i still think toby has the nerd ugly duckling thing going on.

yea smart kids of this generation could look like garfield. but peter is a super nerd.
he was easily a Lenord holfstetter (big bang theory)

Naah. Peter wasn't anywhere near that socially awkward. He was also a fairly good looking dude, with his biggest problem being the way he dressed (Which even back in the day wasn't outright terrible). Gaining his powers then gave him the boost in confidence that he needed to break away from all of that.

lamekilla lamekilla Not really. Pretty much all of the problems that Peter suffered in the Raimi films he had issues with in the comics as well to some extent, especially money which has probably been the biggest problem he's had over the course of his history. Same with his life constantly being in the toilet.
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Peter Parker is the Swag Lord man :lol: dude was just a little shy at first. That semi-awkward/semi-charming scene of Garfield asking out Gwen in ASM1 solidified that characterization
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i still think toby has the nerd ugly duckling thing going on.

yea smart kids of this generation could look like garfield. but peter is a super nerd.
he was easily a Lenord holfstetter (big bang theory)

Naah. Peter wasn't anywhere near that socially awkward. He was also a fairly good looking dude, with his biggest problem being the way he dressed (Which even back in the day wasn't outright terrible). Gaining his powers then gave him the boost in confidence that he needed to break away from all of that.

lamekilla lamekilla Not really. Pretty much all of the problems that Peter suffered in the Raimi films he had issues with in the comics as well to some extent, especially money which has probably been the biggest problem he's had over the course of his history. Same with his life constantly being in the toilet.


Life in the toilet? That Parker Luck, B. :smh:

Enter the Parker Luck. A running joke in the Spider-Man comic books, the “old Parker Luck” is defined by the Urban Dictionary as “the kind of fortune where small victories are overshadowed by crushing demoralizing setbacks.” Admittedly, that seems extreme — not all of the setbacks are exactly crushing and demoralizing — but essentially correct; it’s the idea that, no matter what goes right, something else is going to go even more wrong as a result. Like, for example, your movie opening with the third biggest opening of the year to date, but still being overshadowed by the other two superhero movies that year and failing to make more than the previous installments from the series you’re rebooting.
Trying to tell you :lol: Peter Parker may as well be the universe's punching bag. Don't get me wrong, he's still relateable as hell because that's realistic. Life is full of problems and between every good moment there's a string of bad ones. Peter Parker just dwells on it more than other heroes, because he's the hero that puts the most work towards having a regular life alongside his superhero one. And being a hero doesn't pay and unlike the others he doesn't have any fund or bank account to dip into. He's a regular joe competing with Tony Stark.
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That is exactly why he is the center of the Marvel Universe. He is exactly what a regular person would be if they became a superhero. Combined with the fact that he has the powers of a spider :lol: and fights in essentially pajamas. It's like everything around him is fairy tale when it comes to his other counterpart superhero and their stories and origins and he is the only one that's gritty and real life..... This meant everything to a little boy who grew up in Queens, NY. :wow: :wow:
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At least queens has heroes. Nothing good comes out of Brooklyn accept ninja turtles and camels
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Of course the superhero who takes the most Ls comes from Queens

**** after Peter Parker (And arguably even before) there's still Matt Murdock, Daredevil, whose life is just plain **** all around. Off the top of my head he's had at least three girlfriends (Big time, important girlfriends, akin to Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy for Peter) be murdered, his identity leaked to the public causing him to nearly lose his ability to practice law, his worst enemy is pretty much never jailed, and he's from Manhattan.
Just saw Entourage and the SNL last night...

let's go ahead and give Ronda Bae a chance....

maybe not Captain Marvel (since she's all of a sudden a super important character)
Just saw Entourage and the SNL last night...

let's go ahead and give Ronda Bae a chance....

maybe not Captain Marvel (since she's all of a sudden a super important character)
You believe in Ronda more than Ronda believes in Ronda. You her manager or whuh?
You believe in Ronda more than Ronda believes in Ronda. You her manager or whuh?

hahaha don't get me wrong, after watching some old ronda videos, im happy that ******* got her teeth kicked in,

but outside of the ring, what's she's been doing for people and helping out women power and all that. I think she deserves a shot in some movies. why not.
Anybody calling Peter Parker the average guy that shouldn't have had it that bad in the Raimi movies do not know Spider-Man.

Plain and simple.

Read the ******* comics. Lee's and Ditko's version of the character is clear to see all the way up to college. Peter Parker was a nerdy HS kid that got bullied, he was socially awkward but had his chances. It's just his on insecurity and dangerous lifestyle got in the way. He always had it bad. That's the point of the Parker luck. Son would get a string of Ws as Spidey and take all the Ls as Peter. The second it's going good for Peter, then some horrible **** happens to Spidey which leads for bad **** for Peter.

Peter Parker always had to deal with his aunt being sick, not disappointing that aunt, finding clever ways to pay the mortgage, bullies at school he couldn't wash not to reveal himself, then that went on to barely being able to keep his job, not being able to pay his rent, his friends getting hurt directly or indirectly cuz he's Spidey, and basically being seen as a flake cuz he never stuck around. Rinse and repeat. Not to mention when friends and girlfriends started dying. Meanwhile, Spidey had to deal with a NY newspaper libeling him and Jonah slandering him daily causing the public to treat him as a criminal while he fought crime selflessly.

Miss me with he was lowkey a regular person or that he has swag when the truth is he was an exceptional dude with a regular person's worst case problems.
He was a regular person for the most part. He was just smart. He wasn't socially awkward because the early comics never even touched up on his life before being bit like that. Dude was tryna holla at Liz since like 1st issue.
He was socially awkward cuz he was written as a nerd in every HS scene.

Getting bit didn't change his attitude and make him want to be awkward cuz he was the opposite as Spidey. There's things Pete came in with like a bully named Flash, never being able to spit game to Liz, fumbling the ball with Betty, and having ZERO friends until rich boy Harry Osborn showed up. He only got socially adjusted right around when he got with Gwen and by then he had a routine with lying to ppl, protecting them, and being Spidey. This being his college years.

Also he wasn't just smart. He was a 15 yr old boy genius. That's not some regular trait every other person has.

Just cuz every now and then he'd suffer through a relateable regular guy's problem doesn't mean he was regular. Peter Parker rarely did normal ppl ****.
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