Venture capital thread: Starting a new VC firm

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i'm a writer, is there anything that could be done when I publish a novel to help me reach the masses? thinking about going the self route so i'd need my own machine for marketing. sorry if this isn't your field.
Your question on jobs are too subjective. In regards to investing in stocks. You will learn alot by reading books and trading and probaility. My personal favorite, how to make money I stocks by William O'neal

As lazy J said real estate is far off from stocks. If you want rental property find out how to leverage money borrowed in your name or get into a small REIT or maybe start your own.

I will defintely check that book out. As mentioned before I know its a huge difference in real estate and stocks, im just trying to get some residual income out of real estate.
In finance im somewhat stomped on what to go into or look for a job in.
Im hoping to break into VC a few years past Ibanking haha. Just gotta get into IB, which hopefully works considering our schools a target+ my grades/networking... I'd say if you are looking for start ups, try silicon valley. Our professor was telling us that the kids from stanford and schools around there all have these innovative ideas, but you gotta compete with sequoia and accel
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we would not be interested in this business; their is no immediate cash flow.
Do I get finders fee
Im hoping to break into VC a few years past Ibanking haha. Just gotta get into IB, which hopefully works considering our schools a target+ my grades/networking... I'd say if you are looking for start ups, try silicon valley. Our professor was telling us that the kids from stanford and schools around there all have these innovative ideas, but you gotta compete with sequoia and accel

Your terms may not be as welcoming as the well known VCs would get, but if you're getting in on the same deals that's a start in order to build reputation and networks.
Interesting, I always felt like VC was one of those things like hedge funds, which people just get into after they've grown bored of being partners at firms. You're doing extremely well for yourself OP.
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Don't quote me but if I recall correctly - institutional, endowment and pensions make up the vast majority of LP investors in VC.

Individuals typically range from angel and those in silicon valley who were either at a VC shop or a start up of their own.
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