[Typical Conspiracy Theorist] Taylor Swift is illuminati [Typical Conspiracy Theorist]

You can dig and dig and dig (and I have) but you will never get to the bottom of this Illuminati bull *%*#. I'm sure a lot of you in this thread have found that the more you know about it the more you don't know anything about it.....and that's the way it's designed to be until it gets to the point where the people the people that think it's evil and seek to destroy it end up giving it life and making it stronger simply because you PAY SO MUCH ATTENTION TO IT....literally GIVING your precious energy to it and helping it manifest even greater power... THAT is why this *%*# is so readily available on YOUTUBE, WIKI and all that....because IF YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO IT AND GIVE IT VALIDITY THEN HOW WILL IT HAVE POWER? the fact is that it doesn't matter if these fools have blood sacrifices and all these other rituals because AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IT'S TRUE IT HAS THE EXACT SAME EFFECT. your best bet is to shift your focus to the + positive and understand that your mind cannot be trapped
You can dig and dig and dig (and I have) but you will never get to the bottom of this Illuminati bull *%*#. I'm sure a lot of you in this thread have found that the more you know about it the more you don't know anything about it.....and that's the way it's designed to be until it gets to the point where the people the people that think it's evil and seek to destroy it end up giving it life and making it stronger simply because you PAY SO MUCH ATTENTION TO IT....literally GIVING your precious energy to it and helping it manifest even greater power... THAT is why this *%*# is so readily available on YOUTUBE, WIKI and all that....because IF YOU DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO IT AND GIVE IT VALIDITY THEN HOW WILL IT HAVE POWER? the fact is that it doesn't matter if these fools have blood sacrifices and all these other rituals because AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IT'S TRUE IT HAS THE EXACT SAME EFFECT. your best bet is to shift your focus to the + positive and understand that your mind cannot be trapped
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Is there anyone who doesn't even recognize the possibility of a secret society in the music industry?

Well if you consider Freemasons secret societies then yeah. There are plenty of Masons in the music industry. They dont hide it tho. There are plenty of crips and bloods too 

I stay gettign recruited to join this $$@#. I may go through with it out of curiousity

Why do you think you are being targeted?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Is there anyone who doesn't even recognize the possibility of a secret society in the music industry?

Well if you consider Freemasons secret societies then yeah. There are plenty of Masons in the music industry. They dont hide it tho. There are plenty of crips and bloods too 

I stay gettign recruited to join this $$@#. I may go through with it out of curiousity

Why do you think you are being targeted?
Originally Posted by Hizzle

You'd think the world's greatest secret society would be better at being a secret.

you'd think with the advent of mass communication and internet where every piece of info is just a google search away, they'd reevaluate and adapt with a new strategy....

Originally Posted by Hizzle

You'd think the world's greatest secret society would be better at being a secret.

you'd think with the advent of mass communication and internet where every piece of info is just a google search away, they'd reevaluate and adapt with a new strategy....

I swear this dude DC reads like a chinese person...He starts on pg. 2924 and goes down until he finds a thread worth digging up.
I swear this dude DC reads like a chinese person...He starts on pg. 2924 and goes down until he finds a thread worth digging up.
Yea that is what I don't understand. Why is so much info out there if it is supposed to be a secret.
Yea that is what I don't understand. Why is so much info out there if it is supposed to be a secret.
Originally Posted by K Of Anything

I swear this dude DC reads like a chinese person...He starts on pg. 2924 and goes down until he finds a thread worth digging up.
Will you follow me around in every thread? Not like the threads I bump are time sensitive, this is a healthy discussion. An on going topic that ALWAYS comes up. Not seeing the issue here. Or do you just want a reason to say something to/about me? Leave me alone please.
Originally Posted by K Of Anything

I swear this dude DC reads like a chinese person...He starts on pg. 2924 and goes down until he finds a thread worth digging up.
Will you follow me around in every thread? Not like the threads I bump are time sensitive, this is a healthy discussion. An on going topic that ALWAYS comes up. Not seeing the issue here. Or do you just want a reason to say something to/about me? Leave me alone please.
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