Facts! And I've found that it's usually not that it's bad from a quality standpoint, more so that it's bad from an expectation standpoint. 'This was a low quality movie' and 'This fell short of what I expected to happen in the storyline' are 2 very different criticisms. I've found that it's usually the latter.
This is a very good point and observation of what has been going on since phase 4.

I still feel like Endgame and Infinity War (plus the run of movies leading up to that) simply spoiled ppl along with their expectations.

I’ve yet to see a MCU movie worse than the early phase 1 movies but those are being look back with some thick rose colored glasses. Somebody else said it recently in here but I expect the same of these movies a couple years from now.
Black Panther was released 5 years ago today. Then x Now


man when we gonna see some more XMen97 stuff?!

they been pretty tight lipped about things other than those supposed character models last year. cannot wait!
Looks like Feige wasn't playing around that projects were going to be releasing at a slower rate. I was hoping we'd see a release for Spider-Man. But I'm curious all these D+ projects are on hold or cancelled because of Iger.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but based on the last contract with Sony wasn't there news that after NWH, Spiderman is confirmed to appear in one more MCU film or project?


I'm wondering what that appearance will be or what happened to that.

Because I assume Spiderman 4 or any main movie utilizing Holland would only be done once a new contract has been made with him, Disney & Sony, if that hasn't been done already.

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We got people saying they don’t need the movie to be good as long as Kang is set up.

Feige got people conditioned to be ok with watching two hour trailers for the next two hour trailer
For the record, I will say I don't expect the movie to be good/great. I do expect Majors to be the best part of the movie. If the movie is passable overall, I'll be happy because it'll exceed my expectations.

I'm also not paying more than a matinee for this one.
Yeah, I only cared to watch this movie (AM3) because of Kang, just like I only wanted to watch Thor: L&T due to Bale/Gorr.

Not gonna lie, like L&T, i wish this movie was able to be watched on Demand like Black Widow was, but i think that won't ever happen as a permanent addition because it would kill the theater/movie industry and increase piracy even more if that happened for all movies.

AMC really driving sales with these unique giveaways these past few years. Pretty cool. :pimp:

I used to go to Regal for IMAX which is about 50 minutes away, but a Cinemark opened by my house which is about 15 minutes away so that place will take all my money now. :lol:

Fake Paparazzi Hillary was quite a time. I still haven’t seen anyone drop the amount of “candid” pics she used to on that thread. You ain’t know if she was going to a Gala on a Tuesday afternoon or grabbing milk:lol:
Fake Paparazzi Hillary was quite a time. I still haven’t seen anyone drop the amount of “candid” pics she used to on that thread. You ain’t know if she was going to a Gala on a Tuesday afternoon or an awards show:lol:
Are you suggesting she may have been TRYING to win NTMAW? :lol:
Thought the movie was pretty good and entertaining. I am mad we had to wait a few extra minutes for the really weak after credits scene.

I know this movie gonna make some nt’ers real mad. :lol:
Thought the movie was pretty good and entertaining. I am mad we had to wait a few extra minutes for the really weak after credits scene.

I know this movie gonna make some nt’ers real mad. :lol:
I was hoping for a dope post credit scene. Is it 1 or 2 curious.
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