What to get for graduation gifts?

Jan 3, 2011
I have a few friends graduating this year, 4 girls and a guy to be specific. I was thinking about getting them all gag gifts or something. I have a price range of 20-40 dollars each, as I'm still a broke college student. Can you guys give me some ideas of something good? Also, if anyone else is looking to purchase grad gifts and don't know what to get, feel free to use this post to get some ideas!

Congratulations to the Class of 2012!
Take em all out to dinner. Always good to spend more quality time with people before they graduate and head their separate ways.
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Take em all out to dinner. Always good to spend more quality time with people before they graduate and head their separate ways.

Good idea..
Originally Posted by bjamez20

Take em all out to dinner. Always good to spend more quality time with people before they graduate and head their separate ways.
We've all already decided that we are all going out to a fancy dinner and everyone's already stated that they will pay for their own. that way, only surprising them with gifts will work.

Originally Posted by 6 rings MJ

I would've ask them.. what they want..
That ruins the surprise, but I might have to resort to that.
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