WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Well we've already got GOTG 2 and Spider-Man, so Ragnarok shouldn't be too far off. Still hoping that it'll end Thor's trilogy on a high note.
Those are all due out in the summer.

Ragnarok isn't due out until November.

Still don't understand how we got a JL trailer so early.

You know that's gone be trash. 
We need a Ragnarok trailer or something. SOON. This thread in the off season. :lol: :rofl: :rofl:

Well we've already got GOTG 2 and Spider-Man, so Ragnarok shouldn't be too far off. Still hoping that it'll end Thor's trilogy on a high note.

Karl Urban, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, and Tessa Thompson. :wow: Half the movie is Planet Hulk. :wow:

If it wasn't for Spider-Man, this would be my most anticipated MCU flick of the last 5 years.
who cares, he got washed..

More like nerf'd

Dude could go toe to toe with hulk in 1 film.. and all of a sudden when the director of the previous cap movie gets him, the dude who didn't have to jump off the falling land in AOU all of a sudden is taking an L

I mean ain't like tony had to come and save him when Loki slapped him down one on one

Poor Pete having to be mentored by that scumbag for Homecoming :frown:

He has the wrong hero teaching him the ways

Who says 'leave the flying man to the others?' That's being a lazy superhero

lol.. what exactly is cap going to teach him..

Seriously what actual knowledge does cap have?

And we saw in cap's own movie tony handing out research grants to students who prob couldn't afford to complete their work/research

Plus him encouraging banner to come to his labs to just do research

Yup, this guy will really nourish that genius:

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Thread is full of this garbage again? Of course some nt'ers would support a character that wants his colleagues locked up and who puts a high school kid in a dangerous conflict. While also plotting to give said kid's aunt aids and herpes.
Thread is full of this garbage again? Of course some nt'ers would support a character that wants his colleagues locked up and who puts a high school kid in a dangerous conflict. While also plotting to give said kid's aunt aids and herpes.

Lol.. righttttttttttttttt

As tony said:

Thread is full of this garbage again? Of course some nt'ers would support a character that wants his colleagues locked up and who puts a high school kid in a dangerous conflict. While also plotting to give said kid's aunt aids and herpes.
Tony wanted all of them to side with him cuz he had their backs and was gonna take charge dealing with any of the oversight committee.

Instead they acted like children with poor arguments and judgement. They didn't just go against their country but the will of hundreds of countries and the citizens of the world.

Tony commissioned the help of a teenager stronger than scumbag Steve. He didn't put him in any more serious danger than the kind Peter seeks out himself when fighting crime on his own.

Scumbag Steve made a young woman and two fathers criminals and for what? To protect some long lost mass murdering love?
That revisionist history...

The Avengers happened cuz of Shield. Not Stark. Without Stark's money, they would've just gone to the next rich guy willing to support a bunch of superheroes.. There'd be no shortage of rich guys willing to do that either.

Who they gonna go to? Reed Richards? :lol:

Ain't no replacing Tony.
Poor Pete having to be mentored by that scumbag for Homecoming :frown:

He has the wrong hero teaching him the ways

Who says 'leave the flying man to the others?' That's being a lazy superhero

lol.. what exactly is cap going to teach him..

Seriously what actual knowledge does cap have?

And we saw in cap's own movie tony handing out research grants to students who prob couldn't afford to complete their work/research

Plus him encouraging banner to come to his labs to just do research

Yup, this guy will really nourish that genius:

You do know that during Homecoming Spidey is going to be closer to Cap's philosophy than Iron Man's right?

I can smell the plot from a mile away.

Spidey wanting to do his superhero work. Iron Man telling him to chill cuz they got people who do that kind of stuff, ie. Government, licensed heroes, or whatever. And then Spidey goes and does what he wants. Just like Cap :pimp:
Poor Pete having to be mentored by that scumbag for Homecoming :frown:

He has the wrong hero teaching him the ways

Who says 'leave the flying man to the others?' That's being a lazy superhero

lol.. what exactly is cap going to teach him..

Seriously what actual knowledge does cap have?

And we saw in cap's own movie tony handing out research grants to students who prob couldn't afford to complete their work/research

Plus him encouraging banner to come to his labs to just do research

Yup, this guy will really nourish that genius:

You do know that during Homecoming Spidey is going to be closer to Cap's philosophy than Iron Man's right?

I can smell the plot from a mile away.

Spidey wanting to do his superhero work. Iron Man telling him to chill cuz they got people who do that kind of stuff, ie. Government, licensed heroes, or whatever. And then Spidey goes and does what he wants. Just like Cap :pimp:

Bruh, Peter's name is already on the list. This is straight out of the Ultimate Spidey comics.

Spidey is not going to be fighting Tony so he can save his lover, fake Ganke. He's not gonna try to get friends to join him in breaking the law.

The main reason he can put on his suit and fight crime is cuz Tony got his back. Tony never tells him stop fighting crime altogether.

Scumbag Steve's philosophy is I know best. Peter's philosophy is I have great power and cuz of that a great responsibility to protect the ppl. Not be a lame that protects murderers of ppl's parents.
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So cap will teach him a philosophy (as zik has already laid out, uncle Ben has done a good job of that already)...

So when he needs a new suit, upgrades with tech or even have a convo about anything technical what exactly is cap going to do?
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"I read books.. build computers"

What the F cap going help him out with.. banner and tony, yes.. cap ughhhhh

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Let's be really honest with ourselves people: Captain America has nothing to teach Spider-Man. Besides being from New York, they really don't have that much in common and operate at two different levels of the game. Cap is going off to other countries and ruining lives overseas, taking part in black ops missions. Spider-Man is solely based in Queens, works in the light of day, and is still in high school. Captain America was fighting in a war, Spider-Man is fighting to make it to his Biology class on time. Captain America has never even been with a woman. Pete's getting ready to juggle damn near a dozen within the next few years. Peter's a genius, whereas Captain America isn't even qualified to take a high school history class at this point. The best Cap could do for Peter is to be a sparring partner and in all honesty, Pete was out there giving Winter Soldier and Falcoln (military veterans, one with decades more experience than him) the hands back during Cap's Civil War. He doesn't need any help in that department :lol: However, Iron Man, besides ensuring that Spider-Man can operate without having to worry about the government hunting him down, can actually talk to him on that intellectual level. Furthermore, Tony has gone through the whole lone wolf, doing everything on his own phase, and can actually give Peter some real advice on operating as a hero in modern America. Yeah, he's working with the government now, but it's not that long ago that he wasn't and he's seen the consequences that can come from always giving authority the middle finger. Iron Man has actually learned from the last few years and can pass that wisdom on, along with immense resources, to his new pupil.
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Smh at scumbag Steve being from Brooklyn. Bad enough we have designner.

They should re write Steve Rogers origin story and make him from Philly or New Hampshire. Like who you know that lives in New Hampshire. They don't even have a team. I can't have Steve associated with Brooklyn bruh.
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