WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Agatha All Along new ep every Wednesday

From the way they're doing things Kang Dynasty leads directly in to Secret Wars.

They're not scrapping a whole movie instead of just replacing one actor.
Her saying its clobbering time will be hilarious :lol:

Time to just name names at this point. Agency included.

Taking polaroids of naked actors after promising them big roles is nasty.
Man I never want to tell people who been through stuff how to deal with it, but if your career is basically done at this point, yeah, name some damn names.
After the Adam Driver as Mr. Fantastic talk last month, apparently Margot Robbie's been offered Mrs. Fantastic?

Would definitely be on board with both as Reed and Sue
Will this F4 project be better than Money Jordan’s version? Watching that version was a huge highlight for me. NT and critics essentially trashed that film so when I saw it on Day 2 I was in a mostly empty theater and basically did a live play by play review on NT. Funny part was as I was leaving during the credits some dude told me , “don’t leave yet……..they always show what’s coming up in the next film.” I smiled and thanked him while I laughed all the way to the car knowing that film was a one off. 😂
Let's be sure to not deviate from the religious affiliation of the character, but gender-bending is totally fine
There’s a she thing in the comics

rather than recasting established characters, why not they just concentrate on making some interesting plots? the problem that I'm seeing with Marvel nowadays is substance.
Wow, all this gender bending makes me want to see Gwen Stacy be a Spider-Woman or something like that. Maybe a White costume with black, pink and teal accents with a like a hood lined with the webbing on the inside, it would be great. No way DaSantis could stop that. It would be crazy if Marvel just said screw it and gender-bended all the heroes as Gwen Stacy, hahahahaahah, no way thats happening lol, thats ridiculous, but id want to see it.
My hype for Guardians vol. 3 is such a huge 180 from when the first one was dropping. I don't even have any expectations going into this one besides how it'd be whack if they went with comic accurate costumes and they don't even bother with Star-Lord having a helmet. I'm seeing way too much merch with Pratt's face but I also understand him and Rocket are what's selling this movie to the masses.
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