what do u do all day?

wake up at 5 for work
get here at 630 (70 mile commute each way)
Leave at 3-4
get home go to gym home around 6-7
shower make dinner clean up..its usually about 9-930
Watch tv for a bit...try to be in bed by 10ish (doesn't happen often)

Laundry, groceries, any errands will put me in bed by 11 or later.

This is the life...... :smh: god i love weekends
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i sit around and read congressional texts all day. do bill summaries. read committee reports. look up statutes at large and US code. 
Clean my room
Gonna start looking for a summer job soon
:/ kinda sucks
Work from 7-5PM Monday - Friday.

Spend most of my time browsing the interwebz, reading articles, NT while at work :lol:

wake up at 5 for work
get here at 630 (70 mile commute each way)
Leave at 3-4
get home go to gym home around 6-7
shower make dinner clean up..its usually about 9-930
Watch tv for a bit...try to be in bed by 10ish (doesn't happen often)

Laundry, groceries, any errands will put me in bed by 11 or later.

This is the life...... :smh: god i love weekends

:x doing it wrong

My commute is about 25 miles right now and I hate it.

Moving in a couple months to cut it in half.
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How I live Monday-Friday

5 am wake up
5-5:30 breakfast and getting ready
5:45-7:45 Internship #1
8:12 chem class
12-1:15 Helping the prof
1:30-1:50 wash up for work
2-8 work
Homework or whatever sleep

If I'am not working on those weekend days then its back to the internship
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-Wake up at 3am, work from 4am-3pm
-Get home and drink beer while watching Netflix & playing clash of clans
-When my girl brings my son home, play baseball with him, then pass out the same time as him at 9pm

Definitely miss those single nights, pretty boring these days, but of course wouldn't replace my son for anything..
I work 12 hrs daily between 2 jobs daily...I NT on my phone during my second job since all I do is make furniture and put together pool walls...hella downtime
I work 12 hrs daily between 2 jobs daily...I NT on my phone during my second job since all I do is make furniture and put together pool walls...hella downtime
830 wake up
910 leave for work
10-8pm work
840 home to watch tv chill with the lady
12 sleep
Now that school is over not sure what my schedule will be. 

Most likely:






Read/Teach myself to play piano

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Since they cut hours at my job ive been rewatching breaking bad, reading the harry potter series, doing a little bit of studying for my certification exam,workout out, and niketalk.

Damn this is boring. Cant wait till college starts back up.
I work 12 hrs daily between 2 jobs daily...I NT on my phone during my second job since all I do is make furniture and put together pool walls...hella downtime

Well technically your shift is longer than mine, mine is just worse cause its so early - but doing it everyday, you get used to it. Working like 16 hours tonight though.
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