What are your goals for 2019?

-Get my business up and running
-work from home
-Knock out my ps3/xbox360/wiiu games
-Leave the state at some point to try something new
-Hit the gym so I won't be washed by the time im 29
-1/10/$100 into crypto ie 1 bitcoin, 10 neo and $100 worth of a coin
-look into trying dating again

-Try to look into getting a house so my mum can chill out in her golden years
Drop about 30 pounds
Move on to a better job
Go to Paris or Japan or both
Finally get into a meaningful relationship so I can hopefully get married
Buy more vinyl records
Clear as much debt as possible
Grow out my beard
Move to a nicer apartment
Re-kindle my passion for exercise and health. Got a job in an unrelated field as my degree and figured I’d save some money before I started personal training.

Now 1 year later I’m extremely fat and out of shape with no motivation to help myself or even train other people. Gotta get that fire back. This current job pays the bills but it is soul sucking
Re-kindle my passion for exercise and health. Got a job in an unrelated field as my degree and figured I’d save some money before I started personal training.

Now 1 year later I’m extremely fat and out of shape with no motivation to help myself or even train other people. Gotta get that fire back. This current job pays the bills but it is soul sucking

You got this :pimp: Just focus on where you want to be. Don't worry about the past/present, just focus on the end result!
Be a better version of myself, get that new promotion even though i just got one. Be a better person, help my community more. Be happy, my biggest weakness my whole life, i can never be happy with what i accomplish or do, this year im gonna get help and work on that.
In 2019, my goal is to bump this thread so we can see who followed through with their plans, and who got even more washed
-Write a screenplay. Not even produce it, just write it.
-lose 60lbs by Dec 2019
-learn the piano
-learn to sing
-propose to my girlfriend
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