He had an army of his armors that can move and obey Jarvis without Tony. I think that is a good indication of things to come or at least what Ultron will be capable of when he creates his own army.
Glad to see that the story about Ultron and his army being created by the government was a bunch of BS.

I still wish SHIELD would've created Ultron as an alternative to the Avengers and everything goes wrong as opposed to Tony making Ultron. The disrespect Hank Pym has been getting in the MCU is ridiculous :smh:
I think Tony is the most logical choice plus there will be someone like RDJ who can act and show regret and guilt instead of a non-existent organization with no one to blame anymore.

Onne of the best scenes on the film is with Tony looking at all his fallen comrades (though I have a feeling that's be a dream sequence of sorts).

The impact would be bigger with Tony being responsible and he can show that well.
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Stan Lee doesn't know anything about anything. :lol:

He's a corporate mascot, he knows as much about marvels future plans as Benny the bull knows about the Chicago bills.

Also Blade?
The economics of major studio summer films are completely different now then they were. The international markets are so important, why you think iron man, transformers all have Chinese,sequences?

also blade is not a majority black film. So unless the movie is goi,g to be black panther in honkey town USA the blade movie is not really a good example.

like I said, the best shot is black panther stealing the show as a supporting character in another marvel film.
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Also all the marvel films have strong elements of humor, black panther is basically varient batman, so they have to really change tchallas character to fit the marvel style so far.
Also all the marvel films have strong elements of humor, black panther is basically varient batman, so they have to really change tchallas character to fit the marvel style so far.

They would have to change the characters a lot. More often than not, in older stories, they are so focused on portraying Wakanda as some sort of alien-african nation that they dont even humanize the characters. I havent had a problem with recent depictions of him but I cannot speak for everyone
I think Tony is the most logical choice plus there will be someone like RDJ who can act and show regret and guilt instead of a non-existent organization with no one to blame anymore.

Onne of the best scenes on the film is with Tony looking at all his fallen comrades (though I have a feeling that's be a dream sequence of sorts).

The impact would be bigger with Tony being responsible and he can show that well.

I agree. Tony being the cornerstone of the MCU right now it does make sense to have it be his fault. The repercussions from him building Ultron can lead to bigger things and more stories as well...like a war that's not so civil >D

Look at the GAWDS! Such a beautiful cast, all that's missing is Scarlett....but Cobie Smulders is so fire :wow:

Also all the marvel films have strong elements of humor, black panther is basically varient batman, so they have to really change tchallas character to fit the marvel style so far.

In can be the same tone as the first Thor film. It's Marvel, so they'll find a way to put comedic elements in there but Panther is a great character. His costume looks cool so he'll sell toys/kids will want to see it and he's a consistent member of earfs mightiest heroes. Him being a black superhero won't matter. Only color that matters is green.
Tyler Perry needs to go away, forever :smh:

I'm not too caught up on the color of the director, he just needs to be able to make Black Panther a good film. It should be similar to the first Thor in tone but immediately show you the Marvel connection. Maybe have Maria Hill or Nick Fury searching for vibranium or something and going to Wakanda and stumbling on some undercover corruption within Wakanda and Black Panther cleaning everything up. They mention the avengers initiative, he's apprehensive because of what he's heard about them, he reluctantly joins. RDJ cameo here, Thanos cameo there. Boom BP movie.

....but it'll all be in vain if Storm isn't alluded too :frown:
Would be the perfect movie for red skull to come back :nerd:
Searching for vibranium
Cap cameo too
But remember....he wasn't uncontrollable

He wasn't? Didn't seem so when they were in the helicarrier

Him all of a sudden being in control was a complaint of mine. Banner hyped up how much he didn't want to become the hulk again then turns around and says he can control it after almost killing BW? What?
I thought it was more of that banner had his rage focused on the alien invasion
So in a sense even though the hulk is uncontrollable
His anger was focused towards the specific threat
Mannnnnn Black Panther will make bank. Dude who thinks he won't is delusional.
Doesn't matter what we think, it matters what white 40 year old executives think and other than movies,about slavery you do,t see tons of majority black films with huge budgets green lit.
IDK why this is even an argument. They took so long to announce John Boyega partially because Abrams was the only one who wanted a black lead. You think they will greenlit an all black movie? Id be glad if I was wrong about that but it aint the case.
Really wondering
How are they going to incorporate Thanos into this?

And Ultron Mark I is going to go against hulkbuster in the testing phase is my guess
Anyone know who Andy serkis is playing read something saying his character has a beard. And that spader has a scene with him.
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Looks like they're going to need more vibranium...

View media item 1101099

Cap goes to Wakanda to get this shield fixed and meets BP, do it as an end credit scene Marvel for Avengers 2

IDK why this is even an argument. They took so long to announce John Boyega partially because Abrams was the only one who wanted a black lead. You think they will greenlit an all black movie? Id be glad if I was wrong about that but it aint the case.

Star Wars is going to do well regardless but if Boyega does get the part of BP and is well received and acclaimed from Star Wars, hopefully it can speed up the process of the BP film happening
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