WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Initially thought it was Genke, but turns out it's Ned Leeds.

Lol get the f out of here. Now Marvel is dumb for that :lol:

Ok now let's talk about the chick playing Liz. She is fine af. She graduated HS in 08 so thats fine for me to say. She of age. She of age. Them lips was looking juicy
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Tom Holland one of those lowkey swole kids and his height is fine

I'm worried he doesn't get "manlier" looking :lol:
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Yeah they trailer was kind of a let down! Still have high hopes for this movie though. I remember seeing the AMAZING SPIDER MAN 2 trailer and was blown away!

had to look back at it :lol: you know what this trailer is pretty hype :lol: but the final product was underwhelming
Trailer looked great. Teen troubles and problems, balancing his emerging powers, great visuals, and the chemistry with Iron Man was awesome. Plus Vulture looked better than I expected


Keaton, the former Batman, is Vulture.
^Oh, man. The comparison is crazy...I wonder if the did that shot on purpose because of Keaton being Batman? 
The action also looked poor.

That bank robbing scene was so stayed, and static and the comedy beats did not hit at all.

horrible editing.
I completely forgot about this sokovia accords. Would be just like Tony to not completely brief Pete on the implications and make Pete think he's being treated like a kid for no reason.
Wow @ the mental gymnastics to cover your poor memory. Now you're shading Tony for a situation you made up in your mind :lol:

Is the fat kid ganke?
Initially thought it was Genke, but turns out it's Ned Leeds.
Oh **** :rofl: They changed Ned Leeds to the core.

Ned Lee. They better stop :lol:

Bottom line, Peter's youth didn't involve any best friend that knew his secret. Son has no male friends that are just sounding boards or pic for the viewer.

They either end up a goblin (Harry) or were a love interest (MJ and Gwen in the UC).

"Spider-Man: Homecoming 2"? :lol:

Rolls off the tongue huh
Def not the official title :lol:
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I knew nothing of Miles Spider-Man storylines and with what y'all been saying, it's kinda :rolleyes of people behind the movie.
Wow @ the mental gymnastics to cover your poor memory. Now you're shading Tony for a situation you made up in your mind :lol:
Oh **** :rofl: They changed Ned Leeds to the core.

Ned Lee. They better stop :lol:

Bottom line, Peter's youth didn't involve any best friend that new his secret. Son has no male friends that are just sounding boards or pic for the viewer.

They either end up a goblin (Harry) or were a love interest (MJ and Gwen in the UC).
Def not the official title :lol:

Didn't they want peters youth to be based on current day Queens, NY. One of the reasons they have Ned "Lee" as a friend?
Did Miles stop referencing Peter every comic by now?
Oh I don't know what's changed but ever since Secret Wars and Bendis lost his Ultimate comics sandbox he's been acting like Miles Morales is the only Spider-Man that exists.

I remember the announcement for the book where he was just saying the title is just Spider-Man, no adjectives, and he's the one that is now NYC'S Spider-Man (cuz Peter is a CEO now even though he's ignoring Spidey 2099).

Plus now in this Civil War II event while he's doing the hero vs. hero thing, featuring Tony and Captain Marvel, and making the Inhumans prominent key players, he's also propped Miles up to get a spotlight and I don't really recall Peter being in any issue outside of the early ones. I couldn't firmly tell you which side he's on :lol:

The way he has Miles talk, Pete is a stranger. He showed up in the first arc and that's it.

Wow @ the mental gymnastics to cover your poor memory. Now you're shading Tony for a situation you made up in your mind :lol:
Oh **** :rofl: They changed Ned Leeds to the core.

Ned Lee. They better stop :lol:

Bottom line, Peter's youth didn't involve any best friend that new his secret. Son has no male friends that are just sounding boards or pic for the viewer.

They either end up a goblin (Harry) or were a love interest (MJ and Gwen in the UC).
Def not the official title :lol:

Didn't they want peters youth to be based on current day Queens, NY. One of the reasons they have Ned "Lee" as a friend?
Probably and it makes sense and I'm all for it. HS scenes in the past Spidey flicks tended to mostly be all white. Given Queens is now - and has been for some time - the most diverse borough in NY it's a good thing to diversify the school and main cast set there.

I'm just saying from a character interaction standpoint, Peter had no super close friends. It tied in to his dilemma. First he was just the loner smart nerd getting picked on (he wasn't even close with other smart ppl for long) but when he gained a social circle (MJ, Gwen, Betty, Liz Allan, Glory, Harry, even Flash) he kept most at arm's length and they thought he was a flake when his ads would just disappear.

Peter's never had a lengthy period where he could share both parts of his life like that with a friend that didn't become a lover of enemy.
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