Bruh, you just need to get off the mma fighters becoming actors in action movies altogether, especially the ugly ones :smh: :lol:
I mean im not taking them over palicki bae or anything.

Btw i thought you approved of gina carono (sp?)
why is everyone tripping over the POP: Marvel thing, but no one tripped when lego did that a couple of weeks back????

Dude, you overreact way too much. As far as I can see, I am one person who posted the Funko Pop spoiler and no one has responded yet and now everyone is tripping? The hell you get this from?!?!?


And no I havent visited the Funko thread in a while so if people are tripping over that over then then keep it there.

The Lego spoiler I posted a while back got more reaction but if you kept up with the thread, Lego doesn't have a great history with spoiling stuff as some are made just to be toys as evidence (also posted in the thread) bu IM3 Lego sets.
Dude, you overreact way too much. As far as I can see, I am one person who posted the Funko Pop spoiler and no one has responded yet and now everyone is tripping? The hell you get this from?!?!?

I didnt say you....you should see the facebook groups and other boards.

(Lol how you i think was coming at you with my comment?? )
Hence people..not RFX45
I mean im not taking them over palicki bae or anything.

Btw i thought you approved of gina carono (sp?)
She fine as **** but she can't act.

She's trying though but I wouldn't advocate her staring in her own superhero franchise. Lets see how she does with the action movies she's in so far and if she has any talent as an actor/has an amazing acting coach.
Benedict about to mess around and be the face of Marvel. :smh:

Dudes acting is legit

He really does have that charisma to be the face of the franchise IMO
It's really cuz out of everybody Marvel has cast so far he's still in his prime and so insanely talented.

It's really his for the taking.
Dude, you overreact way too much. As far as I can see, I am one person who posted the Funko Pop spoiler and no one has responded yet and now everyone is tripping? The hell you get this from?!?!?

I didnt say you....you should see the facebook groups and other boards.

(Lol how you i think was coming at you with my comment?? )
Hence people..not RFX45

I didn't say you were coming at me at all, dude you got some reading comprehension problems :lol: I only said myself because it is the first time it was posted by me or anyone that I am aware of for that matter then your response is that people are tripping, but where? Certainly not in the thread where only you responded to the post.

I'm just saying you say these things that has occurred outside of NT without specifying it then expecting us to know you are talking about facebook groups?
Lol i thought itd be implied im speaking about the internet as a whole, especially if its the first post of it on NT...theres internet outside of NT. Plus u knew i was in to funkos already so the assumption would be ive seen or heard of that complaint before it was posted here.

Lol come on man. Im not coming at you disrespectfully
No need to drag that out
Theres internet outside of NT

There is?

And I'm not sold on Cumberbatch being the so called face of the franchise among the new faces, just because it's Strange. Withholding judgment until I see the new wave of movies though.
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Wood Harris for Blade, he has that attitude.   Dude would kill the role.

He was already a detective in Ant Man though.

I hope Dr. Strange is successful and he becomes the new leader of the Avengers down the line. Tony has had the spotlight long enough.
Theres internet outside of NT

There is?

And I'm not sold on Cumberbatch being the so called face of the franchise among the new faces, just because it's Strange. Withholding judgment until I see the new wave of movies though.
That don't even sound like a reason :lol:

Has magic based movies not shown they can be huge successes? or is it being in the superhero realm having you doubt it?
Strange just seems like the anti Tony Stark to me, super serious and not very fun.

Sure, we can use those adjectives to describe Cap too, but Cap is just awesome no matter what.
Strange just seems like the anti Tony Stark to me, super serious and not very fun.
Are you just not aware of Benedict Cumberbatch's body of work?

Also you don't need to be Tony Stark to be the face of the franchise. C'mon now.
Sure, we can use those adjectives to describe Cap too, but Cap is just awesome no matter what.



Dr. Strange >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Captain America
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I think he is on IMs side by default just because he is against WS/Cap.

He will probably be more neutral in the end but they got to promote him as part of something.

SW is the one missing though despite them showing her on Caps side in the trailers already though keep in mind most of the latest pics are leaked marketing material.
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