VOTE to determine who receives our 7th loan! HURRY, polls close THIS Monday, 6/1!

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

i don't get why people are voting for Jane. she already has reached her loan target..

i'm thinking along the basis of who seems to need the loan the most so therefore voted for Rustam, as he needs the most to reach his goal.
If he wins he will be known as Rusty, because I get to rename him.
Originally Posted by dunkairs

Why give it to some one half way across the world who most likely will never repay it.

they probably set the mafia on them if they don't
The first lady already got what she requested. You can almost pay off all of the next three's request. The last guy wouldnt be able to get anything though.
Originally Posted by dunkairs

I understand that nt is a culturally diverse website, but the past few times i have looked at where the donated money has gone has either been to an animal organization or an organization from a third world country.

Why is this money not being donated to people who need it in the usa. Why would i vote for some one in Mexico who needs money to buy car parts to run his business. There are millions of people in the us that cant even afford to live in there homes because of the way the economy is. There are millions of people who want to start a business in the us and dont have the money for it. Why not give money to one of them. This is what would help us get out of the situation we are in now. Why give it to some one half way across the world who most likely will never repay it.

Those are some very unfortunate comments...

Is the life of an American citizen MORE valuable than the life of someone in Mexico, Uganda, or Tajikistan?

NikeTalk is, and always has been, internationally focused. Nelson C hails from Canada. Ceddie's from Switzerland. Krux lived in the Philippines when hewas first brought in as a mod. kdawg lives in Scotland. Air Elijah's Australian. We can go on. Our members live all over the world, and while most comefrom the United States that doesn't make the United States the center of the universe.

If you look at the list of charities we've supported, you'll notice that most of them are actually based in the US and many of them serve people in theUS. Our second donation went to Access Books, which refurbishes inner city school libraries in the Los Angeles area. We've given to the UNCF. We donatedto Ettie Lee homes and, very recently, Habitat for Humanity. Organizations like the American Cancer Society and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund obviously benefit us all.

Why give it to some one half way across the world who most likely will never repay it.
Though field partners vary in terms of their loan default rates, I believe over 90% of loans issued through as a whole are repaid infull. The very first loan we issued through Kiva was recently repaid and every other borrower has made progress with their loans thus far - as you can seefrom our lender page.

The prejudicial myth that poor people aren't credit worthy has been sufficiently shattered by microlending institutions around the world.
Method, I thik what dunkairs is trying to say is not that we shouldn't help out people all around the world, but rather, that since he is a citizen of theUnited States, he believes those who live in the US should be trying to support their own economy rather than people around the world.

Not that I agree with his view but that's just my take on what he's saying, as the majority of us users do in fact live in the USA.
Rustam is the only one without his request fulfilled. By Monday his loan may already be raised.
Rustam is the only one without his request fulfilled. By Monday his loan may already be raised.
For that reason, I went ahead and completed the remainder of his loan:


His was actually the oldest of all the loans we nominated this time. So, it just goes to show how difficult it is to arrange something like this. Next time,we'll probably have to limit or poll window to 24 hours.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

That $6,800 we initially placed in our Kiva account has since allowed us to loan a total of $11,600. Soon, we'll have lent DOUBLE the amount we initiallyallocated. Though loan repayment is not the best measure of success (the positive impact on the borrower's lives is far more important), we're hopefulthat, through regular repayment, the original $6,800 outlay can continue circulate and help others for years to come.
For those of us that are interested,would it be possible to be placed on some kind of email list that would alert us that a poll is up for new loans? If we cutthe time frame down to 24 hours which we probably should because they are raised so quickly, it will make vote getting a little bit harder and make keeping upwith the new kiva loans a little more difficult.

As nerdy as it sounds, I just don't want to miss out
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