Watched a video 10 years ago that still haunts me today......

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Yeah, I've seen it.

I remember thinking it was going to be like a sword, swinging down in one fast strike. WRONG. If I remember right, it was more like a 10" blade. Sawed his head off and you could hear him gurgling blood...

I've seen some other crazy ones.

They usually don't shake me up too bad, but the hammer one got me. "3 guys 1 hammer" or something like that? That one made me an angry person inside...
Word, I've seen tons of videos like that and that one struck a chord with me. Only seen it once in its entirety, never again. 
I don't feel that people have necessarily been desensitized, just disconnected. Certainly everyone's reaction would be different if some of these people were friends or family.

Pretty much. Gore videos are for people that want to feel like they're badass, that they can take the heat of an extreme situation like that, and that they're "desensitized."
Yeah, you're ******g desensitized until the guy next to you gets his face blown off and then suddenly you can't sleep for a week. But no your life has been so rough sitting on your *** watching gore videos that it's left you unable to fear.

Implying not being phased by gore videos makes me feel like a badass.

Pig slaughter x seeing motorcycle and car accident aftermath in person got me set for visuals. Of course in person its different if someone is getting their throat slashed, that's not a normal circumstance. Pretty confident no one in here is that warped. Relax.
I have a question: why do you guys watch these things?

As adults, we still hold onto some level of innocence. Why would you rob yourself of that by watching torture videos? What are the pros? Is satisfying your curiosity worth it?

Just curious.

10 years ago I was a curious teen. I wanted to be tough in front of my friends and show them that I could take it, when in reality, I couldn't.

Now I'm paying for it as an adult, with a few sleepless nights here & there.
Dudes can't handle a little beheading video? 

You guys should watch this.

^ Chubby had the will of nothing I'd ever seen, half his arm was dangling off after they finished the first dude and he didn't even flinch. I was literally shocked at how he didn't move not even an inch.
It's easy to sit behind a monitor and type about how desensitized you are on your keyboard.
Be an EMT for a week and I bet you won't consider videos of people suffering during their final moments a form of entertainment.
3 guys 1 hammer ....... me up.

That .... was too real!

I watched reactions videos before I even made the deicison to watch it.

Stupid decision.
After that, I avoid those gore sites/videos as much as possible!
The Russian soldier and 3 guys 1 hammer are the only vids that have affected me greatly.... I was enraged to the point of throwing up. Can't believe someone can do that to a fellow human being.
“mankind is resilient: the atrocities that horrified us a week ago become acceptable tomorrow.”
Joseph keller
ive only seen like 3 crazy vids only because my friends wanted to watch it :lol:

i can handle it but i aint bout that life :lol:
The beheading video where it's a Mexican cartel chopping some dudes head off from a rival cartel. The sound of his breathing as all the blood gets on his lungs and half his head gone and his hands still trying to defend himself.. OMG dude.
I could never understand why somebody would purposely want to watch any of these kind of videos. The only think I've seen similar to this (the link was sent to me) was when R. Budd Dwyer shot himself in the head on live tv after being convicted of a crime he said he didn't commit. It was disgusting and I wish I had never seen it. Hearing the people screaming and pleading for him to stop in the video was rough and reading later on one reason he did it was so his family could keep the state-pension he earned was even worst. I even watched a documentary about the man and hearing the main witness in the trial admit to lying, man, just a terrible thing.
I could never understand why somebody would purposely want to watch any of these kind of videos.


They put in the effort in finding these vids (as if they come up on a Google pop up or something and they couldn't avoid them) and then they have the nerve to complain about it and make threads complaining that it affects them in an effort to look more human.

They put in the effort in finding these vids (as if they come up on a Google pop up or something and they couldn't avoid them) and then they have the nerve to complain about it and make threads complaining that it affects them in an effort to look more human.

Exactly. Its a form of entertainment for them. :x
I want no parts if watching crap like this, I'm not bout that life

I prefer to focus on life's positives not murder and gore
I watched nick berg a long time ago. It was my first gruesome vid. I like vids like that. 

I also watched dude blow his own head off in the police station because they forgot to shake him down. And another dude with a painted face blow his own head off. All 3 in the same day.

I've watched SO many gruesome vids it's normal for me now. It doesnt even bother me. Unless I really think about it. I can't watch really sick vids though. Nothing sexual or harming women and children is a NO GO in my book. I couldn't fathom watching something of that nature.

The latest vid that got to me was these fools in the streets chopping there own backs down to the spinal cord with swords. That crap made my skin turn inside out literally.
I watched 3 ms13 members be beheaded. Sheesh. Axe to neck requires strength
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