What do you think human purpose is?

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by dadecounty11

No one knows the answer, and no one will ever know the answer.

Theoretically...this is true.
But all of us prescribe to some type of belief right?

If not...why did you wake up this morning and proceed with your daily routine?

Why not just jump off a cliff and die?
Oh of course.  I just seem to get into conversations every once in a while with people about this and that is what it always ends up at.  Just like the "Big Bang Theory" vs. God creating the universe.  No one was there so no one knows what happened.

just because we have a brain and we can think for ourselves doesnt mean we are more important than dead tree bark. or less"smarter" animals. or that star up in the sky. or that planet we dont know about in that galaxy we dont know about. we are made from the same elements from the periodic table whether it has emotions or whatever its coordinates. there are alot of things we dont know about. we dont know what we dont know. there are probably things we cant feel or understand, that exists somewhere else, or even here on earth because it just doesnt connect with the senses we humans can study and examine.

correct me if im wrong but the galaxy we are in is in a galaxy of billions of galaxies. what if that galaxy was the size of an electron of some booger of something bigger. YOU are not important. theres no purpose to life in the grand scheme of things.

human societal purpose is another story though.

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

This is just a training ground for the next dimension. You won't pass until you are ready.

We serve no purpose here other than helping others prepare.
I often think about this sometimes. I can't explain it but I have a natural connection to the thought that everything has reason and that there is SOMETHING we are supposed to pick up here on the way to the next life.
We are a growth on mother earth.

There is no purpose, we made that word up.

Everything does not need a purpose.

We need to stop reproducing so damn much because too may people are starving and we're using up all of our resources way too damn fast.

There is no natural purpose.

I believe our purpose should be to create A.I. and send as many of them throughout the Universe to gather and share intelligence.

At the speed our technology is increasing, our kids or grand kids may see this come into fruition.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I think the human purpose is to find purpose.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Beautiful answer. And also to seek truth in a world full of lies.[/color]
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

just because we have a brain and we can think for ourselves doesnt mean we are more important than dead tree bark. or less"smarter" animals. or that star up in the sky. or that planet we dont know about in that galaxy we dont know about. we are made from the same elements from the periodic table whether it has emotions or whatever its coordinates. there are alot of things we dont know about. we dont know what we dont know. there are probably things we cant feel or understand, that exists somewhere else, or even here on earth because it just doesnt connect with the senses we humans can study and examine.

correct me if im wrong but the galaxy we are in is in a galaxy of billions of galaxies. what if that galaxy was the size of an electron of some booger of something bigger. YOU are not important. theres no purpose to life in the grand scheme of things.

human societal purpose is another story though.

Originally Posted by solegit08til

Everything does not need a purpose.
What tangible item do we know of that exists in life...does NOT serve a purpose? 
To exist, realize, and die. Real talk

Our existence does not mean anything in the long run. It'll come to an end, eventually.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

As far as reproducing goes...there are a ton of people in the world who can't reproduce. So what is their purpose?

Also...what do you people feel about other galaxies and universes?

reading this reminded me of one of my old room mates.
he's addicted mushrooms.
Originally Posted by migit1209

To exist, realize, and die. Real talk

Our existence does not mean anything in the long run. It'll come to an end, eventually.

Not quite sure it's that cut and dry. Our bodies die...sure. 
What sort of methods will this project use to try and verify people's claims of "near-death" experience?
When your heart stops beating, there is no blood getting to your brain. And so what happens is that within about 10 sec., brain activity ceases —as you would imagine. Yet paradoxically, 10% or 20% of people who are then brought back to life from that period, which may be a few minutes or over an hour, will report having consciousness. So the key thing here is, Are these real, or is it some sort of illusion? So the only way to tell is to have pictures only visible from the ceiling and nowhere else, because they claim they can see everything from the ceiling. So if we then get a series of 200 or 300 people who all were clinically dead, and yet they're able to come back and tell us what we were doing and were able see those pictures, that confirms consciousness really was continuing even though the brain wasn't functioning.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1842627,00.html#ixzz1rZdWP300
"this place is a zoo"

I think the point of human existence is to experience this life from the human perspective. 

For whatever  exist outside of this life is so different that we've been sent here to see and do this for a while. 

Purpose of human life is to experience this from the physical perspective.

But most importantly, the message is to leave and transcend all this behind. 

We get in these bodies, but we have to part with them as well.

Much like the pharoahs, Jesus Christ was wrapped in cloth and buried in a tomb covered by a rock lid. His spirit rose on the third day a well


Jesus mummified


Pharoah mummified


fractal nature of soul/spirit/ human anatomy in russian art


fractal nature of soul/spirit/ human anatomy in egyptian art


fractal nature of soul/spirit/ human anatomy in egypt

In the resurrection religions 

the idea of death is not final, but rather a transformation into something else.  Living on other planes of existence. Not all places in the universe are meant for the our flesh bodies.  We may be born into these bodies just as a way to even get on the planet. There may be places where our souls, thought and mental energy can go and perceive, but our physical bodies may be too dense and low in frequency to even experience without being damaged badly. 
i asked this when i was younger to one of my teachers and he told me "to farm the land until they are ready to return"... creeped me the hell out and i never really gave it thought again.
Ive been asking myself this question for a while now..everyday I wake up I think what's my purpose..haven't figured it out yet
But I know I enjoy helping people ive been like that my whole life so maybe my gift was to help people in some sort of way
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