VOTE to determine who receives our 9th loan! Polls closed, click to find out who won.

Methodical Management

Staff member
Dec 8, 1999
As some of you may already know, last year NikeTalk allocated $6,820 to, a non-profit organization that helps facilitate loans toentrepreneurs in developing nations. Since that money continues to be repaid, however, we've already succeeded in lending a total of over $13,100 - and that's not including the loans you all have contributed.

We've issued eight loans thus far and you can check their repayment progress on our Kiva lender page:

We have some great news to share with you in this update: our first three loans have now been completely repaid! Mrs. Oun Choen's village bank group isjust one payment away from becoming the fourth recipient to successfully repay their loan in full. In all, we've received $7,748 in repayments - meaningwe've completely recycled our original $6,820 grant. As you can see, it truly is a gift that keeps on giving.

Thanks to these recent repayments, we currently have just over $1,450 in our community's account - and it's up to YOU to determine who willreceive it!

In the past, we've selected loan recipients through a two step process: first, we invite our fellow members to browse and nominate their favoriteentrepreneurs, then we vote as a community and complete the loan receiving the most votes. Due to sharp increases in traffic and lender activity, we'vebeen unable to issue loans using this method. Thanks to thousands of registered Kiva users, loans are being filled faster than ever before. As a result,we've been forced to expedite the process. Below, you'll find a series of five loans to choose from.

Simply visit the loan profile page for each one, vote for your favorite, and after the polls have closed we'll complete the top vote getters' loans,issuing up to $1,450 total.

If you'd like to support the loans that did not receive the most votes - or any of the loans facilitated by Kiva - please consider registering. You caneven join NikeTalk's lendingteam and have your loans counted towards our community totals on Kiva's leaderboards.

Our current nominees are:

Fausta Nankya's Group
Amor Y Amistad 2, 3 Group
Betty Kyambadde's Group

Thanks for participating and, of course, for your continued support of the NikeTalk community!
Voted, but I hope all that need the help get something down the line.

Missed out on some of the past loan voting but i'm glad I got a vote in this time.
Thanks to the 27 of you who voted. This was definitely our closest poll yet. Congrats to Amor Y Amistad 2, 3. Thanks to your votes, they're now $14,050closer to their goal - but they could still use your help, as could our other nominees, to complete the fundraising for their loans.

I hope you'll consider joining NikeTalk's lending team and supporting them. Remember, if the loan is successfully repaid you can lend that moneyback out or even withdraw it completely if you like.


NikeTalk has now loaned a total of 14,550 directly through our community account - not counting the loans issued by our fellow NikeTalk lending team members.

Thanks again for your support and, as always, stay tuned for future donation announcements and voting opportunities.
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