T'is the hour of the dawning of a VICTORIAN DISCOURSE, Vol. THRICE

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by potus2028

Loleth @ the SpongeBob reference.

*Sir CParkFresh*
Indeed, this be so. One must take care that he not plunge into the afflicted caverns of a maiden who posesses a box hotter than the brimstone of Hades itself. Forsooth, a gentleman may arise in the morning only 2 find a viscous approximation of the batter of a pancake emitting from his loins. I hereby quoth a bard of Moor music: "But soft, it be thine pretty face, thick thighs, light eyes...but whenceforth their insides?!" A tart may appear comely and appealing, but this does not mean she may not cause a man's loins 2 be immolated with dis-ease. Take heed!

Ah, the firery applause of the groin that you speak of be a most wretched season of gnashing.
The hide of dual ewes fastened tightly to thine rod shall guard thy loin of genital tretchery, whilst indulging in great pleasure
with loose mentrills of the resting hours.

This be the York of Amesterdam and I commendeth thee OP, thou hath indeed broughteth tears of joy to my eyes.
Thine thread hath left me a lisped, out of wantonness.

[font=Arial,Britannic Bold]The golden rule shalt I saymen once again to thee , wrecched womman, no fors though I spille. Wommen are born to thraldom and penance and pilage thee haplesssoul of mere mortal man.

Alloweth me, my good men, to telleth a tale from my kingdom...

[/font]T'was once two noble knights. Both valiant men-at-arms and both freaketh the same wretched wenchbeknowingstly under the spell of liquor. The wench I speaketh of hath a healthy appetite for...man horn, and the lady showeth no discretion. The wench hathbeen ridden more times than a noble steed. Afther a week passeth the noble knights feel the anguish burn of a thousand dragons breathing fire out of theirshalt we say lances. Ye olde knights I sent to Merlin and he beatify them with a pungent elixir. Alas, they were cured of the ills and happily they exploredglorious velvet love canals once again.

This Merlin the tale speaketh of is a wise sorcerer I employeth in my Kingdom. He clameth to concoct an enchantedelixir to cure such ailments of the loins as of the knight's. He calleth it penicillin.

Fear not freonds potus2028, supermanblue79. Thou conquereth as many gloves of Venus ye hearth desire. And if ye findeth ye self in a damned baby chuteand fall victim I shalt send thee to Merlin.
Originally Posted by SWOBOYdeHTEEZY

My dear brethren, how might one extricate himself from the depths of the realm of friendship?
Sir Swoboydehteezy, thou hath toucheed upon a topic that has cursed the mightiest of knights and kings.
Scholars hath scribed that the valiant King Aurthur united the British isles yet could not escapeth this wretched realm called friend-zone, this nether-realm,sir, is ruled by beasts unconquerable by mortals, their powers insurmountable and unsurpassed by even the mighty sowrd of zelda. Thee must call upon thesorcerer Merlin. Only he hath the answer thy seek. You must naut giveth up. I recall a squire that driveth his spear into the beast and cometh alive with themaiden of his desires.
Oh wise Merlin where art thou, showth thyself. Help this brethren travel betwex the legs of his wench.
whats that store in the mall where they have these big a$5 elaborate game boards with the dungeons & dragons figures?!?

"Thou hath seen the Nike Talkith scum that postith upon this threadren roam its quarters...
I say where art thou? Gentlemen of kingdom of talk Nike. I beg thee to continue the discourse. We chant let it fall to the depths of hell wherest upon shalt beimpossible to resurrect.
Salutations fellow brethren!
Please pardon my barbaric discourse but I wanna be a Victorian era gentleman as well, where/how do i begin?
Originally Posted by King Sole

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Originally Posted by potus2028

Loleth @ the SpongeBob reference.

*Sir CParkFresh*
Indeed, this be so. One must take care that he not plunge into the afflicted caverns of a maiden who posesses a box hotter than the brimstone of Hades itself. Forsooth, a gentleman may arise in the morning only 2 find a viscous approximation of the batter of a pancake emitting from his loins. I hereby quoth a bard of Moor music: "But soft, it be thine pretty face, thick thighs, light eyes...but whenceforth their insides?!" A tart may appear comely and appealing, but this does not mean she may not cause a man's loins 2 be immolated with dis-ease. Take heed!

Ah, the firery applause of the groin that you speak of be a most wretched season of gnashing.
The hide of dual ewes fastened tightly to thine rod shall guard thy loin of genital tretchery, whilst indulging in great pleasure
with loose mentrills of the resting hours.

This be the York of Amesterdam and I commendeth thee OP, thou hath indeed broughteth tears of joy to my eyes.
Thine thread hath left me a lisped, out of wantonness.

[font=Arial,Britannic Bold]The golden rule shalt I say men once again to thee , wrecched womman, no fors though I spille. Wommen are born to thraldom and penance and pilage thee hapless soul of mere mortal man.

Alloweth me, my good men, to telleth a tale from my kingdom...

[/font] T'was once two noble knights. Both valiant men-at-arms and both freaketh the same wretched wench beknowingstly under the spell of liquor. The wench I speaketh of hath a healthy appetite for...man horn, and the lady showeth no discretion. The wench hath been ridden more times than a noble steed. Afther a week passeth the noble knights feel the anguish burn of a thousand dragons breathing fire out of their shalt we say lances. Ye olde knights I sent to Merlin and he beatify them with a pungent elixir. Alas, they were cured of the ills and happily they explored glorious velvet love canals once again.

This Merlin the tale speaketh of is a wise sorcerer I employeth in my Kingdom. He clameth to concoct an enchanted elixir to cure such ailments of the loins as of the knight's. He calleth it penicillin.

Fear not freonds potus2028, supermanblue79. Thou conquereth as many gloves of Venus ye hearth desire. And if ye findeth ye self in a damned baby chute and fall victim I shalt send thee to Merlin.

The gospel of Merlin "ridder of vanerial infliction" is sweet harpsichord upon mine ears. I have taken holiday of the misty walls of Venus'canal seeking refuge from the threats of contracting "Hates Lance"...with beutiful pleasure these days rising soley from tonsil jousting the thicklipped natives of the New World. On return to the Great Land of Kings at thy jouney's finale, I will barter for Merlin's herbs, and begin again thesweet triffling within the abdomens of the wenches of the World of Old.

Pardon me lads for this hastened bumpeth of thy comedic thread, my fellows over yonder on thy "other site" simply reminisced upon this blessed threadand the comedic value for which it has bestowed up us

Dare I say, we continue this rather merry dialogue?

Cheerio chaps!
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN


Pardon me lads for this hastened bumpeth of thy comedic thread, my fellows over yonder on thy "other site" simply reminisced upon this blessed thread and the comedic value for which it has bestowed up us

Dare I say, we continue this rather merry dialogue?

Cheerio chaps!
Thou art not jousting
Shall it be a resurrection of thrice conjured Victorian Discourse? Thine pupils do not deceive?
I knew this fine day would come. Whence I lay in the burrows of thine own castle begging the gods that said discussion of merry-men shall continue, ones wisheshave finally come to fruition
It tis i, Dukeith mackenzalith of jersey, where thee shall smite my brotherin a glockith of death. for thee is a hood, a hood they shall b, squandered and foulShall taste blood of thy sword
From the depths of hell, has this thread come forth?

*clap clap*

A celebration shall commence upon the day of the new moon in honor of this most joyous occasion. Will roasted swincesuffice, or shall summon Sir Ronald of the kingdom McDonald to supply us with those...by what name are they called...burgs ofham?
Albeit amused at this antiquated gem, he who digeth the graves shall be lashed to the slave stick.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

From the depths of hell, has this thread come forth?

*clap clap*

A celebration shall commence upon the day of the new moon in honor of this most joyous occasion. Will roasted swince suffice, or shall summon Sir Ronald of the kingdom McDonald to supply us with those...by what name are they called...burgs of ham?
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