Tips on going up to girls?

Sep 1, 2008
So just recently got dumped and I've been heading to clubs, lounges, bars and doing my thing. Anyways what's a nice ice breaker to talk to a girl or try and get her number?

I ain't whipping it out.
Either ask a question or make an joke based on an observation and go from there. If she's feeling you, you'll be able to make conversation easily. If not, keep it moving.
Be well dressed and be clean shaven. You wouldn't even look twice at a girl who has a mustache and dresses like she shop at Sears. Wear your best shirt and just go from there. I look like a bum sometimes but whenever I put on a nice suit, my confidence goes through the roof. Girls are much easier to talk to because you don't have to worry about what they think of you cause you know you got the look down.
Ain't hard son. Stop overthinking.

Just go up to them and say the first thing that comes to your mind or notice about them. Boom. They breathe, eat, and take ***** just like you do. Take the p off the pedestal and you will prosper. :smokin
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Always helps when the girl is mutual friends with your friends, so I tell my dudes to introduce me/put in a good word & from there I take over & I offer a drink and make small talk. I recommend if you barely meet the girl don't be attached to her side all night (there are other fish in the sea, avoid tunnel vision), give her a sample and walk away, let her come back for more.

Score points on doing your thing on the dance floor. Girls always pay attenton to that.

That's my opinion, helps me out. But you'll find your own groove OP.
I'm about to tell you something that only the great ones have the privilege of knowing.

You ready?

Here it goes...

... name is kvsm and I wanted to introduce myself.

What's your name?

I know it's a lot... But be careful. It has a 98% success rate
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