What the hell is a texting buddy? ;-)

Nov 21, 2006
I'm starting to see a lot of younger (18-22) @%%$#$ on fb talking about they need texting buddies, can someone explain this tomfoolery to me, is this the 2012 friendzone? After they usually post its 5 or 6 dudes ready ready to listen to every problem they have
I never understood why anyone would want to be a texting buddy. I mean, I guess if you trynna creep up in them jawns eventually, but still, sounds like a damn waste of time to me.

texting buddies lol
I always thought that was an excuse, a female would use when her man looks through her phone. Or if a dude constantly texts a chicks and he finally has the heart to ask her out. She comes out by saying hes just a text buddy....
Some chic asked me to be her texting buddy. I'm like !+* I'm grown... ain't got time for that !+* . I did it anyway. Got mad nudes in a week. FAP CITY TRICK, FAP FAP CITY TRICK
What is the difference between a texting buddy and an actual friend?
Like do texting buddies not hangout?
sounds like a friendzone/simp to me 
Originally Posted by omgitswes

What is the difference between a texting buddy and an actual friend?
Like do texting buddies not hangout?
A texting buddy is the random kid in one of her classes that she all of a sudden wants to pretend like she's friends with
haha last yr i was trying to get wit this 1 girl and ended up fallin into this text buddy crap
got out with the quickness
Originally Posted by SpaceLemonkush

pretty much someone to text to when bored and stuff.. But most guys use it to swindle their way into smashing said chicks
qft but they usually fail 9/10 times
This is such an old term, how do you not know this? Just got a phone capable of txt? It's one of the main things to stay away from.
Originally Posted by DMoney82

Some chic asked me to be her texting buddy. I'm like !+* I'm grown... ain't got time for that !+* . I did it anyway. Got mad nudes in a week. FAP CITY TRICK, FAP FAP CITY TRICK

that's what I'm talking about famb.I've been lured into that nonsense ... its hit or miss whether YGY or not...
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

Don't know.. I assume it's somebody to text to.. when bored as hell..
how did you reach this conclusion?

someone to feed girls their daily dose of attention they require

Whenever a chick doesn't want to look like the lame, lonely chick, they hit up the texting buddy.
"she doesn't wanna seem whack when and go home when all her friends are getting dropped off to some ****"
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