What takes more skill to excel at: Halo or Call of Duty?

I have no Idea what was said in the previous pages in this thread since my phone on NT is gay but heres my take. Halo took my vote because the way multiplayer is set up is that have all players start on equal grounds with same weapons, nades, specials etc. COD obviously with one perk change can change everything like sleight of hand or marathon. Reach has changed this with the intro of jetpacks and everything but still adds to my point of not being too overbalanced right from the beginning, minor change but good to keep the game going.

I've never spent more time in halo 2 than any other game or ever will, that game was amazing
A little different skills involved for each game alike, put down the controller and go pick up a ball, that involves skills. Not a mystery why our society is the fattest in the world 
For starters GOW3 > all

Halo for sure, I love playing Reach (fun factor in Big Team Battles in Halo > *)
If I had a vagina and camped in COD I'd have a 3-4 K/D, I've played many scrubs with high K/D's entering the lobby, that camping nonsense works for one game max before they end up rage quitting.
halo is probably one of the most balanced games ever and the matchmaking is one of the best (something cod needs to learn from)

and if u think halo is easy than u must be playing with scrubs
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Credo

I don't consider any video game to require any skill beyond the most basic hand-to-eye coordination.
Then again I know way too many people in their 20s whose only "skill" is video games

Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.

I think one of the huge differences between Chess and SC is that chess is a game of pattern recognition whereas SC is more about reflexes (why is a major stat APMs?) and an ability to anticipate the enemies' unit composition.
Chess has not been replaced by Starcraft. That is a ridiculous statement.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Credo

I don't consider any video game to require any skill beyond the most basic hand-to-eye coordination.
Then again I know way too many people in their 20s whose only "skill" is video games

Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.

I think one of the huge differences between Chess and SC is that chess is a game of pattern recognition whereas SC is more about reflexes (why is a major stat APMs?) and an ability to anticipate the enemies' unit composition.
Chess has not been replaced by Starcraft. That is a ridiculous statement.
imo the games basically end up with you shooting one of these ways:
CoD = groin shots
Halo = head shots

halo ftw
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

halo is probably one of the most balanced games ever and the matchmaking is one of the best (something cod needs to learn from)

I never got why Halo's matchmaking was so praised. COD had better team-balancing IMO (when it was just random players, no parties).

When I was playing Halo Reach, I routinely got dumped on teams LOADED with Nobles, Mythics, Heroes, Novas, Eclipses, etc. and we would absolutely wreck things, I'm talking surround the other base on Hemorrhage with both Wraiths and Revenants on CTF and just bomb the hell out of the other team.

Then I'd join another lobby and then I'd be facing all the super-high ranking players and they'd wreck us, half my team would quit and then we'd get wrecked even more.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by Credo

I don't consider any video game to require any skill beyond the most basic hand-to-eye coordination.
Then again I know way too many people in their 20s whose only "skill" is video games

Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.

I think one of the huge differences between Chess and SC is that chess is a game of pattern recognition whereas SC is more about reflexes (why is a major stat APMs?) and an ability to anticipate the enemies' unit composition.
Chess has not been replaced by Starcraft. That is a ridiculous statement.

Think you did a double post but as an experienced SC player who pays more attention to pro SC than the NBA here's my take. It will never take over chess fully, it's both hard and easy to compare the two, SC games played at high levels can be analysed but other people with every move they make just like chess. Chess doesn't necessarily have a time limit so you can waste 2 minutes to think every move you do when it's your turn as where SC in game does eventually you cant wait forever or give yourself 2 minutes to react at your speed. Pro and con. As for APM blizzard came with an update where they change how they measure APM live or in a replay so it doesn't matter anymore which is stupid since APM is a general mechanic in games that they didn't create themselves. Anyway lol you will see differences in APM depending on skill level, rankings etc but necessarily doesn't matter. I had 150+ APM average but I see pros with around 75 beat me because they make evey decision as their precise and efficiently better than mine even though it's doubled than there's other pros who famously reach 400's but there's a line inbetween trying to get a job done and over excessiveness and that's almost impossible to measure on a scale
This is a dumb question no offense lol

Put it this way, if someone who has never played either plays reach he will get dominated at the start. if he plays cod, he will be dominating

I play halo and I'll play cod every blue moon and go like +30 everygame -_-

with halo you have to play smart, in cod you just camp and get free kills..
Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.

Not sure if serious.

Even if Starcraft could match chess in terms of brainpower required (which it doesn't), Starcraft still requires being able to move the mouse fast and click a lot of times per second. Chess is 100% about the brainpower.

And I still can't believe people think that COD requires more skill than Halo. The biggest noob is bound to kill even the most skilled COD player once in a while in a pure 1 on 1 battle, whereas in Halo this will not happen once.
lmao i hurt so many feelings in this post.


and no, im not trolling at all.

i've fully articulated my opinion on this matter.

the last three pages have been dudes repeating the same thing LMAO

you guys can continue being mad.
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Starcraft would love to have a word with it. Replacing Chess is no easy task. Scientists are moving away from Chess and using Starcraft as the model organism to test how and why our brain works.

Not sure if serious.

Even if Starcraft could match chess in terms of brainpower required (which it doesn't), Starcraft still requires being able to move the mouse fast and click a lot of times per second. Chess is 100% about the brainpower.

And I still can't believe people think that COD requires more skill than Halo. The biggest noob is bound to kill even the most skilled COD player once in a while in a pure 1 on 1 battle, whereas in Halo this will not happen once.
Actually, there's only one dude that thinks this. 
Just one. 

In this whole thread. 

Everyone else is pretty much in agreement that the halo franchise takes more skill to excel at than COD. 

Eh, different strokes I guess. 
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