what a day it will be (when the world ends)

Feb 20, 2008
i was just thinking about how about in the history of earth there have been at least 2 or 3 events that wiped out 95% of the species on earth, and we as humansare huge targets b/c we rely on each other more than we know, and how our "intelligence" is going to really back fire, a lot of people are going tobe on sum religious bs and who knows what a person is capable of doing under that kind of pressure hell i bet none of us do

even if we do find some way to live in peace for the next 1000-2000 years theres still another ice age on its way + all the other problems we've created,some people find it hard to believe but theres a 100% chance people will be extinct, thoughts?
yeah alot of ppl think its gunna end in 2010 so u got 1yr left buddy!! jk i dont think it will end anytime soon
Originally Posted by horchata kid

The sad thing is, we'll probably be the one's to cause our own extinction.

the man is speaking the truth
at least our particles will be used to make another universe,planet, etc in 100 billion years, imagine all the civilizations that could have existed before us
^ see thats part of the problem, people dont care b/c it doesnt really affect them, i understand it but its greedy imo and look what a world full of greedypeople have gotten us, but we were doomed from the start, our ansectors probaply slaughtered each other for food and thats where it comes from
The earth can get hit by an asteroid or a comet any day. We can get hit by one next week , Space is so vast and large that an asteroid can sneak in withoutbeing noticed by astronomers. And when they see it , it'll be too late .
Originally Posted by JUPITER SAM

even if we do find some way to live in peace for the next 1000-2000 years theres still another ice age on its way + all the other problems we've created, some people find it hard to believe but theres a 100% chance people will be extinct, thoughts?
Seriously Ice Ages only occur if the Earth cools down on the surface like not receiving sunlight. So you can imagine how difficult that would be.The earth is able to take care of itself a lot people don't know that.
Originally Posted by JUPITER SAM

^ see thats part of the problem, people dont care b/c it doesnt really affect them, i understand it but its greedy imo and look what a world full of greedy people have gotten us, but we were doomed from the start, our ansectors probaply slaughtered each other for food and thats where it comes from
The earth is going to end someday. What do you want us to do? Just live your life and don't worry about what's going to happen in about 5billion years (no joke). And the chances of a receiving meteor having the caliber of destroying us in near future is unlikely. Scientist could see thosecoming years away by that time they'll know how to devise a plan to knock it out of it's path.
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