what are the chances of having people follow me?

Jan 14, 2008
long story short, some guy ran a stop sign last saturday night, totaling my mothers car. currently im going through the whole legal process (lawyers, doctors, physical therapy, x rays etc ... ) im involved in what is called a "no fault case". my question is really...will i have people following me? im tryna hit the gym and get a work out in but everyones telling me no. if that is the case imma have to cancel my gym membership and start working out at the park. suggestions? advice? opinions?
Wow, I thought you were talking about Twitter.
If you were 100% truthful in the "interrogation" I wouldn't be worried. But if you're just trying to get as much money as you can out of this I wouldn't take the risk.

How much you looking to get? I doubt they'll bother to follow you for anything under 10k.
Originally Posted by bittersweet

Wow, I thought you were talking about Twitter.

same here...my second guess was that maybe he wants to start  a new religon
I think they will. My aunt was in a similar situation and these investigators would always be following her. It's creepy.
If they think you're trying to commit insurance fraud, possibly

lawyer said  im looking to get 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars.im claiming neck, lower back, right hip and right knee pain.

How bad can you really be hurt if you're working out?   If it's that bad you should be getting PT, not doing a work out
Originally Posted by JPioneer

If you were 100% truthful in the "interrogation" I wouldn't be worried. But if you're just trying to get as much money as you can out of this I wouldn't take the risk.

How much you looking to get? I doubt they'll bother to follow you for anything under 10k.
lawyer said  im looking to get 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars. im claiming neck, lower back, right hip and right knee pain.
They also check internet history.
Might as well just go to the gym cause they got all the evidence they need with this thread.
Originally Posted by ZEEN1NE

Originally Posted by JPioneer

If you were 100% truthful in the "interrogation" I wouldn't be worried. But if you're just trying to get as much money as you can out of this I wouldn't take the risk.

How much you looking to get? I doubt they'll bother to follow you for anything under 10k.
lawyer said  im looking to get 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars. im claiming neck, lower back, right hip and right knee pain.
Dude, if your looking at getting that much, DO NOT go to the gym, lift heavy things, etc. in public. You will most likely have people following you.
Originally Posted by oidreez

Originally Posted by bittersweet

Wow, I thought you were talking about Twitter.
i thought about random people in the street... coulda swore this old creepy looking dude was following me n my girl the other day... till i finally turned around and stared his %*% down, dude pretended to be looking at video games (no tough guy)
Originally Posted by Diego

They also check internet history.
Might as well just go to the gym cause they got all the evidence they need with this thread.

i know firsthand that some law firms hire investigators to follow ppl around.. that's for a FACT. don't go to the gym, man. go jogging around your bathroom or something.
Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Originally Posted by Diego

They also check internet history.
Might as well just go to the gym cause they got all the evidence they need with this thread.

i know firsthand that some law firms hire investigators to follow ppl around.. that's for a FACT. don't go to the gym, man. go jogging around your bathroom or something.
Originally Posted by Diego

They also check internet history.
Might as well just go to the gym cause they got all the evidence they need with this thread.
Committing insurance fraud and posting about it online isn't the best idea...
attorneys even go as far as checking on patient's clinic visits... i've read depositions where doctors bring their patient logs so the attorney can check up on them. "well if this man was in as much pain as he claims he was in, don't you think he'd be going to see his doctor regularly?"

ALL I'M SAYING is you may have yourself a spiffy little attorney, but it's not stacking up to the power behind insurance co.'s
Originally Posted by Nawth21

If they think you're trying to commit insurance fraud, possibly

lawyer said  im looking to get 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars.im claiming neck, lower back, right hip and right knee pain.

How bad can you really be hurt if you're working out?   If it's that bad you should be getting PT, not doing a work out
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