What kind of acrylic Glow in the Dark paint should I use?

Oct 23, 2006
I recently used some and...well it didn't work too well.
When I bought it, it looked kinda waterish.
Default color was kind of a melonish.
So I'm looking for some acrylic glow in the dark paint.
What brands are good out there? Where can I find some?
I heard the glow powders you mix with neutral paint or varnishes works MUCH better than pre-mixed GID paints...I also think you get a better result from anairbrush as opposed to painting it by hand
DecoArt acrylic paint: Michael's craft store, i used it on some black AF1 mids, gotta dilute it or use some thinner with it cuz u gotta get it a lilthick for more glow, hope that helps
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