What actor and actress would make a good "Penguin" "Catwoman" for a future Batman Movie?

Feb 26, 2002
Assuming that they do pick those to be the next villains

Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Danny Devito play the role of penguin again. But most likely, he probably won't play the part again like JackNicholson didn't play Joker in the Dark Knight (yes I know he's very old but still)

as for Catwoman, hmmm....
YO! When I was younger, I always wanted John Goodman to be Tut. But of course Tut's a television character and not an original DC character. DF!!!
if rick ross took the hat that t-pain was wearing in his "the boss" video he would make a great peguin
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by JayPesoz


Beat me to it.

He's an excellent actor...They sleep on my dude Paul Giamatti.

Philip Semour Hoffman would make a good Penguin also.


I think I read somewhere that Nolan said if he ever was to include Penguin in his movies, The role was Hoffman's if he wanted it.

Dude was a savage in MI 3.

As far as Catwoman, I dunno.

Angelina Jolie is the obvious choice, But she's too much of a big-name star IMO.

You get somebody like Scarlet Johansen or somethin'...

I don't know that he has the acting potential, but man does he have the look down.
Originally Posted by Tha Sun Child

I'm pretty sure (I hope) Two-Face is the next villian.......
Yeah, I hope so too, seeing as he's in The Dark Knight he proabably will be in the next one. As soon as I looked at this pic I tought it was JohnnyDepp...too bad they already have an actor that plays him.
Originally Posted by jblackcat13

Originally Posted by Tha Sun Child

I'm pretty sure (I hope) Two-Face is the next villian.......

He's actually in TDK.

I know he is in TDK, but I'm talking about him being the next villian in the next movie.......
If I remember correctly isn't Two Face the actual main villain in TDK? or am I thinking of something else?
and who's talking about the Dark Knight? I made this post talkingabout the next movie after the Dark Knight

or has it been said that Two-face will be the next movie after TDK?
in TDK they haven't shown any info on two-face so far but they've put a lot of spotlight on harvey dent who eventually becomes two-face
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