Yeah, they had the entire trilogy on today.

IM2 still worse than IM3 to me. Whole thing was cool to have on in the background. IM1 has aged really well.

Nah man.. I think there was a easily a better movie to there to be made with IM2.. just gotta change things up a bit and the studio let favreau do his thing more

Go with crimson dynamo instead of whiplash (which all you're really changing is the armor suit used by the bad guy).. and clean up some things and you can see a better movie

IM3 was just bad on all fronts with how they used everything in that movie
You could do the same thing with any movie, including IM3.

I didn't say IM2 is worse cuz there isn't a better movie to be made even if you change a few things and deal with what's available.

I mean damn here's some simple changes for IM3; make Ben Kingsley the actual Mandarin (different ways to do this even with keeping the whole Trevor the actor gag), don't have the fleet of different IM armors be destroyed so easily, extremis is more like the comic version not just lava monsters (that version could just be the failed/incomplete one), etc.

My problems with IM2 is the story just wasn't good enough. **** Whiplash and his it should've been me daddy, Hammer was weak and really just a Stane rehash. The whole halfass demon in a bottle adaption with drunk Tony fighting Rhodey was lame.

I'll watch IM3 over IM2 any day of the week. At this point I think ppl dislike IM3 more cuz of the disappointment factor. Nobody talks about IM2 cuz it's so damn forgettable. Lets you know which is the weaker movie.
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I'd only add the 360 laser attack.

The other stuff is a lot of talk I don't remember and saw the movie yesterday :lol:

Damn, maybe I just have a better memory of some of these films, because that senate scene is one of the first things that comes to my mind when I think about Iron Man 2. Scene was hilarious. Hammer tried to come for the king and got schooled in front of an entire room full of government officials. :lol: The fact they kept going to him for weapons after that is sad.

Iron Man's my favorite Avenger in the MCU though, so i'm also inclined to pay more attention, whereas i'm struggling to think of some of Thor's scenes after he got to Earth in his first film.
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I was warching when they showed it on fx. The fight with the extremis people in that small town wasn't that bad. I was slightly entertained. That was my first time watching the movie again since I saw it in theaters.
I'd only add the 360 laser attack.

The other stuff is a lot of talk I don't remember and saw the movie yesterday :lol:

Damn, maybe I just have a better memory of some of these films, because that senate scene is one of the first things that comes to my mind when I think about Iron Man 2. Scene was hilarious. Hammer tried to come for the king and got schooled in front of an entire room full of government officials. :lol: The fact they kept going to him for weapons after that is sad.

Iron Man's my favorite Avenger in the MCU though, so i'm also inclined to pay more attention
I see that and the Senate scene would come to mind in general but not specifically for IM2 for me.

I'd mistakenly think it was in the first IM :lol:

Details are vague though but I remember Hammer getting played. The video also connected to Strange with the dude with the spinal injury ppl were speculating about.

whereas i'm struggling to think of some of Thor's scenes after he got to Earth in his first film.
Man if there were ever a team Thor I'd be completely lost on their arguments :lol: Thor is a blur. I'm lost on specifics for Dark World.
First thing I think of is that whole Monaco scene..

Justin hammer wasn't used well throughout the whole film.. and even though certain aspect of him finding the new element looked cool, they really should have simplified that crap

A lot of redeemable things about the movie

I just feel present MCU could do a lot more with what was there in that movie.. while using a lot of the same things within the film

Shane black was a terrible choice for IM3.. and other than the actors, I'm not sure what else you would keep
If nothing else, ^that armor is great and always has been. Wish they'd had Tony use it more. Meanwhile, we had to deal with Mark 42 being crap throughout an entire film :smh:
Man if there were ever a team Thor I'd be completely lost on their arguments :lol: Thor is a blur. I'm lost on specifics for Dark World.

Main thing I remember from Dark World is the opening, with Thor and his army of Asgardians in a battle and bringing peace to the nine realms, because that is the kind of thing I want to see from a Thor movie. But yeah, i'm still struggling to recall large portions of the film. I've got Loki being in jail, their mom dying, and the Dark Elves being disappointing. I also remember Jane being possessed by the Aether (Ether?), but for the life of me can't remember how it happened, how it got out of her, or even what the Elves used it for. :lol: All I know is that it ended up being an Infinity Stone and going to the Collector. Don't believe it's shown up since.
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Marvel Studios And Fox Swapped These Characters For DEADPOOL And GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2

During a Deadpool Q&A this weekend, it was revealed by writers Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese that they only chose Negasonic Teenage Warhead to be Colossus' "sidekick" because of her name, but surprisingly, the character ended up bringing some complications with her. While Fox obviously own the rights to the mutant, the duo realised they needed to change her powers (in the comic books, she's a psychic), and that ultimately led to them having to ask permission to do so from Marvel Studios.

Rather than just saying yes and moving on, it seems Kevin Feige and company used this to their advantage as a superhero swap took place which resulted in Marvel getting their hands on Ego the Living Planet! That's a character who will play a key role in James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. "Kurt Russell [‘s Ego the Living Planet] in the new ‘Guardians’ movie was the character that Fox swapped with Marvel to [change] Negasonic Teenage Warhead powers," explained Wernick.
And Fox has that new tv show coming up... I bet money we'll see Silver Surfer, Galactus and Dr. Doom in Infinity Wars. The multiverse is gonna play a factor.
doubtful unless they are able to get a character just as popular/big as those guys

ask the casual viewer and probably less than 1% would know who Ego or Negasonic are
That's actually a good question. He's an Elder of the Universe last time I checked, like the Collector. And, from what my cousin's telling me, he's also affiliated with the Nova Corps. Seems like Fox shouldn't have had him to begin with.
this might be the reason via wiki:

Ego was created by Kirby during a phase in which he was fascinated with the universe. Ego, the alien Kree, and The Colonizers immediately followed the creation of Galactus, thus establishing Marvel Comics' own "space age mythology." As Kirby recalled in 1969, shortly after the character's debut, Ego's genesis came when:

I began to experiment ...and that's how Ego came about. ... A planet that was alive; a planet that was intelligent. That was nothing new either because there had been other stories [about] live planets but that's not acceptable. ... [Y]ou would say, 'Yeah, that's wild,' but how do you relate to it? Why is it alive? So I felt somewhere out in the universe, the universe ... becomes denser and turns liquid — and that in this liquid, there was a giant multiple virus, and if [it] remained isolated for millions and millions of years, it would ... begin to evolve by itself and it would begin to think. By the time we reached it, it might be quite superior to us — and that was Ego.

when Fox was getting the rights, he probably got bundled up with Glactus and SS
Why did Fox have Ego now?
It's why I didn't believe the article when I saw it and figured the writers are wrong/mistaken.

Ego first showed up in Thor.

Plus I don't get how changing a mutant's powers constitutes a swap. If FOX has to ask permission for stuff like that all the time no wonder they've had a bad relationship.
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