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Hulk said.." i didnt come to hear you whisper...i came to hear you scream"
Bad *** Boast

so Black Bolt doesn't speak?


He can level cities with his voice so he's been train since birth to not speak. A really good actor is needed for Black Bolt because they have to convey everything in body language.

Favorite Black Bolt moment?
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No one knew that was a Skrull at the time. It still was cool but yeah, I wonder if WB Hulk would beat the real Black Bolt
Yeah and that was always the intent.

Black Bolt isn't suppose to be some guy you could take and do a solo superhero book where he's saving the day. Dude is a powerhouse that can cause mass destruction with a whisper. If anything over the decades Marvel has powered him down. Like if BB is around in the fight, ppl are dying not getting knocked out uness of course they put him against OP villains like Thanos.
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Man I'm reading up on Inhumans and it's just looking like bootleg mutants to me right now

Experimented on by the Kree millions of years ago? Ain't the Celestials already do that with mutants?

They have to undergo some kind of process in order to develop powers? So they're not born with powers? And can't any dude just undergo the process? Didn't Quicksilver get time powers through this process after M-Day?

So there are 4 offshoots of humanity in Marvel? Externals, Eternals, Inhumans, and mutants?

What's the MCU explanation for Inhumans? Kree experimentation? Or just natural born freaks of nature since they can't use mutants? I don't watch Agents of Trash but are they cool on that show? Will a movie about this supposed Royal Family be dope? I want unique Marvel flicks so I will watch.

Who are these dudes' enemies? Who will be the villain of their movie? The Kree?

Aware me
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I really don't care how OP he seems; MCU has a good track record of nerfing traditionally OP characters. Thor is no slouch in the movies but he's a complete scrub compared to some of the **** he's pulled in the comics. Same with Loki and especially Odin, who is basically God in the comics.

I'm interested in an Inhumans movie tho :nerd:
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Man I'm reading up on Inhumans and it's just looking like bootleg mutants to me right now

Experimented on by the Kree millions of years ago? Ain't the Celestials already do that with mutants?

They have to undergo some kind of process in order to develop powers? So they're not born with powers? And can't any dude just undergo the process? Didn't Quicksilver get time powers through this process after M-Day?

So there are 4 offshoots of humanity in Marvel? Externals, Eternals, Inhumans, and mutants?

What's the MCU explanation for Inhumans? Kree experimentation? Or just natural born freaks of nature since they can't use mutants? I don't watch Agents of Trash but are they cool on that show? Will a movie about this supposed Royal Family be dope? I want unique Marvel flicks so I will watch.

Who are these dudes' enemies? Who will be the villain of their movie? The Kree?

Aware me

Kree experimentation. Terragenesis is happening on a global scale due to what happened at the end of season 2.
Kree experimentation. Terragenesis is happening on a global scale due to what happened at the end of season 2.

Then Inhumans and Captain Marvel need to go hand in hand. Marvel cosmic verse needs to be fleshed out outside of Thor's awful movies and the GoTG comedy focus. Infinity War 1 and 2 need to be Lord of the Rings level epic.

Adam Warlock. Dr. Strange. If only Fox didn't have the rights to Galactus and the SS :smh:
Man I'm reading up on Inhumans and it's just looking like bootleg mutants to me right now

Experimented on by the Kree millions of years ago? Ain't the Celestials already do that with mutants?
They're not.

The Inhumans origins were established years before (almost a decade) before the retcon of Celestials. Also to be all the way clear, Celestials didn't experiment on humans to create mutants. They altered humanity on a massive scale (after creating Eternals and Deviants) for them to evolve (for some specific purpose) which led to them gaining super powers. What the Celestials did to all of humanity allowed for Peter Parker not to die from radiation poisoning, why Banner didn't instantly die, why the F4 didn't just die, etc. as well the x-gene being a thing. All of the Celestial stuff was established in the Eternals comics which were originally not in Marvel continuity. It was only until a few years after that editors decided to make this other Kirby creation apart of the main MU. Then they further explained that the Celestials were the reasons for super powered Earthlings, mutants or otherwise.

So if anything, Kirby reused his idea for the Inhumans for his Eternals comic and Marvel editors then squeezed that origins in to the back door of Marvel history. Kree had came to earth millions of years ago so to make it fit they changed it and now it's the Celestials that came to Earth first tens of millions of years ago before the Kree.

They have to undergo some kind of process in order to develop powers? So they're not born with powers? And can't any dude just undergo the process? Didn't Quicksilver get time powers through this process after M-Day?
In experiementing on these early humans (homo-erectus) to make them Inhumans the Kree used these rare terrigen crystals to do it. What they were creating were an army of sleeper agents they could use to conquer the known universe. It has been revealed going through the process of terrigenesis makes Inhumans fulfill all of their potential and reach their complete forms. Many of those forms match other alien races across the galaxy. They would've been used to infiltrate.

Inhumans are born with longer lifespans than humans (old age is like 200 for them), overall more healthy, more agile, I forget how many times stronger and more durable. Due to the polluting of the Earth over time though there was a time where Inhumans couldn't survive for long in the rest of the Earth atmosphere. That's a thing of the past now though.

There's been inconsistency with the terrigenesis. It use to be it didn't work on humans or mutants, only Inhumans. Then that changed and it would temporarily give humans powers and would make mutant powers way more enhanced which was also temporary. Some humans would even die from it. Quicksilver was so bent on getting his mutant powers back and bringing back mutants since House of M was his fault he stole some crystals, started huffing terrigen and even embedded some crystals in his own daughter (or/and himself iirc) who was born with no powers. He tried to repower mutants and some couldn't control their powers and died from it. So no not anybody can go through the process and get permanent powers. Only Inhumans.

Quicksilver eventually lost those time powers and it was revealed he didn't lose his mutant powers and it was just some mental block thing due to his guilt.

So there are 4 offshoots of humanity in Marvel? Externals, Eternals, Inhumans, and mutants?
Externals are just immortal mutants (and they're not even really immortal).

There's probably more than 4 offshoots but the main ones I know of are Inumans, Eternals, Deviants, and mutants. All of those can thank their being a different species to the Celestials (and the Kree too for Inhumans).

What's the MCU explanation for Inhumans? Kree experimentation? Or just natural born freaks of nature since they can't use mutants? I don't watch Agents of Trash but are they cool on that show? Will a movie about this supposed Royal Family be dope? I want unique Marvel flicks so I will watch.
I'd assume Kree have something to do with it since the AOS eps where that Kree guy showed up had him very worried about the Inhumans arising on Earth. There's definitely a society of Inhumans more advanced than the rest of humanity though so they're not just born freaks. It still takes contact with terrigen mists or crystals to change. Just like in the comics some Inhuman tribes left the city (before Black Bolt was king) and intermingled with humans which is why it looks like humans are gaining powers like mutants when the truth those ppl were always Inhumans.

There is no doubt that they're being used cuz the MCU doesn't have mutants and at the same time really it's a good chance to tap in to the potential of an unused Kirby creation.

As far as the movie stuff, al I've been hearing about the Inhuman movie and the royal family is they're channeling Game of Thrones. So if that sounds good to you and they actually succeed in getting something close to that, that alone will be dope. Either way there's no doubt the movie will be unique and not just regular superhero ****.

Who are these dudes' enemies? Who will be the villain of their movie? The Kree?

Aware me
The Kree, the Skrulls, the Shi'Ar (won't be used), that one time they had beef with Apocalypse (won't be used in the movie, same for Kang). Most of their conflict come from within. Maximus is Black Bolt's younger uglier mad genius brother who wants to be king and smash his wife (who is also his cousin). He's done it before (became king) and he'll do it again. There's the other hidden Inhuman tribes on Earth that don't agree with all of the Inhuman ways of the main city. There's the universal Inhumans; inhumans from other alien planets that were also experimented on by the Kree that will end up being apart of Black Bolt's kingdom too. Then there's human governments. BB has already went to war with the US and basically won (US stole some terrigen crystals and used it on their soldiers along with calling in the Sentry to help fight that war).

In the comics, they're building up the rest of the Inhuman threats and villains.

To me they're not really mutant knockoffs cuz the Inhumans have already accomplished a lot of things mutants want and the key difference is they don't give a **** about being accepted by humanity. It's more comparable to Wakanda in how they never got enslaved. The Inhumans of Attilan are way more advanced, they've achieved peace for the most part, their tech is way ahead. They got their own culture and customs and like the Hulk would rather be left alone. They're not feared and hated, they're recognized as a sovereign nation. So there's not a whole lot of kidnapping Inhumans and experimenting on them without risking another war. They even had a student exchange program with the US where Inhuman teenagers enrolled in to college.

They do have a dark side though, they use to practice a form of eugenics that actually sort of works since with terrigenesis some Inhumans can end up useless or too powerful. They also assign you a role based on your powers and that might not match up with what you want to do. That was addressed partially in a story as well and then BB let loose the terrigen bomb and now Inhumans are everywhere. They use to have slaves called Alpha-Primitives; Inhumans who would go though terrigenesis and end up in a primitive form that all looked alike. They served the royal family and help maintain the city, this wasn't an attempt to parallel historical human slavery just something that gelled in line with the idea of a royal family and a king's rule. They eventually got freed since the Inhumans didn't really need slaves anymore after some struggle and conflict in a few stories (I'm pretty sure this will be ignored for the movies altogether). I'm sure there's some article piece or youtube vid that could explain all of that with pics and other comic panels.

I thought BB was more impervious than that, an arrow can pierce his body?
Those were adamantium tipped arrows. That compound/castle was Kang's. He grabbed a bunch of solider's from the past to protect him from Black Bolt returning to get his son. More of a distraction and if they hurt him better for Kang.
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I remember Feige saying Inhumans was supposed to have a GoT feel. I would who would play Maximus the Mad

I think Max shouldve been played by Cumberbatch. I understand why he took the Strange role but imo this is a better fit.

All I know is that in my mind Max is British for some reason
Game of Thrones Inhumans has me intrigued.

Captain Marvel, Inhumans, Dr. Strange are all 10000x more interesting movies to me than Infinity War and even the new Spider-Man

Something tells me that by 2020 Civil War will be one of the more forgettable Marvel flicks
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