What have you won? (ie: contest drawing, lottery, etc..)

back when i was like 12, i won a freestyle battle on the radio. looking back on that day, i can remember having the worst freestyle but i still won. the prizewas a signed calendar
I never won anything big but when i was 8 my grandma won a go cart from a raffle at wal mart and gave it to me
in elementary school we used to have those treat walks. you know, every easter, halloween, christmas, valentines etc the whole class would go to the gym andwalk in a circle of numbers while music was playing. once the music stopped we would stop moving along the circle. then the teachers would draw random numbersand if you were on one of the numbers you would win a prize

i never won anything until the very last year of elementary. i was so happy when i realized i was finally one of the numbers called. the girl in front of mewon a huge teddy bear and someone else got a basket full of candy. what do i get?

a mother %+!%%## am radio that i had to assemble myself
at prom I won a $75 gift card to Bed, Bath, & Beyond...

Next day was mother's day, PERFECT!
I work at a radio station. Thought I'd share a few things...

Firstly, if a dj tells you you're caller 9, in reality, you're probably the first or second caller. Most of us don't waste time telling people"sorry, you're number 7, you didn't win". Also, if you call and get a busy signal, it doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people arecalling in at the same time you are. We just a press a button to make that happen. We want the average listener to think we're really popular, like thewhole city is trying to call us. When you hear a busy signal, that means the dj is in bathroom, or they just don't feel like taking calls.

Secondly, ALL major contests are rigged. If a radio or tv station is giving away anything bigger than a cd or t-shirt, chances are the winner will be handpicked. The only exception is random phone-in contests. If you had to e-mail your entry or enter on the station's website, there's nothing random aboutthe winning entry. Somebody chose that person to win. Winners are usually people who don't enter a lot of contests, fit the station's demographic, andsay lots of nice things about the station in their entry. Ego-stroking gets you prizes.

Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by psykhO

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

11/14 at a Computer Show (Yeah I actually went to one to replace my laptop charger) I won a raffle for Club level seats to the Broncos Vs. ******** game. Glad to go and support my Skins, but a lil mad because I have a pretty good idea of whose going to win.
Skins won though

Best surprise in a Long time... made yesterday great!
Im a two-time north American grappling association silver medal winner.
I hit 5 out 6 numbers on the mega millions for 250,000. Since that (the last 4-5 months) I have about 27,000 in poker winnings
Originally Posted by biggatree

I work at a radio station. Thought I'd share a few things...

Firstly, if a dj tells you you're caller 9, in reality, you're probably the first or second caller. Most of us don't waste time telling people "sorry, you're number 7, you didn't win". Also, if you call and get a busy signal, it doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people are calling in at the same time you are. We just a press a button to make that happen. We want the average listener to think we're really popular, like the whole city is trying to call us. When you hear a busy signal, that means the dj is in bathroom, or they just don't feel like taking calls.

Secondly, ALL major contests are rigged. If a radio or tv station is giving away anything bigger than a cd or t-shirt, chances are the winner will be hand picked. The only exception is random phone-in contests. If you had to e-mail your entry or enter on the station's website, there's nothing random about the winning entry. Somebody chose that person to win. Winners are usually people who don't enter a lot of contests, fit the station's demographic, and say lots of nice things about the station in their entry. Ego-stroking gets you prizes.

Hope this helps.

I live in CA and have called in on phone contests from KROQ when they are looking for caller 10 and have gotten an answer of "sorry, you're caller___" and then hangs up on more than a handful of times. About 95% of the time though the line is just busy.
Won $5000 at a golf outing in a raffle. Donated $500 back. Funny part was I didn't even buy a ticket, the guy who invited us bought one for me. $100 perticket; these people were all loaded.
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