What do you all think about *Digital Ebook Readers (amazon kindle, barnes and noble nook)?

Jun 19, 2001
They allow you to download and store thousands of books/periodicals to your device. Would yall purchase one?

We have to come up with an Advertising campaign for class (barnes and noble Nook), how would yall suggest advertising for one of these?


its good for older people but I can do the same thing on my phone which is more portable and can hold thousands of ebooks as well
It's coming into a huge market. I read an article where a bunch of developers and manufacturers agreed on a common format (sony and google being 2 of thebiggest).I personally might put books for leisure on there, but for the purposes of studying and any book I use for coursework I would want a physical copy of.But we're not gonna do you're work for you.
how would yall suggest advertising for one of these?
I would suggest that you do your own homework.

If you search, you'll find other threads about ereaders. If you want to take consumer feedback and use it to create your own ad campaign, that's atleast in the spirit of the assignment. "Come up with one for me NT" is not.
good luck

paperback books will never die. people like touching the pages. writing on them. bookmarking passages. carrying a simple book ANYWHERE.. one that needs nobatery or powerplug. it's just so simple that it wont go away.

marketing against something like the that would be tough.

does the device save you money? i would go that route if it does. how much are book downloads? how much space does it have?
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