top 10 highest earning athletes of the decade, even with team and individual sports

Jan 22, 2015
10) Lewis Hamilton $400 million

9) Kevin Durant $425 million

8) Manny Pacquiao $435 million

7) Phil Mickelson $480 million

6) Tiger Woods $615 million

5) Roger Federer $640 million

4) LeBron James $680 million

3) Lionel Messi $750 million

2) Cristiano Ronaldo $800 million

1) Floyd Mayweather $915 million

Even split in the top 10 with team sports and individual sports
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stay sleepin on that soccer bread.

Son tiger Woods beeeeeeen got a Rolex deal, joints people aspire to get, they probably fed ex em to his crib on some regular degular ish... *sigh* da lavish life...
Floyd got some things wrong here, from 2010-2019 he actually he fought every year besides 16, 18, 19 so it's more like he did this in 7 years rather than 10 years. Or if you look at it, he had 11 fights in those 7 years he fought

Tiger has the highest in career earnings on the list tho, and CR7, Messi, Lebron, Federer all will still bank crazy amounts of money with lifetime corporate partnerships after their careers
hat's another thing, he has had endorsements from Hublot, Burger King, Fanduel being the major ones along with maybe some smaller ones. It's just a small amount compared to the likes of the others on the list besides maybe Manny who lost Nike after his comments about gay ppl. It's rare for boxers to get big corporate partnership deals since it's more of a niche sport in America at least and most boxers have low levels of education and don't have clean images for Corporate America to sell. The current boxer that has the most corporate partnerships by far is Anthony Joshua but he's from the UK where boxing is more mainstream there and his team have coached him to play up a clean image for Corporate world

no endorsements is impressive.
golf has it's detractors but I have wondered if it should be pushed moar to the youth, the potential to make a lot of money is there like any other sport & there are less life changing injuries.
It has financial barriers of entry like tennis, F1, polo and other "rich ppl sports"

golf has it's detractors but I have wondered if it should be pushed moar to the youth, the potential to make a lot of money is there like any other sport & there are less life changing injuries.
Another thing is this is gross and Net income is what really matters. The 4 euros are all paying less in taxes with Messi getting Barca to cover his tax bill, CR7 in Italy with the tax loophole where endorsement income is capped at $117k rather than 43% even for his $47 mil in endorsement income. Federer and Lewis Hamilton's residences are in tax havens Switzerland and Monaco where they're paying like 11% or some low rate
Robert and Mikey Garcia talking about Floyd impressive because most of the other athletes probably went through some kind of schooling while Floyd made it straight from the streets with a father that sold crack

There's no damn reason MLB players should be making more than NFL players.

It really makes no sense
To be worth that much and still want to wake up and play your sport at the highest level. Some folks are just different, I’d have quit at $50 mil on an island somewhere
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