USA family law judge caught beating daughter

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

There was already a topic on this. But i'll excuse you this one time because it isnt on the first 2 pages.


Seriously...there are SO MANY Niketalkers that have mental problems...

Anyone that actually, seriously thinks that ANYTHING about this is OK is messed up in the head and I will hope against hope that you never have children... the person that said that "16 is too old to spank"...WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?  That is the most backward and asinine thing I have ever heard in my life...but, sadly you aren't the only one that feels that should "spank" YOUNG CHILDREN, but not OLDER CHILDREN?  So, the MORE defenseless and fragile the child the BETTER you think it is to "spank"...errr...abuse them?


What he did to that child would have landed him 20 counts of Felony Assault (at least) had he done it to an adult who wasn't related to him, hell...had he hit has wife with a belt 20 times he would have been arrested for domestic battery/spousal abuse...but, because it is his child there are some people that say this is OK?

What is wrong with you people???  You are seriously sick in the head...

That is child abuse, plain and simple...

Just because it happened to you in the past and you turned out fine doesn't mean it's ok
QFT...hopefully our generation will be the first to realize this...[table][tr][td]
"I never got my lick in!"

Really dude? After the first 20 leg whips?

And this is the judge who rules for families?

Originally Posted by TheWindScar31

He OD'd. But, I have had that kind of whipping before. But not at that age. So I'm kinda mixed about it. Its his child, and its not like he threatened her life. At the same time, kid is of age to be reasoned with by then.

You must have not watched the video.
Said he was gonna beat her into submission, she doesnt deserve to be in the house, etc...
you dont beat girls like that, if it must be done have the mother do it.....females can't handle a father beating them like that.

i'm sure a high % of porn had daddy issues
Originally Posted by KidJoke

She is about to get beat for posting this video.
First thing that popped into my head

Yall dudes soft. Shut up, she got a beatin plain and simple. Yall obviously never got one before ol go to ur room w/o dinner/sit in the corner type dudes
What parent is gon be happy when beatin they kid? My moms used to body me when I deserved the whoopin (Now I can admit it
) but yea, u do the crime, gotta suffer the consequences
I've never been hit and I'm an all-star son.

This is the biggest parenting fail I've ever witnessed and I have so much rage right now.

Ol dude landed a solid 20 full arm swing belt cracks on her without hesitation.
The only thing I see wrong is he was cursing. That aint cool. I was beat butt naked with an extension while wet in the tub. I lied to my father. thats the worst i got it.
I take that back. Watched the whole video. Dude was not right.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Originally Posted by KidJoke

She is about to get beat for posting this video.
First thing that popped into my head

Yall dudes soft. Shut up, she got a beatin plain and simple. Yall obviously never got one before ol go to ur room w/o dinner/sit in the corner type dudes
What parent is gon be happy when beatin they kid? My moms used to body me when I deserved the whoopin (Now I can admit it
) but yea, u do the crime, gotta suffer the consequences
The crime tho? She ran a damn game on the computer. No way in he'll that warrants the beating that I saw in that video. Y'all trippin
Went from punishment to abuse rather quick.

But are you guys really missing why this is news?

He's a family judge, probably took people's kids away for the same thing (or less). And now he got caught
Originally Posted by CWrite78

He's a family judge, probably took people's kids away for the same thing (or less). And now he got caught

That's absolutely the crux of the issue - this guy has to be held to the standard that he judges other people.

It's wrong either way - but it's especially long for someone in his position - he loses all credibility.
yall are ridiculous he is disciplining his child. its not something meant for videos. no %*%+ seeing someone get beat you're going to feel bad.

its a lesson taught and im sure its one remembered. a 10 minute $@$ whooping which im sure left no permanent damage benefits in the long run.
That was the weakest whipping ever. I'm sure she was out doing dirty. She fake for releasing it. She needs another beating for releasing the video. Those are the type of people you can't trust. They break loyalty with their family, not even worth trusting. It was a simple whipping. She fake. Man.
16? downloading stuff "illegally"? 1st of all, whoopins are outdated, and I received my fair share, bleedat. Anybody whose taken a psychology class can tell you there are ways to deal with and handle bad behavior.
That was NOTHING.

That man has every right to discipline his child. He hit her below the waist while she was clothed, and with a belt. He told her to turn around and since she was disobedient AGAIN, he hit her in the legs until she listened to him and turned over. When he was finished, her mother spoke to her and it seemed like that was a one time incident that was now over. 
I see nothing wrong with what went down. 
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