what is a film or television quote that can make someone become your friend immediately if they get

what is a film or television quote that can make someone your friend immediately if they get it?????


THIS. Or just about anything classic from the Simpsons. Other than my brother, I can't seem to find anybody that appreciates the genius of that show in it's heyday :frown:

"I never apologize, I’m sorry but that’s the way I am."

"Homer no function beer well without"

Just too many to even try to remember...

Aw man.

"Wrap it up B!"

"I am the one who knocks"

"She wears underwear with **** holes in it"

And last but not least, if I say "This is blasphemy, this is madness", you better immediately comeback with "THIS IS SPARTA!"..If you don't then I don't got time for you..
"Whoareyou? Whoareyou? Whoareyou?"

"Mutha ***** can you buy THAT?"

"You get that thing I sent ya?"

"Dowutnah? Dowutnah? Dowutnah?"
"I could use a tasty beverage"

"Evil Beware, we have waffles"

"Not even the younglings survived"
"Ahh I threw that before I walked in the room"
black dynamite 

also from that movie:
Euphoria, shut the **** up! I know that was you! I ain't even gotta look! I should send your *** back to Crenshaw Pete with his hot-*** coat hangers, *****. Would you like that?
 Listen sucka, I'm blacker than the ace of spades and more militant than you and your whole damn army put together. While you out there, chanting at rallies and brow-beating politicians, I'm taking out any money-fronting sucka on a humble that gets in my way. So I tell you what, when your so called revolution starts, you call me, and I'll be right down front showing you how it's done. But until then, you need to SHUT the **** UP when grown folks is talking.
Anything from the office but while we're talking about the simpsons...

In the episode where homer runs a daycare after breaking his knee playing basketball. Flanders asks him to watch the kids cuz he's going to a christian rock conert (tix actually say chris rock in concert) and he tells Homer:

"Would you mind watching rod and todd? Im kinda in a pickle here"

Homer: "Well they will keep me company....and this pickle you're offering only sweetens the deal"

Kills me every time :rofl:. I say it everytime i hear someone say they're in a pickle.
My roommates name is Brad and i would say "look at the brains on Brad!" when I see him, but he had no idea what I meant. Just explained it to him today and we ended up going quote for quote through the whole scene
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