What year will religion finally be extinct?

As long as there are poor, uneducated populations religion will continue to exist.

Thats what I was getting at.  When will we get to the point.....speaking about America....they it will be something of the past.  Each generation believes less and less.  I really wasn't speaking on terms of other places around the globe. 

How will our cultures clash if one day we are a non-believing nation and other nations still have strong beliefs?  It could get ugly

it's been ugly :lol:

speaking solely of America, we will never reach that point. Christianity is ingrained in too many, and believers will continue passing it on.

plus we have the diversity aspect. religions from around the world find their way here, the families reproduce, their children follow, etc. then the fact that you can just make up your own religion (Jedis, Kopimism) and run with it. religion has existed in all of recorded history and as long as humanity does not have a complete grasp of our universe, or even our own planet, there will be people who cannot accept the scientific answers for certain questions.

religion is faith without understanding and evidence, science is essentially faith based on CURRENT evidence and known laws as we currently understand them. science can change and adapt at any given time. religion, not so much. I feel like if more religious people would embrace learning and not take what they read or hear from their pastor/preacher/rabbi/whoever else, we could be in a much better place even with all religions coexisting.

my 4 year old daughter got me to throw away a book her grandmother gave her about God and creation for younger people because, in her words, "it's stupid, and snakes can't talk". while I know that that story is supposedly a fable, some people take it as fact. we need less of that.

are there any non-believers turned believers reading this thread?
Is this just referring to people who openly practice their religion (going to church regularly) becoming extinct or the belief of a single God No longer being common?
the fact that people still openly reject scientific facts should tell you that religious beliefs are going no where.

According to that website around 2090.
I was gonna mention this. Hopefully sooner.
are there any non-believers turned believers reading this thread?

Those kinds of people don't exist without a traumatic event happening.
:lol: I'd love to read a genuine story about a non-believer just get up and suddenly start believing one day that isn't froth with dishonesty, anti-logic, and ofcourse some sort of indoctrination/brainwashing.
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I think the most interesting thing to ponder about a hypothetical post-religion world is how people would deal with loss. Too often people chalk up devastating loss to god's plan. Take away "god's plan" and you have a lot of people scrambling to find their own strength.
I think the most interesting thing to ponder about a hypothetical post-religion world is how people would deal with loss. Too often people chalk up devastating loss to god's plan. Take away "god's plan" and you have a lot of people scrambling to find their own strength.
They need to learn to take the L.  Life begins with a L for a reason
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You've got a bunch of people that get their info from a group of people that they don't understand, but they still spout off like crazy saying this, that, or the other. On top of that they use the information that they have, but don't understand, to put down others that don't "know" what they know. Sounds like religion to me.

Furthermore, if you can't do the math to prove the theorems that go into the science then you are putting your faith that the men and women that are developing these advancements in science are doing so correctly. It's no different than choosing a church to go to without understanding the philosophies behind that church's teachings. You could argue that science doesn't attempt to instill a set of morals like a religion does, and you would be correct. At the same time science does define reality and to skew that definition for whatever reason is just as bad.

At the end of it all, for me at least, I despise religion and detest people that bash religion that have no idea beyond the most basic level of scientific theories and facts that they supposedly "know"
You've got a bunch of people that get their info from a group of people that they don't understand, but they still spout off like crazy saying this, that, or the other. On top of that they use the information that they have, but don't understand, to put down others that don't "know" what they know. Sounds like religion to me.

Furthermore, if you can't do the math to prove the theorems that go into the science then you are putting your faith that the men and women that are developing these advancements in science are doing so correctly. It's no different than choosing a church to go to without understanding the philosophies behind that church's teachings. You could argue that science doesn't attempt to instill a set of morals like a religion does, and you would be correct. At the same time science does define reality and to skew that definition for whatever reason is just as bad.

At the end of it all, for me at least, I despise religion and detest people that bash religion that have no idea beyond the most basic level of scientific theories and facts that they supposedly "know"
Are you saying its wrong to belief scientific research if you yourself arent able to do the research?
Religous thinking is already dying off. 

Religious as in Christianity and Islam will never die off due to the good book which is one and the same.  For those that really now and read the bible know.  This book has predicted all of our current events all the way up to this Syria thing.  It's real and it continues to manifest itself through time no matter what "YOUR" logic tells you.

Now religious thinking on the other hand is something totally different.  Being a be liver and being religious are not the same.  Being religious is others condemning people for their sins when their life is full of sin as well, and telling homosexual believers that they're going to hell.  A true believer loves and embraces all, and recognizes that non of us are without sin.  And a few preachers are starting to address that way of thinking as not the way God intended for us to be as believers, and as time goes on that message will spread and grow in strength and understanding.

And yes science has become a new religion as well.  The way Silly would act towards people speaking against science is the same exact way religious radicals would act towards someone speaking negativity against their religion.  And he's not the only one like that.  Not only that you have people that have good intentions involved in science, and then you have those ones that are just out to gain not caring who they hurt, use, or abuse.
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this thread is going nowhere. you wish it would go extinct because you dont believe in it. cool. How is it affecting your life again?
I hate when people say this. religion, mainly Christianity, affects every American persons life.

Hell a local official in my state recently called all atheists "fanatical terrorists". that's not an isolated incident.
If i say something against gay people, wont there be an uproar on here with people saying "How do they affect your life?" "let them be" etc

yeah there will be an uproar, because they don't affect your life. homosexuals don't pass laws keeping straight people from getting married. homosexuals didn't carry out the Inquisition. homosexuals don't tell you that you can't adopt a child because of "religious objections".

there are no homosexual jihadists (that I've heard of at least, I think homosexuals have it pretty hard in that region) blowing up buildings and stores in the name of their gay sky dwelling overlord, causing pointless conflicts and loss of life in the name of said god.

although Hitler's plan for after the war was to destroy Christianity's influence, he used Christianity as a way to influence antisemitism.

I sincerely wish religion would go extinct, maybe then we could get our brains to the point that we figure out where all this **** actually came from instead of thinking things like the face of the immaculately conceived bastard zombie son of an invisible creator is appearing on toast.

could give us a much brighter future.
i agree though nonetheless 
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never. what im more scared about is the radical islam religion taking over the world. by 2050 should have most of europe if they continue populating like they do
never. what im more scared about is the radical islam religion taking over the world. by 2050 should have most of europe if they continue populating like they do
i'm really frightened of the radicals.
right i dont understand why people cant just keep religion to themselves rather than being a jackass to everyone else for not following their beliefs

makes me think of this sign too
never. what im more scared about is the radical islam religion taking over the world. by 2050 should have most of europe if they continue populating like they do
i'm really frightened of the radicals.

there is no doubt in my mind that expansion of Islam and those against it will cause WW3.

2050 is wishful thinking. within 10 years something big will pop off.

I hope this thread is still active when I get off, theres a few things I want to respond to when I'm back to my house.
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If you think WW3 will be because of religion well then you are sadly mistaken.  These radicals aren't a reflection of Islam(and I'm a Christian).  This has to do with revenge and settling a score.  You think 911 wasn't in retaliation to things that our government has done to their  Innocent?  You want to believe our media is corrupt and distorts things on one hand, and then you want to believe they're are completely and totally accurate on the other hand

The problem comes from the hypocrites that try to distort peoples beliefs for there own agenda, because they know that's the easiest way to get what they really want which is control and power; and with that comes riches.
Dude, there are over 2.3 billion Christians and 1.6 billion Muslims in this planet today and you're asking when will it end? Use some common sense! :lol:

Meh like every other religion and God, the Judeochristian God is going to die-Imo that is common sense just looking at history as a whole. The question is what is it going to be replaced with? Bottom line is some societies are getting less religious, while some continue to cling onto backwards, archaic belief systems. Like I said, as long as there are the impressionable, uneducated poor religion will always have a place.
And yes science has become a new religion as well.  The way Silly would act towards people speaking against science is the same exact way religious radicals would act towards someone speaking negativity against their religion.  And he's not the only one like that.
I think you're confusing reacting to ppl who refuse to use logic and reason and ppl defending scientific facts or theories. Really don't see how you could use him as the measuring bar to support that statement though. You'd need to actually provide more than that.
Not only that you have people that have good intentions involved in science, and then you have those ones that are just out to gain not caring who they hurt, use, or abuse.
Science does not have some holy text on how you should live your life. In this scenario you're thinking of, the blame is on the person not science. It's the person using, abusing, and hurting someone just as much as they're using and abusing science. Where as there are religious texts that preach intolerance and ppl go off that to do what they do.
I think you're confusing reacting to ppl who refuse to use logic and reason and ppl defending scientific facts or theories. Really don't see how you could use him as the measuring bar to support that statement though. You'd need to actually provide more than that.
Science does not have some holy text on how you should live your life. In this scenario you're thinking of, the blame is on the person not science. It's the person using, abusing, and hurting someone just as much as they're using and abusing science. Where as there are religious texts that preach intolerance and ppl go off that to do what they do.
It doesn't matter what they're reacting to it's the reaction as if they where Muslim and someone spoke negatively against Muhammad. 

I just used Putty as an example.  I seen plenty of atheist go buzzerk just because someone said "thank God".  As if that person said something extremely foul about their dead mother. 

Science has people that use it for the sole purpose of financial gain, and they don't care who they hurt for that gain.  Word to that Anthrax outbreak, pharmaceuticals that take away one aliment but give you six more, and so on. 

And please don't speak on the context of a book that you have not read or understand.  If you read a book and one of the characters in the book says, "I like F'ing kids" would you say that book is about pedophilia?  The bible has different accounts from multiple people.  It is a manual on how you should conduct your life, and one of those things is not have intolerance and hate in your heart towards anyone.  Because whether we want to or not; we all sin.
Meh like every other religion and God, the Judeochristian God is going to die-Imo that is common sense just looking at history as a whole. The question is what is it going to be replaced with? Bottom line is some societies are getting less religious, while some continue to cling onto backwards, archaic belief systems. Like I said, as long as there are the impressionable, uneducated poor religion will always have a place.
If it hasn't died out over 2,000 years later what makes you think it will disappear anytime soon, and before Judeochristian God it was just God since who knows when.  If anything it's growing and getting stronger.  Don't confuse the invention of the Internet and social media bringing things and movements that have been in existence to forefront as a new mass movement towards a mind awaking revolution.
I think you're confusing reacting to ppl who refuse to use logic and reason and ppl defending scientific facts or theories. Really don't see how you could use him as the measuring bar to support that statement though. You'd need to actually provide more than that.
Science does not have some holy text on how you should live your life. In this scenario you're thinking of, the blame is on the person not science. It's the person using, abusing, and hurting someone just as much as they're using and abusing science. Where as there are religious texts that preach intolerance and ppl go off that to do what they do.
It doesn't matter what they're reacting to it's the reaction as if they where Muslim and someone spoke negatively against Muhammad. 

I just used Putty as an example.  I seen plenty of atheist go buzzerk just because someone said "thank God".  As if that person said something extremely foul about their dead mother. 

Science has people that use it for the sole purpose of financial gain, and they don't care who they hurt for that gain.  Word to that Anthrax outbreak, pharmaceuticals that take away one aliment but give you six more, and so on. 

And please don't speak on the context of a book that you have not read or understand.  If you read a book and one of the characters in the book says, "I like F'ing kids" would you say that book is about pedophilia?  The bible has different accounts from multiple people.  It is a manual on how you should conduct your life, and one of those things is not have intolerance and hate in your heart towards anyone.  Because whether we want to or not; we all sin.
Meh like every other religion and God, the Judeochristian God is going to die-Imo that is common sense just looking at history as a whole. The question is what is it going to be replaced with? Bottom line is some societies are getting less religious, while some continue to cling onto backwards, archaic belief systems. Like I said, as long as there are the impressionable, uneducated poor religion will always have a place.
If it hasn't died out over 2,000 years later what makes you think it will disappear anytime soon, and before Judeochristian God it was just God since who knows when.  If anything it's growing and getting stronger.  Don't confuse the invention of the Internet and social media bringing things and movements that have been in existence to forefront as a new mass movement towards a mind awaking revolution.
Technology and information that people didn't have before. Access to information.  Theres more proof of alien life thus far than a God
Technology and information that people didn't have before. Access to information.  Theres more proof of alien life thus far than a God

What if the whole Alien spin is a secular explanation for demons and entities religious text refer to.

I was listening to a lecture with a guy speaking on how stitchin and his annunaki theories were coached by the vatican before being released to the public.
Technology and information that people didn't have before. Access to information.  Theres more proof of alien life thus far than a God
Who says it's not all one in the same tho?  It's been said by extraterrestrial enthusiast that they battle with each other over San Diego and other places.  So who to say that it's not a good verses evil thing going on. 

It's also been said that alot of or technology has come from extraterrestrials, and if you really take the time to think about it some tech does much more harm then help.  You guys are discussing the smart phone issue in the other thread, but the Internet in general.   Porn has been made to easy to access which has warped the mind of to many, and made it to easy to spread hate and distorted thinking to weak minded individuals.  Etc.    
As long as there are poor, uneducated populations religion will continue to exist.
Damn. You make it sound like only poor, dumb people believe in something. I know the atheists on this forum love to say how science > religion but it's not like there aren't scientists who follow religion. It's like they're trying to create a stigma that following a religion means a person is foolish or uninformed / uneducated.

Religion will always exist. It's been around since cavemen and paganism to the modern world today. Christians are a popular target here, but I live in an area with many devout Jewish people and it's hard to imagine them stopping the passing on of their traditions
If you think WW3 will be because of religion well then you are sadly mistaken.  These radicals aren't a reflection of Islam(and I'm a Christian).  This has to do with revenge and settling a score.  You think 911 wasn't in retaliation to things that our government has done to their  Innocent?  You want to believe our media is corrupt and distorts things on one hand, and then you want to believe they're are completely and totally accurate on the other hand:rolleyes .

The problem comes from the hypocrites that try to distort peoples beliefs for there own agenda, because they know that's the easiest way to get what they really want which is control and power; and with that comes riches.

I should have worded that better. it won't be BECAUSE of religion, but religion will play a part. there will be a spark ignited in the Middle East and everything will go from there.

while the radicals are not a reflection of Islam, they have become the face of Islam to westerners. "those evil terrorists" are what a lot of Americans see Islamic people as. that's why it was so easy to get these wars kickstarted in the middle east.

we don't know what really happened on 9/11. it could have been revenge, but it could have just as easily been a ploy to get Americans ready to rally against Islamic people. Islamophobia is increasing by the DAY. that's not opinion, that's a fact. discrimination against Islamic people has skyrocketed. hate crimes against Islamic people, in Europe especially, are on the rise. they have been demonized by western media much like Jewish people were in Germany during WW2.

"You want to believe our media is corrupt and distorts things on one hand, and then you want to believe they're are completely and totally accurate on the other hand"

I'm not sure if that was to me, or what you're actually talking about, but I'm well aware that worldwide media and news is distorted. you just have to know how to pick through the ******** and research on your own.

SCIENCE IS NOT A RELIGION. religions are based on faith lacking evidence, science is based on faith through experimentation and experience.

I think you're confusing reacting to ppl who refuse to use logic and reason and ppl defending scientific facts or theories. Really don't see how you could use him as the measuring bar to support that statement though. You'd need to actually provide more than that.

Science does not have some holy text on how you should live your life. In this scenario you're thinking of, the blame is on the person not science. It's the person using, abusing, and hurting someone just as much as they're using and abusing science. Where as there are religious texts that preach intolerance and ppl go off that to do what they do.
It doesn't matter what they're reacting to it's the reaction as if they where Muslim and someone spoke negatively against Muhammad. 

I just used Putty as an example.  I seen plenty of atheist go buzzerk just because someone said "thank God".  As if that person said something extremely foul about their dead mother. 

Science has people that use it for the sole purpose of financial gain, and they don't care who they hurt for that gain.  Word to that Anthrax outbreak, pharmaceuticals that take away one aliment but give you six more, and so on. 

And please don't speak on the context of a book that you have not read or understand.  If you read a book and one of the characters in the book says, "I like F'ing kids" would you say that book is about pedophilia?  The bible has different accounts from multiple people.  It is a manual on how you should conduct your life, and one of those things is not have intolerance and hate in your heart towards anyone.  Because whether we want to or not; we all sin.

Meh like every other religion and God, the Judeochristian God is going to die-Imo that is common sense just looking at history as a whole. The question is what is it going to be replaced with? Bottom line is some societies are getting less religious, while some continue to cling onto backwards, archaic belief systems. Like I said, as long as there are the impressionable, uneducated poor religion will always have a place.
If it hasn't died out over 2,000 years later what makes you think it will disappear anytime soon, and before Judeochristian God it was just God since who knows when.  If anything it's growing and getting stronger.  Don't confuse the invention of the Internet and social media bringing things and movements that have been in existence to forefront as a new mass movement towards a mind awaking revolution.

I have never in my life heard of or seen an atheist flip out over anything like that honestly. I don't get how you're comparing atheist reactions to religious reactions. have you not read or seen the death threats over cartoon images of Mohammed? have you watched any of the Richard Dawkins Reads Hate Mail videos?

where are these insane atheists you guys mention sometimes?

every facet of life has people who use others or their abilities for personal gain. that's just the nature of some people.

one reason the Judeochristian God still exists is because the winners write history. the things that the followers of Christianity did in the past are the reason it's still around. raping, pillaging, destroying entire cultures in the name of God to gain power, land, and riches. enslaving Africans then teaching them about God and Jesus so they could pass it on for hundreds more years of oppression.

yes the concept of gods is ancient. it came from a lack of understanding of the planet. Sun gods, wind gods, earth gods, water gods, etc.

Technology and information that people didn't have before. Access to information.  Theres more proof of alien life thus far than a God

What if the whole Alien spin is a secular explanation for demons and entities religious text refer to.

I was listening to a lecture with a guy speaking on how stitchin and his annunaki theories were coached by the vatican before being released to the public.

I had this thought process for a bit. it got crazy to me when the Pope actually came out and said that if there are aliens, they are God's creatures.

at this point in time though, I'm just thinking there are other beings out there who evolved and grew just like we did. I do think we have reverse engineered tech from alien species though.

As long as there are poor, uneducated populations religion will continue to exist.
Damn. You make it sound like only poor, dumb people believe in something. I know the atheists on this forum love to say how science > religion but it's not like there aren't scientists who follow religion. It's like they're trying to create a stigma that following a religion means a person is foolish or uninformed / uneducated.

Religion will always exist. It's been around since cavemen and paganism to the modern world today. Christians are a popular target here, but I live in an area with many devout Jewish people and it's hard to imagine them stopping the passing on of their traditions

I don't think he meant it that way..
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