What are your fears?

Jan 6, 2006
- Being a disgrace to my family.
- Losing my parents before I have children of my own.
- Losing my best friends.

- The thought of my dearest friends secretly hating/disliking me.

- Not being successful; putting my parents' hard work to waste.
- Fire of any sort. Even candles and gas stoves

- My ex boyfriend's friends.

- Spiders and cockroaches.

Post yours.
- Becoming "average." Not so much in the realm of material possessions (I'm perfectly fine with a 50-60k job living comfortably,) but in terms of intellectual aptitude. I've always been an inquisitive person who likes to question things, so if I ever lost that, I think I'd be, in a sense, losing myself.
- Becoming dependent on others.
- Myself, and everything that the concept of "self" entitles.
dying in a car accident...

there are times when i'm driving/riding and my stomach will drop or i'll get real hot cuz i'll realize i can just die at any moment cuz someone else wasn't paying attention

long car rides out of town make me so sick to my stomach just out of fear
Losing another person close to me,lost my Sister earlier this year and it was hell to try to move on. Don't know what I'd do if I lost someone else close to me but it's sure to happen since deathj is the only guarantee in life.

Limiting myself in terms of work and knowledge.

Disappointing those close to me even when it takes a toll on me when I'm trying not to dissapoint. I was on that whole "idgaf" attitude steez when I was younger but you just can't help thinking about what those dear to you think of you.

Not really scared of animals/insects other than predatory animals ala Bears,Big cats,sharks that could easily kill me and poisonous animals/insects.
Originally Posted by brooklynnyc3000

my son turns out gay
I'm sorry for your insecurities.

Not getting a job after college.
Things that nobody can explain.
Having a child I'm not ready for.
Inception happening to me.
Never getting to that "sweet spot" in my life.
Going to hell, which turns out to be real
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

dying in a car accident...

there are times when i'm driving/riding and my stomach will drop or i'll get real hot cuz i'll realize i can just die at any moment cuz someone else wasn't paying attention

long car rides out of town make me so sick to my stomach just out of fear

Do you feel comfortable when you drive?

- Spiders
- Flying roaches
Disappointing my family
Unplanned offspring
Going to Hell
Joe Jackson
- Never getting into my dream career
- Never becoming a parent
- Death of people I love
- Losing my teeth
- Fish
- Spiders
- Heights
Originally Posted by bluexsneakerhead

- Being a disgrace to my family.
- Losing my parents before I have children of my own.
- Losing my best friends.

- The thought of my dearest friends secretly hating/disliking me.

- Not being successful; putting my parents' hard work to waste.
- Fire of any sort. Even candles and gas stoves

- My ex boyfriend's friends.

- Spiders and cockroaches.

Getting into car accidents or any legal troubles due to driving a vehicle.
Working a retail job as my main source of income in my late 20s and 30s.
Being #foreveralone
Being in bad health, like so bad that I can't even do normal day to day things.
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