My favorite movie of Bay's was The Rock. After that, I've gotten more and more disenchanted with his movies.

Just a lot of action just to have action and also no sense of buildup to a climax and then an end. Lots of faux climaxes with no end to the movie in sight.

He should never ever touch a Marvel property. I would kill myself lol
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If Michael Bay was to do anything with Marvel, it should be a short about Damage Control. That way he can just make random explosions.
GotG didn't kiss up to China like transformers did by hiring their actresses and setting half their movie in China. If it could only gross 300 in China then they'd be right where they should be as the biggest movie of the yr.

So what's 1 and 2? Frozen and Transformers?
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So these blockbuster films have to brown nose China in order to do well there? I don't like that, watch a movie for the right reasons.
Yea transformers 4 was the first to gross 300 in China. Would never have happened if they didn't kiss so much ***
That movie was so long, pointless and confusing. I dont even know why they ended up in China. It makes less sense now why optimuuuuuus gives a **** about humans.
So these blockbuster films have to brown nose China in order to do well there? I don't like that, watch a movie for the right reasons.
One could say that but look at it from a global perspective; just a bunch of white ppl on the screen, in America most of the time at that. Not sure everybody is gonna be extra welcoming to the white man comes to save the day theme Hollywood uses to pander to certain demographics.

Especially in a place like China. They have their own pop stars, movie stars, etc. They're more hype to see Bing Bing than JLaw. Can't blame them.

Overall you gotta remember the type of ppl that go to movies anyway.

Plus aren't these movies dubbed? :x I'm sure everybody hates dubbed movies unless they're really good and you can ignore it and get in to the story.
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Yeah, good points. People like watching their own on screen. Plus Chinese cinema is really good, at least I think it is from netflixing foreign movies frequently.
Star Wars passed cars already at the theme parks? where did you read this?

my sisters room mate worked at disneyland she was a manager at one of the retail stores inside disneyland. She had access to the numbers of what was selling the most throughout the parks.

Here's a forbes list of the topp selling Licensed Merchandise
View media item 1189650

newest list I could find was from 2011
So these blockbuster films have to brown nose China in order to do well there? I don't like that, watch a movie for the right reasons.

They don't have too. Cap 2 did close to 100M in China. They will tho because there is a huge difference between 100M and 300M. You are about to see a lot of movies tailored to the Chinese audience over the years since China, Japan, and South Korea keep saving movie box offices.

They hoping to come up in India as well but they dont know the formula to that yet. Indian movies are typically over 3 hours and blend several genres. **** that won't fly with Americans.

EDIT: I won't watch the movie. By "kiss ***". I am assuming they mean "had non-white characters who spoke perfect english even in China" :rofl:
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It'll be very interesting to see how Avengers 2 does in South Korea. I think I remember they did some of their filming over there.


They even casted a famous Korean actress too

Lol I think transformers 4 started a trend
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It'll be very interesting to see how Avengers 2 does in South Korea. I think I remember they did some of their filming over there.


They even casted a famous Korean actress too

Lol I think transformers 4 started a trend

Technically Fox/X-Men beat em to the punch.
One Of Hollywood's Best Actors Is Campaigning To Play Black Panther

A Black Panther movie is coming. Marvel might be keeping mum about it, but Stan Lee has confirmed it. The time is right for actors looking to make their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe to speak up if interested. And the most recent to say it loud and proud is Michael K. Williams of The Wire and Boardwalk Empire.

Earlier today, I sat down with Michael K. Williams to discuss his role in the upcoming Jeremy Renner vehicle Kill The Messenger. We'll share more about this tense political thriller closer to its release in October. However, when the conversation turned to all things Marvel, Williams was frank for his hopes and ambitions to get in on the superhero stories. Asked if he had been approached about joining the latest phases of Marvel's Cinematic roll-out, he said:

"No not yet. And I'm saying 'yet' with a lot of emphasis. But hopefully I'm looking forward to being apart of the franchise."
I asked if there was any part he had his eye on. Michael K. Williams said with a broad smile:

"Black Panther. Yeah, definitely."
But does his enthusiasm for the role stem from a childhood devotion to the character? Or rather from the enticing opportunity to get in on these big, bold blockbusters?

"I grew up with it, but I'm more excited about the opportunity. I'm a little more old school. I was into Superman, Batman, Spider-Man. My three top favorites by far. And then you know Wonder Woman, Aquaman--you know that's my world. That's my childhood."
What does Williams feel he could bring to the role of Black Panther?

"It would depend on the script. I would definitely bring that quintessential New York City edge. You know, just a little bit of that grit."
Marvel should be so lucky.

Michael K. Williams (A.K.A. Michael Kenneth Williams) has been bringing his New York brand of grit and dangerous appeal to the screen since his film debut in the 1996 crime drama MugShot. Within three years he was working with Martin Scorsese on Bringing Out the Dead. Then in 2001, he got his first role on an HBO series, landing a one-off on The Sopranos. Later he'd win acclaim and ravenous fans for his work on The Wire and Boardwalk Empire. He's gone on to work with a slew of acclaimed directors like Antoine Fuqua (Brooklyn's Finest), Ben Affleck (Gone Baby Gone), Spike Lee (Miracle of St. Anna), Todd Solondz (Life During War Time) and Steve McQueen (12 Years a Slave). He's sought after, admired, and one hell of an actor. Marvel would be mad not to at least take a meeting with the guy.

Make it happen, Marvel. We're sure Jeremy Renner will put in a good word for you.

Funny looking back that MKW was in The Incredible Hulk. :lol:


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MKW a bit too scary looking to be Black Panther :lol: You know Marvel still gonna want somebody everybody can like even if he's a badass character.

Would be cool to see his take. :lol: @ bringing that NY grit to BP.

Son whole look screams super villain though
Are there any quality African actors that can play him?

I don't know if I want to see a dude fake an African accent
"I grew up with it, but I'm more excited about the opportunity. I'm a little more old school. I was into Superman, Batman, Spider-Man. My three top favorites by far. And then you know Wonder Woman, Aquaman--you know that's my world. That's my childhood."

Don't you think when trying to get a role with Marvel, listing off 4 out of 5 comics as DC's are bad form? :\ :lol:
FOH Michael K. Williams. You're forever Omar fam.

Marvel just had to use Djimon Honsou in a throwaway role. He was the perfect panther :smh:
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