I think it's like spidey with the Osborns/goblins/symboite there is enough there to wait

Xmen is wayyyyyy more than just wolverine, they need to develop beyond him
At the same time, Wolverine at this point is way more than the X-Men.

The problem here is thinking he has to be introduced in a X flick first. That was the case but not anymore.

They can do like 3 X-Men movies without him. He'll have his own solo movies though and probably will ne avenging.

Also to me the old rules and ways don't apply anymore. Feige will be patient but Wolverine is a hero. No need to build up to him. No time was wasted with Spidey or Black Panther. One was in the story they adapted from the comic in a big way and amounted to a cameo, the other wasnt at all but got an arc that strongly tied in to their origin and status quo.
I agree that Marvel should wait. I just don't think they will. They're dropping a huge chunk of change to acquire FOX. They'll be looking to start recouping fast. Wolverine film and merchandise will trickle in some pennies.

X-MEN are so much more than Wolverine, but Wolverine is so much more than the X-MEN, and his popularity is undeniable.

One can say this is a reason to shelve him, but I wanna say Wolverine has had more appearances in all of Marvel despite his later debut than a lot of other characters. When Disney made the deal for Spider-Man, they wasted no time putting him in a film. Wolverine will be the same. They can introduce him first and then the X-MEN later. You don't need Wolverine for an X-MEN origin film. Let them go their own ways in the MCU. It might be for the best for those wanting other X-MEN to get the spotlight.
^ could also see storm being introduced in BP

Could also see spidey interacting with professor and his school through those movies
At the same time, Wolverine at this point is way more than the X-Men.

The problem here is thinking he has to be introduced in a X flick first. That was the case but not anymore.

They can do like 3 X-Men movies without him. He'll have his own solo movies though and probably will ne avenging.

Also to me the old rules and ways don't apply anymore. Feige will be patient but Wolverine is a hero. No need to build up to him. No time was wasted with Spidey or Black Panther. One was in the story they adapted from the comic in a big way and amounted to a cameo, the other wasnt at all but got an arc that strongly tied in to their origin and status quo.

Said it before I did. This is exactly the case. These days Wolverine is identified almost as much as an Avenger than he is an X-MEN. X-MEN stories needed him way more than he needed them.
If we ever get the OG wolverine mask, it will only be for a few minutes. No way Disney covers up the face of whoever they cast.

Look at Kylo, Iron Man, Spiderman, Spiderman, etc...

The embarrassing Avenger
I'm rereading AvX and its trash. Like when you think about what the actual event is about. Cap showed up on the X-Men doorstep demanding them to hand over someone. You really thought there wasn't going to be a fight when you show up in full gear with a cloaked helicarrier?

In the long run, everyone acts stupid in the event especially The Avengers. They know next to nothing about the Phoenix but act like they can control the situation.
I'm rereading AvX and its trash. Like when you think about what the actual event is about. Cap showed up on the X-Men doorstep demanding them to hand over someone. You really thought there wasn't going to be a fight when you show up in full gear with a cloaked helicarrier?

Pulled up on 'em like "what's good, fam??"
Cap doing what cap always does, jumping before thinking

WS, technical threat and he doesn't call the smartest person he knows in that field.. he literally saw tony fix the helicarrier in A1

CW, dude could only see things 2 ways, his way or fight

Hell, even cutting a wire wasn't a good option to dude.. literally only option was lay down and let someone crawl over you
Cap doing what cap always does, jumping before thinking

WS, technical threat and he doesn't call the smartest person he knows in that field.. he literally saw tony fix the helicarrier in A1

CW, dude could only see things 2 ways, his way or fight

Hell, even cutting a wire wasn't a good option to dude.. literally only option was lay down and let someone crawl over you

Whole AvX and I just thought... why didn't anyone call the F4? Aren't they like the Cosmic experts? Why didn't he call Scott to offer help?
"Hey I heard the phoenix is coming. Do you need assistance? No. If things go out of hand, we're here to help."

I mean I know why. The writers want the event to happen.
Cant sell me on AvX or that take on the X-Men.

White mutant male that can pass talking about a struggle to a white male that symbolizes America.


Where the black mutants on the wall Cyke?
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