Twitter History of Public Figures...Warrented Outrage, or Not?

Lastly, I hate the phrase “backlash”. The people who are complaining or participating in said backlash, ARE FAR FROM PERFECT.

So much hypocrisy and stone throwing. Give a background check of most these participants of some of these backlash arguments, and I bet 99% of these people have done dirt, or wronged someone.

Fake a**** self righteous society

Complaining, and playing the victim has become cool, in society.

Bingo. It’s a lot of stones being thrown from glass houses. We live in a “gotcha” society though
AC Slater has been "cancelled" since 1995. Mario Lopez, however, is right. Some people have serious reading and comprehension problems, while others are just stupid.

Candice Keller’s Comments on Mass Shootings Prompt Call for Resignation - The New York Times

Candice Keller’s Comments on Mass Shootings Prompt Call for Resignation
By Mariel PadillaAugust 5, 2019

The chairwoman of the Ohio Republican Party called on Monday for the resignation of State Representative Candice Keller, a fellow Republican who one day earlier said mass shootings were the result of such factors as “homosexual marriage,” “drag queen advocates” and “recreational marijuana.”

Gunman Kills 9 in Dayton Entertainment District
Ms. Keller made the remarks in a , which is no longer visible to the public, after the mass killings in El Paso on Saturday and Dayton, Ohio, on Sunday.

She wrote that “liberals start the blame game” after every mass shooting, but “why not place the blame where it belongs?”

In the post, Ms. Keller, 60, who represents Butler County, a suburban and rural area about 30 miles southwest of Dayton, listed several factors that she said had led to mass shootings.

Among those, she included “professional athletes who hate our flag and National Anthem,” “snowflakes who can’t accept a duly-elected President” and a culture “which totally ignores the importance of God.”

Ms. Keller’s inflammatory remarks drew widespread anger online. The post spurred both Democrats and Republicans to denounce her statements.

“Candice Keller’s Facebook post was shocking and utterly unjustifiable,” the chairwoman, Jane Timken, said in a statement. “Our nation is reeling from these senseless acts of violence and public servants should be working to bring our communities together, not promoting divisiveness. I am calling on Candice Keller to resign.”

Calls and emails to Ms. Keller on Monday evening seeking comment were not immediately returned.

Michael Ryan, the Republican vice mayor of the city of Hamilton, which is in Butler County, said on Twitter that Ms. Keller’s post was “a ridiculous statement to make.”

“This isn’t a time for politics,” he said. “This is a time for grieving, coming together and healing.”

Chris Seelbach, a Democratic councilman in Cincinnati who is gay and married, urged people to call Ms. Keller to “let her know what you think.”

The Enquirer, in Cincinnati, described Ms. Keller, a candidate for State Senate in 2020, as the “most conservative politician in the room.” The newspaper said that she had derided teenage gun control activists after the school shooting in Parkland, Fla., in 2018, compared Planned Parenthood workers to Nazis and pushed to ban sanctuary cities.

Mass Shootings
The shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso came back-to-back in one weekend.
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Honestly. How hard would it be to tweet something like: "Thanks for the love Luka! You're welcome to come see the Lynx anytime!" or something to that effect. Some intern definitely got chewed out over that one.

Tweet still I doubt it :lol:

In fact...they doubled down.

Honestly. How hard would it be to tweet something like: "Thanks for the love Luka! You're welcome to come see the Lynx anytime!" or something to that effect. Some intern definitely got chewed out over that one.
Pettiness travels farther than class on social media. Attention is the name of the game.
Tweet still I doubt it :lol:

In fact...they doubled down.

I went looking for it and I couldn't find it.

I actually misread the whole thing too. The Lynx are jumping into something that's between the Mavs and the Wings (didn't even know that Dallas had a WNBA team). They just out there instigating on twitter.
I do wonder how much of a push (if any) the NBA gives to it's players to make appearances at WNBA games?
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