What does NT think about women and disrespect in today's world?

Sep 10, 2009
You guys know how saying certain things to a women is disrespectful, but a woman saying that to a man is perfectly fine? How do you all feel about that? This doesn't include violence. Males and females aren't on the same playing field physically...you should NEVER hit a woman imo. But things such as sexual harassment and things of the sort. I got the idea from this tweet.

So basically why is having respect for women more important than having respect for people as a whole?
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I hate it. Women get away with murder and they know it. The law will always be in their favor and they know this.

But women disrespect men (in my community) because most of them never had a reason to respect a man. Daddy probably wasn't around and their mother probably bad mouthed men all of their lives. So they don't know any better.

But yea, I hate it.
I hate it. Women get away with murder and they know it. The law will always be in their favor and they know this.
But women disrespect men (in my community) because most of them never had a reason to respect a man. Daddy probably wasn't around and their mother probably bad mouthed men all of their lives. So they don't know any better.
But yea, I hate it.

all i hear is chirp chirp chirp

summed it up.
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1. Edit your post, no cursing bruh.
2. Birds will be birds. Treat women how you would treat any person. If you disrespect me, don't expect
respect. If you hit me, expect to get hit back much harder. Nuff said.
I hate it. Women get away with murder and they know it. The law will always be in their favor and they know this.

But women disrespect men (in my community) because most of them never had a reason to respect a man. Daddy probably wasn't around and their mother probably bad mouthed men all of their lives. So they don't know any better.

But yea, I hate it.

All of this.

It reminds me of that Kevin Hart skit, the female yells hit me, hit me, then I can't believe he hit me :smh:
1. Edit your post, no cursing bruh.
2. Birds will be birds. Treat women how you would treat any person. If you disrespect me, don't expect
respect. If you hit me, expect to get hit back much harder. Nuff said.

i wouldn't hit a girl but i'd do something to remind her not to hit me. if that means putting her in a headlock for 15 minutes and tell her next time it's a full hour.

i try to avoid birds like these.

respect works both ways.
Arguing with a female is petty, especially when you make her 10x angrier by walking away, but when you place hands on me you grow a penis and adam's apple
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all i hear is chirp chirp chirp

I hate it. Women get away with murder and they know it. The law will always be in their favor and they know this.

But women disrespect men (in my community) because most of them never had a reason to respect a man. Daddy probably wasn't around and their mother probably bad mouthed men all of their lives. So they don't know any better.

But yea, I hate it.
I feel like this topic is petty and insignificant.

No offense, but it makes some of you sound just like the females you are tripping about. Insecure, weak, and tryna make excuses for your OWN negative thoughts and actions. Hypocritical and contradicting, making excuses of when it is appropriate to treat a woman with disrespect, physical or verbal.

A word of advice, don't spend time with women who don't respect you for being a good PERSON. (notice how I didn't say man) Keep this in mind and you won't be worrying about petty, insignificant topics like this.
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1. Edit your post, no cursing bruh.
2. Birds will be birds. Treat women how you would treat any person. If you disrespect me, don't expect
respect. If you hit me, expect to get hit back much harder. Nuff said.
I forgot about that. :lol: thanks for the heads up
and yeah i agree. it grinds my ****** gears. if a woman calls me a stupid, good for nothing, man *****. that's disrespectful. and so is me calling her a stupid, good for nothing, skank. it seems like in today's society people earn respect, but women deserve respect. :smh::rolleyes
*Chief Keef Voice* DO ME A FAVA SAAAAVE DAT ****! *Chief Keef Voice*
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I feel like this topic is petty and insignificant.
No offense, but it makes some of you sound just like the females you are tripping about. Insecure, weak, and tryna make excuses for your OWN negative thoughts and actions. Hypocritical and contradicting, making excuses of when it is appropriate to treat a woman with disrespect, physical or verbal.
A word of advice, don't spend time with women who don't respect you for being a good PERSON. (notice how I didn't say man)
how is it petty? it's just a question. i don't think people in general deserve disrespect so i'm simply saying it should work both ways. give respect to people in general where it is due. what insecurities, weakness, or hypocrisy does that show? also, your last statement is the entire point of my post: we are all people and being disrespectful to women is the same as disrespecting a man. :rolleyes
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i just had this talk with my co worker a few days ago

seems like women can talk talk talk in a mans face, yell, sometimes spit, push etc. and the moment they get it they play the victim. but they werent acting like that before they got hit were they? i would try not to hit a woman, but if it got to that point then it would happen.

the way i see it is if youre man enough to swing at a man, youre man enough to get hit like one
how is it petty? it's just a question. i don't think people in general deserve disrespect so i'm simply saying it should work both ways. give respect to people in general where it is due. what insecurities, weakness, or hypocrisy does that show? also, your last statement is the entire point of my post: we are all people and being disrespectful to women is the same as disrespecting a man. :rolleyes

The question is completely valid, and I suppose to individuals who do spend time dealing with people who disrespect them, it would be worth discussing. I just personally think the question shouldn't even be an issue and so therefore there should be no reason to bring it up to discuss.

It's petty because you are worrying about individuals (disrespectful females) who aren't worth your time, let alone your thoughts. Allowing PEOPLE in general to get you riled up because of their illogical views on whom should respect them seems idiotic to me. Therefore, I feel like it's an insignificant topic. If these individuals feel entitled to have your respect without mutually giving you respect then let them continue to have delusions of grandeur and leave them alone.

As much as I hear about this topic I rarely meet women who actually think they deserve respect without good reason. Furthermore, the women I do meet are very respectful of PEOPLE, which of course includes men.

Lastly, who gives a fug? You really gonna sit there and whine about how men should have more responsibility for the way they treat women, regardless of how the woman is acting? Why does this frustrate you, I feel like I would be frustrated only if I was consistently being disrespected by women, or if I felt insecure and couldn't meet these "expectations" of men. So what is it then?

Be an effin MAN, plain and simple. Suck it up and DEAL WITH IT. Take pride in yourself being better then others and how society (the dumb part) still expects more out of men. Allow these dumb women to continue to show that equality is nonexistent in their little worlds. Because as they disrespect you and demand your unearned respect, they are spitting on women's rights and equality. They just don't realize it, that's how dumb they are and how much you shouldn't be hanging around them.

Or else, like I said before, STOP hanging out with LITTLE GIRLS and say hi to a real woman for change. This wouldn't be an issue for you.
1. Edit your post, no cursing bruh.
2. Birds will be birds. Treat women how you would treat any person. If you disrespect me, don't expect
respect. If you hit me, expect to get hit back much harder. Nuff said.

i wouldn't hit a girl but i'd do something to remind her not to hit me. if that means putting her in a headlock for 15 minutes and tell her next time it's a full hour.

i try to avoid birds like these.

respect works both ways.

This delivered the :lol: :lol: :lol: Repped.

Definitely agree though. Respect should work both way.

Just because we are men doesn't mean we can't get our feelings hurt!

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Sadly its a double standard we just have to live with but like DC said we kind of did this to ourselves.

If daddy would have stayed and been around woman would have respect for men. But when dad walks out and mom tells baby girl all her life growing up "don't ever let a man walk all over you" "men are scum" "you are a queen and you deserve a King and nothing less" "if he dont' treat you right leave him"

Then we have social media....gassing up every 4-6 out of 10 having them thinking they are all Rihanna's and Kim K's (see thirstiest men on instagram thread/tumblr). What do we end up with? The woman of today.

But to answer your question OP i think its personal preference. I respect everyone the same on planet earth as a human being until proven otherwise. It usually doesn't take much to make me lose a little bit of respect for you. But i am the peaceful type i wouldn't put hands on a man or a woman. It's 2012 if you can't speak to me about an issue with out it turning physical then I don't need to be in contact with you.
ill cuss a chick out no problem if she asks for it my girl and old jump offs know :lol:
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Men get the double standard of being able to sleep with as many other sexual partners possible and not be labled a ho to work in their favor and the femlaes have the anything related to verbal/physical abuse double standard to work in theirs.

It is what it is.....Females and the law cost me quite a bit of money back in the day, not even worth time or energy entertaining any situation that could be perceived as a situation where you could end up with a couple of charges.

All it takes in VA is a woman pissed off at you to go to the local Magistrate and say you threatened her or put hands on her and you have a couple charges to fight.....and when you beat them you will have them still lingering on your record and be forced to expunge them, etc. Not EVEN worth it. :smh:
Never hit a woman? Shiiiieeeeddddd...

It starts with that play fighting stuff when the relationship is good.

Set a expectation early that if you hit me, I'm going to hit you back harder.
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