What L's have you taken in 2008?

i had a few L's...but I took them like a man.
Never looked back.

It would take me 10-15 minutes to really reminisce
I dunno where to begin....

Lost 3 girls I loved

lost friends

lakers lost

owe mad tuition money

maxed out ALL my credit cards on tuition

financed a bmw and got it repo a month later.....
The only Ls I take are rolled up, with green in em.

I wish
- Passed up on 3 girls while I was trying to get with a different one, ended up getting friend zoned for the first time

- Still in the friend zone with her, have to start all over with the other ones
- Failed my driver's test
- Got greedy and blew all my season's winnings on a 2 game parlay
- Rays lost WS
not too bad...
An itouch I used twice.

An ipod radio adaptor thing for the car that cost $80 and doesn't barely work.
got 4 speeding tickets which led to higher insurance.
failed 2 classes this year.
lost a childhood friend over a girl.
falling for some chick, then to realize that she had a man away for school.
- iphone broke one month out of warranty and was pretty much told "tough luck" by Apple.
- Lost my well-paying job... but I got an internship at a firm I want to work at when I graduate... could be considered a lower-case W.
- By losing my job, I was unable to buy the new Lexus.
- Went over a rail road track/hill too fast and broke the bottom of my truck on the way down... now I'm driving my mom's old car.

I think my Ws > my Ls, though.

Cranberry and Vodka FTL
I didn't mess with ol girl though just got bagged on camera. My shorty was
Almost got a girl pregnant

Dropping the best girl I've ever known (I could see myself marrying her in the future)

Taking Anthropology II

Getting tricked by loose females in disguise

Dog getting mauled by the neighbors dogs

September - December been the toughest months of my life

being 18 FTL
Originally Posted by worldbeefreeg

Originally Posted by eight2one

Destroyed TWO laptops
11 cell phones-(3 of those were LG Dares)
^^^those were drunk mishaps
I maxed out 4 CC's on absolutely nothing
put $700 to repair a car i was getting rid of 2 months later
Paid for a semester of classes outta pocket that i ended up dropping.

seems like i took a lot L's this year....

Did you pay up for all these or mommy and daddy???

I did, thats why Im soo angry.
lost keys cost 300 hun to replace damn chip in the key
next week car got towed 300 to get out
im outa work for 3 months down to my lastb100
this damn recession so i couldnt save money ima bartender so no money comin through
cops got called on my and my girl for arguing to loud goood thing they didnt take no one

but i did take my first cruise and im livin so its all W's from there
i've managed to harness another l
so i've been studying hard for finals and working on my 13 page paper
i'm thinking aint no way i go anywhere today it's snowing out

I began to study for my art final tommorow and see that i had the art final was actually today
in order of L taken:

-best goon since elementary got locked up for murder 1....they say he'll do life w/out parole

-hit a raccoon that did 3 g's worth of damage to the whip...big $$# raccoon
-gf walked in on me w/another shorty...now she's my ex
-ex busted down a COUPLE of my friends out of spite after breakup...we're no longer friends

-lost my high paying job because of inconsistencies....still feeling the effects of that one
-caught the burn from a chi town jumpoff.....ayoo to the condom thread...cleared up now no harm no foul

-face began breaking out again due to my increased levels of stress
-lost my Dad on November 21st (luv u Pop always will)
-had to move back w/moms to help w/the bills, shorty doo wop i was living with was heated

tell me ur 08 was worse than mine and be made a liar...
-lost my job
-15,000 in debt
-spent a couple a months homeless living out my car
-doc told me i got crohn's disease
-got hit with 2 felonies last month, might be able to get the charges reduced

worst year of my life, making plans right now to make 09 the year of berberpride
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