what do you suspect but have no proof of....

Wat if da brain was a parasite that got into a monkey and is the most successful parasite ever using our bodies as hosts
Truly think that theres a war between good and evil going on. If evil wins, Ittl be the demise of human kind
Truly think that theres a war between good and evil going on. If evil wins, Ittl be the demise of human kind

This is actually truer than you know. There's always a struggle between good and bad. It is extremely real.
Asian people are Aliens:

- The earliest depiction of Aliens throughout history resemble Asian people (short, squinty eyes, etc)
- The language... so many foreign languages sound faaairly close to each others except language from Asian cultures. (Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
- The written langauge in American/Euro history resemble each other but in most Asian cultures, drawings are used to depict words
- Features... you can put brown skin on a white man, they can pass as Hispanic. Black skin on a hispanic man, they can pass as black. Asian people are the only people in the word that have their features.

- Technology.. the advancement in not only digital technology, but also in previous generations (i.e. gunpowder in the 1st century, etc)

- Driving... Asian people are "bad" drivers because their so used to driving spacecrafts

I'm Asian (Alien) BTW
explain the small wewes brah
A lot of products can be built to last longer, but that would put companies out of business.

Technology that we get on a consumer level is far behind what's sitting in labs across the world.

People are killed or driven crazy for their intellectual properties and patents IF they interfere with the scheduled release dates of approved technology.

Schizophrenic people can see and interact with dimensions we can't detect or sense.

Divorces and the things that lead to them (infidelity, gender conflicts) are encouraged in pop culture because it's big business and keeps people (lawyers, court personnel) employed.

Time travel exists but time lines are infinite and not able to be experienced twice.

Our bodies are avatars and our souls/consciousness are the real us. We graduate through dimensions.
Even though we were beefing, i love you fam, your smart like me and can see through the bullstuff. If we ever have a niketalk convention all rounds on me
uuummmmm probably not 
there are more average and basic people than you think there are. even if you thought it was already a dime a dozen. its worse.
Most TV shows are set out to fail and networks just take pilots and terribel first seasons as so they can use them as extended advertisements
I think everything you have ever googled....looked at on fb....how many times youve looked at someones profile on ig..fb..etc....your location.....credit card....ss.....everything you have ever done online on your current smart phone or computer can all be looked at by one person.
Most TV shows are set out to fail and networks just take pilots and terribel first seasons as so they can use them as extended advertisements

Televison was invented to show commericals.


I'm pretty sure it was originally meant to be used as device to alert the public for safety stuff

I'd agree with you if you said thats why Networks were invented

Bruh no has ever SOLD anything to anyone for their "protection".

I read somewhere that it was so that people could see the products the advertised on the radio.
I think everything you have ever googled....looked at on fb....how many times youve looked at someones profile on ig..fb..etc....your location.....credit card....ss.....everything you have ever done online on your current smart phone or computer can all be looked at by one person.

probably...but theres so much scenarios and so much people...that no one should really care...unless the fbi, cia need to know.

its like security cameras. no one is gonna look into the tapes unless they have to. and even then, what are they gonna do...laugh at a person they dont know cause he Ashley's fb, twit and instagram every 3 hours? This is why i dont really care if google and apps check on text msgs or whatever on a phone. I dont really have anything to hide. Everyone is some type of crazy anyway.

I wish there was index of this stuff when we die though lol. So curious. I wish Ctrl-F or stats really existed in real life.
-Apple has a kill switch an it's HQ and will nuke your device when they feel you should go buy the newest version of it
i firmly believe this. my phone is always in great contiion. until the newest one comes out. all of a sudden cracked screens, broken home button, becomes stupid fragile
i suspect that the great wall of china is probably the most haunted place one earth with bodies and souls built in.

i also suspect that really religious areas are laced with spirits. i think stigmata is real, think exorcism is real as well.

i suspect the roman catholic to have the true versions of the bible, have founs the pontius spear, the grail, and the true story about theology
Theres probably some CRAZY stuff in the vatican vaults.

I know they have a ridiculous amount of gold there
thats what i suspect. there are probably more texts and unedited versions of the bible.
i suspect that the great wall of china is probably the most haunted place one earth with bodies and souls built in.

i also suspect that really religious areas are laced with spirits. i think stigmata is real, think exorcism is real as well.

i suspect the roman catholic to have the true versions of the bible, have founs the pontius spear, the grail, and the true story about theology

I bet the most "holy" people know it's all a sham but enjoy being the rulers of earth
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