Rustam is the only one without his request fulfilled. By Monday his loan may already be raised.
For that reason, I went ahead and completed the remainder of his loan:
His was actually the oldest of all the loans we nominated this time. So, it just goes to show how difficult it is to arrange something like this. Next time,we'll probably have to limit or poll window to 24 hours.
Thanks to everyone who participated!
That $6,800 we initially placed in our Kiva account has since allowed us to loan a total of $11,600. Soon, we'll have lent DOUBLE the amount we initiallyallocated. Though loan repayment is not the best measure of success (the positive impact on the borrower's lives is far more important), we're hopefulthat, through regular repayment, the original $6,800 outlay can continue circulate and help others for years to come.