What are your 2020 New Years Resolutions?


Get more bread...
Invest more $ into stock market.
Hit the weights more consistently.
Never been really big on these type of things honestly.

2019 I didn’t eat any fast food for like 9-10 months. Not really for health reasons, but more because I realized how much money I waste on that trash lol.
Run a half marathon, start lifting heavier
Quit my current job to move closer to my good friends
Solidify the trajectory of my career/future schooling
Make alcohol an occasional indulgence rather than a regular occurrence
Make :nthat:a more regular occurrence rather than an occasional indulgence
Vacation to a new country (thinking Japan, Australia, Denmark, or Spain)
Eat like I hate myself less, while simultaneously trying new restaurants
Keep this relationship I've got going and don't fall into the traps of boredom or temptation
I’m confused, what would be the failure in traveling abroad to teach English for a bit then coming home whether it works out or not?
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