What would you assume that I am ethnically based on my DNA results and how I look?

cool, I'm proud to be mixed

And you said yoh were only 8 % west West African. North africans are not Black so your white ness is even higher lol. A large % of white Americans have 15% or less West african in then and similar european ancestry but you aint the same as them because you speak spanish right? Even though Spain is and was a nation of white people.

Lol ok.
I use the n word plenty times. It what Harlem n's do... By your logic your white because you speak English a white language. If I used the n word around you you wouldn't do nothing fam. Trust me, lol. That's for sure.

No that wasnt my logic. My logic is that you are 70% white thus you are a white person, speaking your mother tongue was only the icing on the cake.

Im 100% west african non mixed, so theres no confusion on myside. If harlem cats let white people call them the N word thats on them.
Actually, North Africa is an ethnicity and part of Africa with many shades... Once again, your logic is flawed.

NOrth Africans are not black thus YOUR logic is flawed by grouping them with west Africans to boost up your "blackness".

Lol why you keep digging your whole deeper beats me.
If you look white you're white. Vice versa for mixed kids like me. My skin is dark enough that people know I'm not white even though I'm mixed. But I have friends who are mixed but are so lightskin + their hair people just assume they're white.

What race you actually are and identify as of course is on you, but OP I'm pretty sure 9/10 people would guess you're white if they saw you on the street.
OP do you speak Berber?  And using the n word has nothing to do with race.  Plenty of white and asians in the bay that use the n word a lot everyday depending on what neighborhood/area they grew up in
Yea,That's illogical as well as ignorant and pointless. Facts remain someone who's gentialy mixed is mixed and you can't always tell what someone is off the bat since genetics can result in various looks. This means even more that you should assume and go by looks. That's only logic. Also, race ain't real
***** nobody cares what you technically are. If I see you walking down the street and you look white, you're white to me. Same situation with cops. The first comment in this thread is all that's relevant.

What you actually are vs how people perceive are two different things. You don't identify as white? that's amazing. Won't change everybody else's view point.
Being a light skinned brother, i havent been truly assimilated by my people... kinda of sad , but im a chameleon in these hoods...
OP it really looks like you're dodging the acceptance thing

All that matters in this day and age is the first impression. If you spark up a conversation with a black person and say the n-word, do you really think it's gonna be all sweet when you tell them "I'm 15% African though!"?

Personally I understand where you're coming from but if you got white skin, you are white to people who see you. Just gotta embrace it and keep it moving. You aren't responsible for other white peoples racist actions if that's how you're feeling about it.
"Race isn't real. Tell me what race I am so I can argue with you."

OP your thread sucks.

Dog made this thread asking us what we think he is then gets mad because he didnt get the answer he wanted. Lol. OP aint nobody black with sense calling you black and anyone letting you call them the N word is a damn fool.
Based on the fact that he uses the man made system of "race" and scans as wel as has a predetermined idea of what's "white" then it's safe to assume he saves space in his brain to not only believe those lies but he do so because he acts a certain way towards *said specific group*... Regardless, I'm mixed though
Not a safe assumption IMO, but whatever. 
OP it really looks like you're dodging the acceptance thing

All that matters in this day and age is the first impression. If you spark up a conversation with a black person and say the n-word, do you really think it's gonna be all sweet when you tell them "I'm 15% African though!"?

Personally I understand where you're coming from but if you got white skin, you are white to people who see you. Just gotta embrace it and keep it moving. You aren't responsible for other white peoples racist actions if that's how you're feeling about it.

15% african dont mean nothing especially when only HALF of that comes from an actual group of black people. With his logic we should let all white people call us the N word being that there are white Americans with more West African ancestry than him. Dude dont even respect the cultures he want to claim and got the nerve to argue with someone of the culture he wants to claim tells him what time it is. Sounds like your average White american if you ask me.
Do you not know what Harlem New York is? I was raised there and say it daily ( not that it even matters, so idk why you bring it up) with and around dark shades people...

Indians from asia are some of the darkest people on earth. You think Im letting an Indian cat from The Bronx call me the N word?
So why was I raised in Harlem and say it daily involuntarily?... they must think I'm white cuz Harlem isn't notoriously black/Puerto Rican/Mexican...

Black people are not indigenous to harlem, why you keep bringing it up continues to show how ignorant you are.
15% african dont mean nothing especially when only HALF of that comes from an actual group of black people. With his logic we should let all white people call us the N word being that there are white Americans with more West African ancestry than him. Dude dont even respect the cultures he want to claim and got the nerve to argue with someone of the culture he wants to claim tells him what time it is. Sounds like your average White american if you ask me.

This. I just feel like it's a side switching thing. White people in America clearly not poppin in the eyes of the youth right now, so OP wants to rediscover his socially constructed race.
This. I just feel like it's a side switching thing. White people in America clearly not poppin in the eyes of the youth right now, so OP wants to rediscover his socially constructed race.

Which is an insult to his Ancestors. Folks just want the hype but dont want to accept the bad. Like Paul mooney said everyone wants to be a N word but nobody wants to be an n word. Just like white people and the 5 dollar indian thing.

Cats will call you the N word all day but when when its time to unite to take on adversity they hit you with the "me no black papi".

Luckily there are actual black people in Latin america who understand their history and take pride in, oh and face oppression from cats like OP.
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