be more for tipping them and have less of a problem really, because going back to the car example, if it weren't for you I'd be @+## outta luck. My 5 yr old neice could fill up a cup of soda and bring it to me, or write things down on a peice of paper and take it to a cook.
bartenders do much more that that
2 cups this, 1 cup this, stir, put umbrella and lime wedge in, hand to patron.

#*#% outta here, like it's rocket science or some @%*%

Name something you do that a 7 yr old is incapable of. Not even being condescending, dead serious.
even though i worked in the restaurant industry for a year, i don't like the concept of tipping. what if every industry used that policy...
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