What are some of the most morally questionable things you have ever done?

Disgusted at what this has turned into.

I have friends that serve and even when annoyed they don't mess with peoples food.

It's because your friends WOULD GET FIRED. LOLZ You don't just 'mess' with it point blank w/o getting caught. You gotta KNOW your ENVIRONMENT and work culture. Like I said, depending on the environment, some places have tight nit groups.

I know when to do my sneak attacks w/o advertising it to the world. There was a time when I went to the cook area to get the food and literally took a spoonful of soup from the customer's soup. LOL The chef said, "good ain't it', and said he had made extra already for me to take home after my shift. LOLZ
That comes with the job of being a waiter and working in that business. You are gonna have to deal with annoying people so you just have to suck it up and do your job rather than mess with people's food. That doesn't make you any better than them it really makes you look worse honestly
Put hands on a woman, no one bats an eye...

Touch someone's food, everybody loses their mind.

One day when I was like 13 my moms took me and my brother to the mall
We went into the this big shoe store buying **** and what not

About an hour later I had to pee but of course no bathroom around So I decide to hold it for ten minutes thinking we were gona leave soon


It got real to the point where I was hopping around the store cuffin on my **** like I got hit down there

Lightbulb went off in my head so I said **** it

Found a section of the store that nobody was in and that had no cameras

Went up to one of the table that had mountains if clothes
Pulled my **** out and pee'd on the pile of clothes

I was peeing so much the clothes stop absorbing and it started leaking to the floor and I didn't wana move because I heard foot steps coming towards me
Finished up

Pulled up my pants and meet back up with my moms and brother with the sweet mouth look on my face........
Years ago I got super drunk and robbed a KFC.

I was at a party that was within walking distance from my crib.

Got all the way ****** up, then since I realized the party was over and I wasn't pulling anything decided to go home and call it a night.

I'm walking, and I start thinking to myself, "Damn, I'm hungry as hell. Lemme see what's open."

There is a shopping center on the same street between my crib and where the party was, so when I pass it I walk through it to see if any of the fast food spots are open. Mind you it's like 3 in the morning only thing open is McDonalds and it's not in that shopping center.

So I'm about to give up, when I see the KFC on the street (i entered on the party's end, left on my crib's end where the KFC is) and see that the lights are on.

So I'm like "Aw **** I'm bout to **** some chicken up! Just my luck must be one of those 24 hour KFC's you hear about! (never actually heard of one) Never knew it had these hours this is about to be my post-party spot!"

I walk up to the door, it's locked. I figure it must be drive through only after a certain time like Wendy's or something.

So I walk up to the drive through window, and see nobody's in there. I start yelling and no one come's and I'm getting frustrated. I was so hype for some chicken and now KFC is fakin' on me.

I push the drive through window, and it just opens completely. I pause for a moment, look around, take a couple steps back, get myself a running start, and jump straight through the window. Mind you I'm running and jumping through the window in order to move as quickly as possible so no one sees me, but the KFC is right there on the street blocks down from a crazy party so there are people on the street anyway.

Once I'm in I just open a fridge and start tossin giant bags of chicken strips out the window. I hop back out, pick up the bags, and now I'm walking down the street with carrying these giant briefcase sized bags of chicken strips. Whole time the only thing running through my mind is "Welp, I didn't get any P tonight but at least I came up on all this mother ****** CHICKEN my *****!!!!!!"

I figured if I acted natural nobody would think anything weird is going on. So I'm just being super casual walkin down the street with these giant clear unmarked bags of chicken at 3 something in the morning, make it to my crib, and fill the fridge up with my winnings.

Next morning I call my guys, one dude got his hands on a deep fryer, and we ate like KINGS for the next 3-4 days.

Call ducktales if you want, but it really happened. I never got caught. Everyone outside was coming from that party and was too drunk to even notice me breaking in or too drunk to care why I was carrying what looked like 100lbs of frozen chicken right after they just seen me at the party. I was scared that I would get a knock on my door from the cops or something, but I guess there either wasn't a camera or I was good at keeping my head down or something because I had no reprocussions whatsoever.

I would never be in that situation again, though. I was a crazy kid back then doing way too much way too often.

AND I had some bargaining power cause cats would come over to chill smoke play some fifa, I would provide the top quality chicken strips, and either they would provide the weed or just buy it from my roommate, so I was smoking for free that whole week :pimp:

:nerd: View media item 947644
Years ago I got super drunk and robbed a KFC.

I was at a party that was within walking distance from my crib.

Got all the way ****** up, then since I realized the party was over and I wasn't pulling anything decided to go home and call it a night.

I'm walking, and I start thinking to myself, "Damn, I'm hungry as hell. Lemme see what's open."

There is a shopping center on the same street between my crib and where the party was, so when I pass it I walk through it to see if any of the fast food spots are open. Mind you it's like 3 in the morning only thing open is McDonalds and it's not in that shopping center.

So I'm about to give up, when I see the KFC on the street (i entered on the party's end, left on my crib's end where the KFC is) and see that the lights are on.

So I'm like "Aw **** I'm bout to **** some chicken up! Just my luck must be one of those 24 hour KFC's you hear about! (never actually heard of one) Never knew it had these hours this is about to be my post-party spot!"

I walk up to the door, it's locked. I figure it must be drive through only after a certain time like Wendy's or something.

So I walk up to the drive through window, and see nobody's in there. I start yelling and no one come's and I'm getting frustrated. I was so hype for some chicken and now KFC is fakin' on me.

I push the drive through window, and it just opens completely. I pause for a moment, look around, take a couple steps back, get myself a running start, and jump straight through the window. Mind you I'm running and jumping through the window in order to move as quickly as possible so no one sees me, but the KFC is right there on the street blocks down from a crazy party so there are people on the street anyway.

Once I'm in I just open a fridge and start tossin giant bags of chicken strips out the window. I hop back out, pick up the bags, and now I'm walking down the street with carrying these giant briefcase sized bags of chicken strips. Whole time the only thing running through my mind is "Welp, I didn't get any P tonight but at least I came up on all this mother ****** CHICKEN my *****!!!!!!"

I figured if I acted natural nobody would think anything weird is going on. So I'm just being super casual walkin down the street with these giant clear unmarked bags of chicken at 3 something in the morning, make it to my crib, and fill the fridge up with my winnings.

Next morning I call my guys, one dude got his hands on a deep fryer, and we ate like KINGS for the next 3-4 days.

Call ducktales if you want, but it really happened. I never got caught. Everyone outside was coming from that party and was too drunk to even notice me breaking in or too drunk to care why I was carrying what looked like 100lbs of frozen chicken right after they just seen me at the party. I was scared that I would get a knock on my door from the cops or something, but I guess there either wasn't a camera or I was good at keeping my head down or something because I had no reprocussions whatsoever.

I would never be in that situation again, though. I was a crazy kid back then doing way too much way too often.

AND I had some bargaining power cause cats would come over to chill smoke play some fifa, I would provide the top quality chicken strips, and either they would provide the weed or just buy it from my roommate, so I was smoking for free that whole week :pimp:

:nerd: View media item 947644
Bruh I remember last year on the morning of the Super Bowl I saw this pic

Had me dyin in my bed
Put hands on a woman, no one bats an eye...

Touch someone's food, everybody loses their mind.

uuuuuuhhhhhhh YEA

did u read the stories, i mean i know im going to sound naive, but all you can do is take the story for face value

dudes was dealt a continuous *** whoopin until they broke down and returned the favor

not one story did a dude say, "well she was bein a whiny little brat so i had to clap dem shoulders"

i can take someone *****in all day, but putting your hands on someone is a whole other ball game foo
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Put hands on a woman, no one bats an eye...

Touch someone's food, everybody loses their mind.

uuuuuuhhhhhhh YEA

did u read the stories, i mean i know im going to sound naive, but all you can do is take the story for face value

dudes was dealt a continuous *** whoopin until they broke down and returned the favor

not one story did a dude say, "well she was bein a whiny little brat so i had to clap dem shoulders"

i can take someone *****in all day, but putting your hands on someone is a whole other ball game foo

these stories could have gone:

"chick was wylin' on me and i kicked her out the car."

"chick was wylin' on me and i stopped messin with here cause that behavior isn't acceptable to me."

"chick was wylin' on me and i grabbed her up in a bear hug."

"chick was wylin' on me and I threw her into the wall/ground."


****** had to punch chicks in the face.

I'm not a muscle dude, and if I punch a chick in the face her face would be ruined. When I push, grab up, or toss a chick, she knows my strength, and she knows what i'm actually capable of, and she knows I'm choosing not to seriously **** her up. because of that she knows not to get out of line, AND she knows i'm not a savage, so she can't come at me like i am one because i won't give her the response she's looking for.

So, yea, punching a chick in the face is the mark of a weak, lesser man.

And ya'll postin that pic forgot that I got away with it :lol:
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Lmao, I really thought dude was gonna leave his girl on the side of the road....nope, opened the door and hit her wit a mean combo

:rofl: kinda caught me off guard.
Put hands on a woman, no one bats an eye...

Touch someone's food, everybody loses their mind.

uuuuuuhhhhhhh YEA

did u read the stories, i mean i know im going to sound naive, but all you can do is take the story for face value

dudes was dealt a continuous *** whoopin until they broke down and returned the favor

not one story did a dude say, "well she was bein a whiny little brat so i had to clap dem shoulders"

i can take someone *****in all day, but putting your hands on someone is a whole other ball game foo
these stories could have gone:

"chick was wylin' on me and i kicked her out the car."

"chick was wylin' on me and i stopped messin with here cause that behavior isn't acceptable to me."

"chick was wylin' on me and i grabbed her up in a bear hug."

"chick was wylin' on me and I threw her into the wall/ground."


****** had to punch chicks in the face.

I'm not a muscle dude, and if I punch a chick in the face her face would be ruined. When I push, grab up, or toss a chick, she knows my strength, and she knows what i'm actually capable of, and she knows I'm choosing not to seriously **** her up. because of that she knows not to get out of line, AND she knows i'm not a savage, so she can't come at me like i am one because i won't give her the response she's looking for.

So, yea, punching a chick in the face is the mark of a weak, lesser man.

And ya'll postin that pic forgot that I got away with it
if you followed the subejct of the statements, the point is dont compare putting hands on a woman when she was already whoopin *** and takin names to someone defiling other peoples food because they were being a big meanie/asked for too much

its apples and oranges

u trippin, i could give a dam about your opinion on how someone else is handling THEIR relationship

stay on topic, it takes an even LESSER coward to molest someones food while they arent looking just because they were being annoying, they didnt cause any physical harm, they just gave too much attitude
Put hands on a woman, no one bats an eye...

Touch someone's food, everybody loses their mind.

uuuuuuhhhhhhh YEA

did u read the stories, i mean i know im going to sound naive, but all you can do is take the story for face value

dudes was dealt a continuous *** whoopin until they broke down and returned the favor

not one story did a dude say, "well she was bein a whiny little brat so i had to clap dem shoulders"

i can take someone *****in all day, but putting your hands on someone is a whole other ball game foo

these stories could have gone:

"chick was wylin' on me and i kicked her out the car."

"chick was wylin' on me and i stopped messin with here cause that behavior isn't acceptable to me."

"chick was wylin' on me and i grabbed her up in a bear hug."

"chick was wylin' on me and I threw her into the wall/ground."


****** had to punch chicks in the face.

I'm not a muscle dude, and if I punch a chick in the face her face would be ruined. When I push, grab up, or toss a chick, she knows my strength, and she knows what i'm actually capable of, and she knows I'm choosing not to seriously **** her up. because of that she knows not to get out of line, AND she knows i'm not a savage, so she can't come at me like i am one because i won't give her the response she's looking for.

So, yea, punching a chick in the face is the mark of a weak, lesser man.

And ya'll postin that pic forgot that I got away with it :lol:
if you followed the subejct of the statements, the point is dont compare putting hands on a woman when she was already whoopin *** and takin names to someone defiling other peoples food because they were being a big meanie/asked for too much

its apples and oranges

u trippin, i could give a dam about your opinion on how someone else is handling THEIR relationship

stay on topic, it takes an even LESSER coward to molest someones food while they arent looking just because they were being annoying, they didnt cause any physical harm, they just gave too much attitude

You're right bruh.

It's worse to spitin someone's food than to punch a chick in the face.

I used to work at Wendy's when I was a junior in highschool. One day this lady comes in and asks for a ceaser salad. I give it to her, and she proceeds to berate me for not putting it together right, and not including the chicken.

That's not a ceasar, that's a chicken ceaser. And we don't put the salads together they're already pre packaged.

She demanded to see my manager and told him I was bad at my job because I should have known what she meant and blah blah. The manager is blown now cause i'm the source of commotion even though I did nothing wrong. She gets some free chicken for her salad and she says I shouldn't work there. Over her ordering the wrong thing.

You know what I did? I went into the freezer, grabbed a cup of grilled chicken, and put the whole thing in my mouth. All the chicken at once. And I just stood there for a second with a mouthful of this chicken, and thought about how much I hated this lady. Then I spit the chicken into her salad and gave it to her.

I have no remorse. **** that lady. She deserved it. I'm a scum bag.

If she were my girlfriend I could have just rocked her in her jaw and cheek bones a couple times, and then I wouldn't be such a scumbag.
^ lmao you ******ed son, ive been in situations like that and i always smile @ the ridiculousness of the customer, never been in trouble for stupid stuff like that

and nah, i dont think you shouldve hit her at all, the fact that you even said that dumb **** sarcastically shows that you have the reading comprehension of a 1st grader

but if she had hit you numerous times, im totally cool wit you retaliating with hands 
Put my bawls in a girls blistex, left a hair on it, and put it back on her chair. 

She used it 2 mins later...

She got a cold sore the day after.

*yeezy shrug*



I was gonna type in "living with herpes" for google images, but I realized that's something you do NOT want popping up unexpected in your autocomplete.
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 nah im clean bros.
Why did u put your balls in the blistex? Lol
I was probably mad or something, it was back in middle school 

Homie kissed her that day too, didnt even tell him 
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 nah im clean bros.

I was probably mad or something, it was back in middle school 

Homie kissed her that day too, didnt even tell him 
I just saw that you from NYC

For some reason blistex, gum and sunflowers seeds were got damn staples in middle school.
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