Maybe Scarlett Witch doesn't really have a big role in this film or her story in the film takes her away from the main conflict of the film?
could Taskmaster be used in the Spidey film? i know hes in the recent Spidey cartoons that are on now. what about appearing in the Daredevil show? Taskmaster is pretty cool.
Off the pics Team IM looks like it would destroy team Cap :lol:
And that's exactly what happens :pimp:

I hope Team Cap is ready for that L.

Civil War is about to end just like Civil War the comic. So it's a definitive L Steve will take.

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Fans of Tony are so funny. 
L's.  :lol:

Fans of Tony are so funny. 
Don't need to be a fan of Tony to read a comic.

How is giving up, getting arrested, about to be put on trial, and then getting shot a W? Especially when you find out you wasted all that time fighting heroes giving your villains all the time they needed to execute a murder plot.

I'll wait.
Don't need to be a fan of Tony to read a comic.

How is giving up, getting arrested, about to be put on trial, and then getting shot a W? Especially when you find out you wasted all that time fighting heroes giving your villains all the time they needed to execute a murder plot.

I'll wait.

i always see this mentioned but when did he get shot? i read the 2007 series and the 2015 and dont remember Cap getting shot...
in the 2007 run?

if so i might have missed that. i remember when the pedestrians pulled Cap off Tony when he was about to off him with the shield then he came to his senses after the rage and surrendered. gonna have to hop back on the Marvel Unlimited app to refresh my memory.

either way though i dont see Cap taking an L to Tony in his own movie. we already know and it gets discussed every so often in here that the movies dont follow the comics page for page so who knows what might happen.

IF the rumors are true and Cap does die for sure it wont be at the hands of team Stark..
The sniper was a distraction which Steve took the bullet.

Then he got shot at point blank range a bunch of times by Sharon Carter who was brainwashed by Red Skull and Zola.

Anyway, I'm sorry but it being Cap's movie don't matter. Taking a L is taking a L now yall want to be specific to who he takes the L to. The L aint about who fights who cuz if you give up the fight is over. If the side you're fighting for loses to the other side that's a L.

At the end of this I'm pretty sure the side Tony is fighting for about accountability wins outright.

Also nobody EVER said Team Stark was gonna kill Cap :lol: Tony doesn't need to do that to win. The rumor definitely didn't say that either. I don't know how we went from Cap taking the L to Tony killing Cap. That makes no sense.

Yall just better hope things don't end like the comic and a bunch of American civilians have to put hands on Cap to stop the madness. That aint just an ego L, that's a dagger to what Cap believes in.

Plus like I said wasting time fighting heroes why your villains plot on you :smh: That's just stupid.

I really don't remember any of this happening.

The imagination of the new generation..
You're probably a commie Cap from an alternate universe.

Got a whole different history and continuity to what we're talking about or maybe your brain hasn't been properly thawed out and you lost memories about important event
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The sniper was a distraction which Steve took the bullet.

Then he got shot at point blank range a bunch of times by Sharon Carter who was brainwashed by Red Skull and Zola.

Anyway, I'm sorry but it being Cap's movie don't matter. Taking a L is taking a L now yall want to be specific to who he takes the L to. The L aint about who fights who cuz if you give up the fight is over. If the side you're fighting for loses to the other side that's a L.

At the end of this I'm pretty sure the side Tony is fighting for about accountability wins outright.

Also nobody EVER said Team Stark was gonna kill Cap :lol: Tony doesn't need to do that to win. The rumor definitely didn't say that either. I don't know how we went from Cap taking the L to Tony killing Cap. That makes no sense.

Yall just better hope things don't end like the comic and a bunch of American civilians have to put hands on Cap to stop the madness. That aint just an ego L, that's a dagger to what Cap believes in.

Plus like I said wasting time fighting heroes why your villains plot on you :smh: That's just stupid.
You're probably a commie Cap from an alternate universe.

Got a whole different history and continuity to what we're talking about or maybe your brain hasn't been properly thawed out and you lost memories about important event

dude you need to chill you be all up in your feelings.. :lol:

i said the rumor of him being killed. im just saying that he wont be killed by another Avenger.

"Plus like I said wasting time fighting heroes why your villains plot on you :smh: That's just stupid." - yea they BOTH look stupid.

caping super hard for Tony... :rolleyes :lol:
The monthly deliverance of lulz and feels in this thread :smokin :lol:

Yall Cap stans in for a rude awakening tho
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After reading the comic sequence...let me get this straight

Cap notices the sniper and still gets shot? How does that even make sense?

Them CW writers are on some hallucinogens.

The MCU writers won't let me down like that. :pimp:

Cap is not only going to survive, but he's going to flourish. He'll beat down on the dysfunctional half of the Avengers, plus whatever villain stays scheming in the cut, smash Sharon, and maybe Scarlet Witch and BW at the same time. He'll finna have it all.

He'll have Stark so shook that he'll start calling Cap Daddy instead of Steve.
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