(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

can someone just cliff note what this thread means and basically what you guys are talking about i'm lost


We are breathing in stardust and the aliens are coming. All Hail Xenu.

hahaha say whaaaaaa
bring it ET
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a state of chaos.

Dirt = chaos?

My post seems to have flown over your head and I made it as simple as possible (no equations or technical jargon).

Dirty does not mean dirt. Dirty as in disorder. Dirty = papers everywhere, loose notes, trash, etc. I thought my example was sufficiently simple, but I guessnot.

It's entropy, simple as that.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an
apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside
forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a
state of chaos.

Dirt = chaos?

My post seems to have flown over your head and I made it as simple as possible (no equations or technical jargon).

Dirty does not mean dirt. Dirty as in disorder. Dirty = papers everywhere, loose notes, trash, etc. I thought my example was sufficiently simple, but I guess not.


You're trying to juxtapose two different, things.

try again sir.
lol The laws of thermodynamics aren't even 300 years old. Can't you leave enough room for a different interpretation of the happenings of the Universe?


What you consider to be chaos is really natural order.


Chaos or land formation?


Chaos or food cycle?


Chaos or balancing of energy?
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a state of chaos.

Dirt = chaos?

My post seems to have flown over your head and I made it as simple as possible (no equations or technical jargon).

Dirty does not mean dirt. Dirty as in disorder. Dirty = papers everywhere, loose notes, trash, etc. I thought my example was sufficiently simple, but I guess not.

lmao.. Suck on your arrogance. I understood and still disagree with your strong-worded assertion (or rather your outright dismissal of other theories on life).And yes, I have taken plenty of university level physics courses and no, your words didn't fly over my head.
Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

can someone just cliff note what this thread means and basically what you guys are talking about i'm lost


We are breathing in stardust and the aliens are coming. All Hail Xenu.
Analysis of a Greenland ice core reveals iridium and platinum fluxes consistent with constant fallout of extraterrestrial matter over the past 10,000 years, and potentially during the last ice age. Model studies suggest that most of the cosmic material is carried to the polar regions by the prevailing winds above 60 km before funnelling down to the surface, and that there is a yearly global input of 14±5 kilotonnes of this meteoroid material to the Earth.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

You couldn't be any farther from the truth. The universe exist in a perpetual state of entropy. An example to illustrate my assertion. If you live in an apartment with a roommate, as time approach infinity, the tidiness and cleanliness of your room approaches chaos. Chaos = dirty, untidy, etc until an outside forces acts upon it (you clean your room).

The world exist in a state of entropy. Everything approaches disorder/chaos, even when you attempt to re-order the chaos, everything still advances towards a state of chaos.
Modern Western complex societies remain organized by large inputs of energy to mitigate the natural progression of increasing entropy (disorder), according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, a fundamental law of physics

It's simple college level physics/thermodynamics applied to society.

The entropy in a container full of oxygen molecules is no different then the entropy that occurs in a room full of people or a galaxy full of celestial bodies. Order is in fact an illusion to keep your mind at peace. Order is not the absence of chaos, rather order is simply an attempt to impede the progression of a situation towards chaos. The universe exist in a state of entropy, not order. Order really only exist at 0 kelvin.

This is entropy, a simple law of physics that is pervasive throughout all facets of life. A theory that is proven by scientist, engineers, univerisities, etc. and not conspirators and anarchist.

University studies can be furnished upon request, but what I just told you is common knowledge in the engineering and scientific community.

lol The laws of thermodynamics aren't even 300 years old. Can't you leave enough room for a different interpretation of the happenings of the Universe?

The same can be said for any physics law, but you would agree that the same force that causes an apple to fall to the ground is the same force that causes the earth to circle the sun right?

Sure, but what does any of this have to do with this thread though? I understand that science wants to find an elegant solution to everything but I justdon't think it works that way. Nor is there just one way to describe one thing.

Like music. It's both math and art. The notes can be expressed as equations/numbers. So are my ears just hearing numbers and that's why I like it?I'm just saying, don't be so dismissive of different viewpoints.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame


I wasn't addressing you. You'd didn't post a childish gimmick in an attempt to belittle me.
Eh, I know you weren't addressing me. But I also don't see where he was belittling you. Plus, where's the childish gimmick? Chakras?If so, then let's just say I disagree with you.
Wow. I was just going to post this exact same understanding. In simple words. The circle of life is indeed a circle. There is no life without death and viceversa. Yes chaos and yes organazation. They both are one
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

lol The laws of thermodynamics aren't even 300 years old. Can't you leave enough room for a different interpretation of the happenings of the Universe?


What you consider to be chaos is really natural order.


Chaos or land formation?


Chaos or food cycle?


Chaos or balancing of energy?
Haze, I'm not about to quote all of that +$*#, but you already know brother.

The Universe is all about balance. Light and Dark. Male and Female. Yin and Yang. Positive and Negative. Internal and External. Mind and Body.

Mandelbrot Set:



It is said that our universe as well as ourselves can be understood and translated using a Mandelbrot Set. Everything that happens in this Universe is coordinated into this set. Every person or living thing has a purpose and a place. The interesting thing about this set is that you can zoom in to the smallest portion of the Mandelbrot set and eventually you will find yourself looking at the very same thing you started with.

Look familiar?

Might look kinda funny, but aint no fool.

EVERYTHING is connected.
Barack 0drama wrote:

I haven't turned to CNN, But don't believe whatever the media/gov't tells you about aliens.

It wasn't government officials, though. It was part of some UFO conference near DC, that for whatever reason, CNN was covering on the frontpage of their website.

CNN took it completely off the website a few hours ago. You can't even find it if you search...
reading this thread i started thinking...

i believe that the existence of aliens is the best phenomenon of all-time.. i'm on the fence whether they are real or not.. but i believe there ismicro-organisms on other planets.
i am completely infatuated with egyptians and their sciences are timeless and still unknown...
d'evils... is one of the craziest songs... "i keep one eye open like cbs" - jay on can i live.. even canibus' "secrets of thecosmonauts" is interesting
if you ever get to watch the apocalypse and life after humans on the history channels you will be in awe..
america keeps so much info from the public because how else would they preserve order? think about the motives behind j. edgar hoover
national treasure is by far one of the most interesting movie series.. also angels & demons/da vinci code too..
but 12.20.2012 is dope in itself.. the way the numbers mirror eachother.. a dope conspiracy theory like all others from (mlk to malcolm to 9/11)
the symbolism of the all-seeing eye(eye of horus,re/ra) and the pyramid is fascinating also.. the alignment of the pyramids corresponds to the eye directiontowards the heavens..
freemasons, knights templar, masonry, illuminati, tri-lateral commission, bilderberg, cfr, and other nwo's or association often lock knowledge from thepublic

so yeah aliens are very interesting.. idk about there physical makeup but i like the conspiracy of the STARCHILD!
btw i wonder if "parkington lane" 3rd degree master mason was a real person and if he is a ancestor of mine
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

been watching for a min....%@% is going on?

Come on man... These people(some government officials) have been given permission to speak out on previously top secret information. I'd like to hear an offical word from the US Government on the subject.

Haha your name... ATLien Seeko.... Alien Seeker... Yeah.
Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

Here's a link to a pdf. for "Mindfulness in Plain English" http://www.urbandharma.org/udharma4/mpe.html

Thank you!!
I will definately read this asap.

Originally Posted by Dynamic X

Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

been watching for a min....%@% is going on?

Come on man... These people(some government officials) have been given permission to speak out on previously top secret information. I'd like to hear an offical word from the US Government on the subject.

Haha your name... ATLien Seeko.... Alien Seeker... Yeah.


Originally Posted by just reason

reading this thread i started thinking...

i believe that the existence of aliens is the best phenomenon of all-time.. i'm on the fence whether they are real or not.. but i believe there is micro-organisms on other planets.
i am completely infatuated with egyptians and their sciences are timeless and still unknown...
d'evils... is one of the craziest songs... "i keep one eye open like cbs" - jay on can i live.. even canibus' "secrets of the cosmonauts" is interesting
if you ever get to watch the apocalypse and life after humans on the history channels you will be in awe..
america keeps so much info from the public because how else would they preserve order? think about the motives behind j. edgar hoover
national treasure is by far one of the most interesting movie series.. also angels & demons/da vinci code too..
but 12.20.2012 is dope in itself.. the way the numbers mirror eachother.. a dope conspiracy theory like all others from (mlk to malcolm to 9/11)
the symbolism of the all-seeing eye(eye of horus,re/ra) and the pyramid is fascinating also.. the alignment of the pyramids corresponds to the eye direction towards the heavens..
freemasons, knights templar, masonry, illuminati, tri-lateral commission, bilderberg, cfr, and other nwo's or association often lock knowledge from the public

so yeah aliens are very interesting.. idk about there physical makeup but i like the conspiracy of the STARCHILD!
btw i wonder if "parkington lane" 3rd degree master mason was a real person and if he is a ancestor of mine

Therefore, you believe in aliens. An alien = any extra teresterial life form. Be it premitave or advance, it doesnt matter. It is still an alien.

About the briefing... Did anyone notice how some of the speakers were interrupted and maybe even shushed? I remember one guy talking about an experience hehad and a man came from the side and placed his hand on his shoulder as if he wanted him to stop speaking and step down from the podium. And another instancewas when the guy who "made bad copies of his slide" was on the podium and I believe the same man came up and began to adjust the mics claiming theywernt picking him up good enough, even though I heard him loud and clear... Hmmmm.... Unfortunately I cannot find any videos of the briefing or any"official" information for that matter... I'll keep everyone posted.
It wasn't government officials, though. It was part of some UFO conference near DC, that for whatever reason, CNN was covering on the front page of their website.

CNN took it completely off the website a few hours ago. You can't even find it if you search...
Yea, I know. I was just putting it out there.
heh, interesting thread. i've said it before and i'll say it again, anyone who's played through the metal gear series understands kojima'smessage and direction. the general public is oblivious.
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