What has happened to black families vol 72% illegitimacy rate

I mean we can discuss things like adults here and not resort to posting cartoons as defense mechanisms.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by vSlackin

Didn't read anything in here but it makes sense why black people have such a high illegitimacy. Most of them aspire to be like their favorite rappers or on their way to jail. By most I mean NOT ALL, as some of you will argue. The messages rappers put out make more and more kids who think hustling, robbing, and scamming is "doing it", but the way to do it is do well in school and get a steady job.
i disagree.

the problem is that our family system is breaking. the rappers didn't invent today's problems. Darquez wants to be like Lil Wayne b/c he probably doesn't have a father figure in his life to steer him towards reality.

just as many white kids listen to rap, but their numbers aren't nearly as staggering as ours.

I don't think the family system is breaking. It's just the amount or lack of discipline that could be taught to the child. Darquez has the choice to be like Lil Wayne (who raps about killing and drug smuggling), but the mother has the choice to know her child and teach him/her of right and wrong.
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by vSlackin

Didn't read anything in here but it makes sense why black people have such a high illegitimacy. Most of them aspire to be like their favorite rappers or on their way to jail. By most I mean NOT ALL, as some of you will argue. The messages rappers put out make more and more kids who think hustling, robbing, and scamming is "doing it", but the way to do it is do well in school and get a steady job.
i disagree.

the problem is that our family system is breaking. the rappers didn't invent today's problems. Darquez wants to be like Lil Wayne b/c he probably doesn't have a father figure in his life to steer him towards reality.

just as many white kids listen to rap, but their numbers aren't nearly as staggering as ours.

More white people listen to rap than black people exist. They are just smart enough to not take it literally or look at as a life handbook, nothing more than fantasy and entertainment to them, for the most part because as you mentioned they have parents who were able to break that down to him. Without a real dad in your life, maybe you do start to take Lil Wayne a bit too seriously and try to emulate him as a role model.

It is fairly similar to the arguments against violent video games/movies, except that Arnold Swarchenegger would tell you Terminator is 100% fake, and your favorite rapper would absolutely swear up and down that he really sells that many drugs, and kills that many people, and pulls that many (*#*$es, and those cars and houses aren't rented, and that that money is his and isn't fake or borrowed. Priorities.
Plus I don't think people should be blaming the "white man". What happens to those is YOUR responsibility. Some blacks feel like free handouts is all they need (welfare). It depends on what you do to become successful. Motivation is what makes people rich or poor. Of course a little racism is there but not enough to completely stop what black people really want to do to become successful.
Its bugged how people like Scientific Whatever can be so detached from the struggle of his own people and still delude himself into thinking he really cares.

The internet is heaven for lames.

Passive aggressive social outcasts now have the ultimate soapbox.
Originally Posted by vSlackin

Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

Originally Posted by vSlackin

Didn't read anything in here but it makes sense why black people have such a high illegitimacy. Most of them aspire to be like their favorite rappers or on their way to jail. By most I mean NOT ALL, as some of you will argue. The messages rappers put out make more and more kids who think hustling, robbing, and scamming is "doing it", but the way to do it is do well in school and get a steady job.
i disagree.

the problem is that our family system is breaking. the rappers didn't invent today's problems. Darquez wants to be like Lil Wayne b/c he probably doesn't have a father figure in his life to steer him towards reality.

just as many white kids listen to rap, but their numbers aren't nearly as staggering as ours.

I don't think the family system is breaking. It's just the amount or lack of discipline that could be taught to the child. Darquez has the choice to be like Lil Wayne (who raps about killing and drug smuggling), but the mother has the choice to know her child and teach him/her of right and wrong.

but that's where the problem lies IMO. although it can be done, its hard for a woman to raise a young man herself. a lot of these kids have no positive male role models in their life. i get what you're saying, but its a lot to ask of young Darquez to make the right choice if he doesn't have a relationship with his father and every dude in the hood isn't a "positive role model."
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Its bugged how people like Scientific Whatever can be so detached from the struggle of his own people and still delude himself into thinking he really cares.

The internet is heaven for lames.

Passive aggressive social outcasts now have the ultimate soapbox.

You can't remember Scientific Method? It's two words.

I care. I just don't think preaching victimhood instead of personal responsibility is the way to go, or working.

I bet only black people are the ones who get mad at those who make it out of whatever struggle and failure they assume to characterize their existence. Crabs in a barrel much?

White people I doubt ever be like, "Look at Bob making that money, elevating his position in life. (#*$ him. He isint any real white."
Whatever man.

At least you'll never have to worry about this phenomena because it has been scientifically proven over the years that you get NO BUNS.

And how stupid do you sound...like there aren't thousands of white people currently camping out and protesting, against the success and wealth attained by other white people.

Simpleminded uncle toms ftl.
I just need to make sure %@%@#+ aint calling me an uncle tom cause Im giving my fellow negroes tough love
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Its bugged how people like Scientific Whatever can be so detached from the struggle of his own people and still delude himself into thinking he really cares.

The internet is heaven for lames.

Passive aggressive social outcasts now have the ultimate soapbox.

You can't remember Scientific Method? It's two words.

I care. I just don't think preaching victimhood instead of personal responsibility is the way to go, or working.

I bet only black people are the ones who get mad at those who make it out of whatever struggle and failure they assume to characterize their existence. Crabs in a barrel much?

White people I doubt ever be like, "Look at Bob making that money, elevating his position in life. (#*$ him. He isint any real white."

Yeah but working is working...it's not going to the job from 9-5 to get a pay check every two weeks...real working is exerting real energy towards your own survival....so get the game right...it is our responsibility, but don't act like we haven't had our manhood taken from us

...your argument is immediately in futile when you forget or attempt to belittle the history of our people.

the world is the world, it has its own natural self sustaining laws, not determined by the overlords of society.. in the end it's impossible to change certain things and not expect repercussions
It's funny how millions of people across the globe are rioting and protesting about the impact that "the system" is having on their lives but black peoples struggle, when articulated, is still brushed off as escapism.
your right bruh...it's a damn shame how a lot of black men can't empower themselves and legitimize the oppressors...it's like their brains are programed to accept the state and conditions instead of critical thinking. It's like some black people aren't even aware revolutions exist in societal conditions and social orders..which is why we are here.
Nah I was talking about the dude that comes to NT summits and silently stays in the corner, never interacting with his people that he proclaims to care about so much but comes online to make these inflammatory threads under revolving SNs to get his attention fix. The title of the thread alone is enough to show OP's true intentions.
You good bread cartune. I know its coming from a place of love with you.

But it's funny how millions of people across the globe are rioting and protesting about the impact that "the system" is having on their lives but black peoples struggle, when articulated, is still brushed off as escapism.

And thats not to say that a massive group introspection and readjustment of values doesn't need to take place...but no human social construct exists in a vacuum.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Its bugged how people like Scientific Whatever can be so detached from the struggle of his own people and still delude himself into thinking he really cares.

The internet is heaven for lames.

Passive aggressive social outcasts now have the ultimate soapbox.
This, this, and this.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Nah I was talking about the dude that comes to NT summits and silently stays in the corner, never interacting with his people that he proclaims cares about so much but then he comes online to make these inflammatory threads under revolving SNs to get his attention fix.

You good bread cartune. I know its coming from a place of love with you.

It's funny how millions of people across the globe are rioting and protesting about the impact that "the system" is having on their lives but black peoples struggle, when articulated, is still brushed off as escapism.

And thats not to say that a massive group introspection and readjustment of values doesn't need to take place...but no human social construct exists in a vacuum.

I'm shy, sue me. I wasn't talking much to any of the white people there either if that makes you feel any better. I don't know what sex has to do with anything. My aversion to it revolves around not being ready for the potential consequences, actually seems like a responsible decision to make.
Title changed back since feathers have been ruffled, although the og title was complained about too which is what prompted the change so idk.
I don't know since when societal issues turned into a math problem. Guys in here talking about jobs in a linear matter, completely ignoring that along the line for one to become a part of that so call top tier of jobs sacrifices had to be made and someone had to buy into that family concept of sacrifice today, so later generations could succeed. Simply put because one person has the willpower to overturn the world for their ambitions, does that mean now that everyone behind or alongside him/her should be expected to do the same or should adjustments be made that those un humane roadblocks not exist anymore.

It's like the internet ******ing the lot of you instead of making you more intelligent. At the end of the day race this, race that none of it matters because if you all can't understand that simple things like slavery wasn't an economic happenstance. That longstanding experiments were taking place, that families were split up, identities erased on purpose, in order to change and manipulate the social fabric of a nation for its entirety. Hell if you want ignore American slavery just look at slavery as a whole ... Look at the practices of slavery that took place, look at what happened when a slave was freed or escaped. Where else in history has a nation of slaves took up homes among their owners .. Not a couple, not a few but the whole lot ........ Why is that? Why call a place, that can NEVER be your home just that ... Where the lingering stigmata is nothing but pain?

Either way all of this will fall on deaf ears, because the same methods introduced during American slavery has been perfected ..... The scientific information gained put forward to enslave an entire world ... But either way continue talking about how your father, grandfather or great grandfather overturned the entire world to be successful, while you've done nothing to expand his empire and chances are have done nothing but bring shame to him

See that's the longstanding effect of slavery, just look at Africa now .. How much an entire village will do to send the brightest among them out into the world for higher education, because they know with that education he will illuminate them all. In turn their village will survive, and if lucky rise on his or her shoulders.

Its weird that on a board such as this, with so many privileged, materialistic individuals among its members (I being quite materialistic myself), some if not most of which will do anything to fit in, constantly bicker about a "race" of people that will stand out irregardless of what they do to fit in

As always Martin won but Malcolm was right .. It's funny how Malcom X is no longer a part of college text well at least mine when they speak of the Civil Rights Movement, when one of his biggest causes was for American blacks to be self reliant, self sustaining and only through self sufficiency would they ever achieve equality .. That it would in turn bring them closer as a unit .. Also that any and most black towns that displayed such self reliance, such sufficiency were burned to the earth when they began flourishing displaying such opulence, that was only seen during the hayday of African empires .. Simply read up on the many race riots that occurred during the 1900s .. Anyways carry on I will not be re entering this thread
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Its bugged how people like Scientific Whatever can be so detached from the struggle of his own people and still delude himself into thinking he really cares.

The internet is heaven for lames.

Passive aggressive social outcasts now have the ultimate soapbox.

You can't remember Scientific Method? It's two words.

I care. I just don't think preaching victimhood instead of personal responsibility is the way to go, or working.

I bet only black people are the ones who get mad at those who make it out of whatever struggle and failure they assume to characterize their existence. Crabs in a barrel much?

White people I doubt ever be like, "Look at Bob making that money, elevating his position in life. (#*$ him. He isint any real white."

Actually they do, many of them do. They call them uppity or city boys, or damn yankees. So it isnt just blacks. You have latins who think the above mexicans and domincans. It isnt just a black thing. And ive notice that with every comment pertaining to blacks and lack of resources, opportunites, etc is because he is stupid. So the kids who are in a school full of under-achieving, uninspired, substandard teaching its because there stupid? The school without dated textbooks, and is packed with 50 students in one jainitor closet size classroom and all got share 4 out of date computers. Thats because their stupid? The kid who lives in a neighborhood with 10 liqour stores and not a single library, but they have a book report/research they have to work on. But have to catch a train and like two buses to get to a library. But if that money is used wont be able to eat dinner the next day. That kid is in that position because he is stupid/ Or how about the teens who all went out a few months ago, who got beat and harassed by cops because they all had tees and jeans and j's on and the cops thought they were in a gang. Oh its their fault or was being stupid because they wore tee shirts outside to the corner store up the street.

And the whole reparations, black ppl would blow it because they are stupid, im sorry is just a plain outright ignorant thing to say. Its not that many black ppl would blow it out of being stupid. it would be because they are uninformed on investing money, making money work for them. Stupidity is knowing something and despite it all, make a rash, ill unfounded decision. Ignorance is not being informed or unaware. A toddler/baby sticking a butter knife in a electrical socket is out of ignorance. Because they are unawre of what will occur. A 25 y/o who does the same thing is being stupid. Because they are aware of what can happen.
LDJ - blacks don't belong to the American dream... Marcus Garvey without a solution/end game

Scientific Method - blacks need to take responsibility for their situation... Blackfaced Sly FOX that wants to downplay/re-write history

Both of ya'll make valid points but the only thing ya'll have really accomplished is building the internets own Great Wall of text
when did I ever downplay or rewrite history?

I am actually old enough to have gone to school in an era back when they still taught black history, somewhat watered down no doubt, but I never rewrote or denied anything. She was a total $%*$# but I actually had a great great grandma who lived to be like 99 before she died and even she told us about some things before. My mom went to Dunbar in Duncan which was de facto a segregated school. Integration had come down, but many states in the South were resistant to implement it and even then, you still ended up with an unofficial segregation.

All that said, what good is any of that history if people don't make the most of the opportunities we have today, as a result of what people went through back then? Would that not be playing right into "their" hands?

I mean I literally got dudes telling me I'm not authentically or an everyday black, again I have no idea what either means, because I am from a somewhat affluent upbringing (and of course anyone raised the same way as me was also called house (&%s), or because I have a job, or because I moved into a safe neighborhood, or because I'm shy, or because I choose to abstain from sex, or because I guess I didn't talk to them enough . I mean that whole rant that got deleted had to be among the dumbest things I have ever read.

Kats just like being angry and starting arguments. When I was talking that same, "(&(& BET and other ignorant #%$ entertainment we support, we should be trying to project a better image of ourselves," stuff in another thread everybody was hating me for it there, then you see some of the same people posting the same stuff in here but I was Thomas's Uncle when I said it.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input? If so, I'll stop here but the minority experience in the US is a shared one (each with different histories) but we have more in common with each other than with caucasian Americans. You can point a finger at slavery and say that "we won't understand" which is fine. I'm not trying to say I empathize with slavery because that would be untrue. I'm just saying, looking forward by pulling each other up is more beneficial than separating everyone into exclusive groups. Just saying.

Nobody who posted in this thread was a slave either so no need to apologize on that front, and yes they really do think nobody of any other race can have an opinion on anything regarding black people. Ludacris huh? It's not like the current approach has bought much success. But don't bother trying to relay the similarities between people of different races and their plights, black people think they have a monopoly on oppression and racism and nobody else gets it. That damn white man, he's controlling our every move. It's all his fault! +$*@ is disgraceful the amount of excuses.

And Deuce King surprisingly neglected to add that black men graduate at LESS than 50%, so that also affects the options to black women since they are not highly rated amongst other races of men as options. That leaves them almost no choice but to marry/date down, in fact the success gap between black females and black males is the largest such gap in any racial group.
Marry down? As in marrying someone who didn't go to college? 
Why do people, more specifically uppity negroes like yourself insist on equating statistics to real life conclusions, knowing there are varying reasons for why those various statistics exist in the first place?
These numbers are all subjective and relative. I dont pay attention to them. They're really good distractions that keeps your focus away from the real issues.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Do black folks really think people from the outside shouldn't have any input? If so, I'll stop here but the minority experience in the US is a shared one (each with different histories) but we have more in common with each other than with caucasian Americans. You can point a finger at slavery and say that "we won't understand" which is fine. I'm not trying to say I empathize with slavery because that would be untrue. I'm just saying, looking forward by pulling each other up is more beneficial than separating everyone into exclusive groups. Just saying.

Nobody who posted in this thread was a slave either so no need to apologize on that front, and yes they really do think nobody of any other race can have an opinion on anything regarding black people. Ludacris huh? It's not like the current approach has bought much success. But don't bother trying to relay the similarities between people of different races and their plights, black people think they have a monopoly on oppression and racism and nobody else gets it. That damn white man, he's controlling our every move. It's all his fault! +$*@ is disgraceful the amount of excuses.

And Deuce King surprisingly neglected to add that black men graduate at LESS than 50%, so that also affects the options to black women since they are not highly rated amongst other races of men as options. That leaves them almost no choice but to marry/date down, in fact the success gap between black females and black males is the largest such gap in any racial group.
Marry down? As in marrying someone who didn't go to college? 
Why do people, more specifically uppity negroes like yourself insist on equating statistics to real life conclusions, knowing there are varying reasons for why those various statistics exist in the first place?

I'm uppity now? Aren't you the cat who always posts about how you're a college grad now and therefore no longer deal with black women? Rhetorical question
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