What you getting Wifey for the V- day.... post pics losers lol

Damn, Yall only get to smash on Special occasions?
....That must suck, thats like 5 times a year ...lmao
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Damn, Yall only get to smash on Special occasions?
....That must suck, thats like 5 times a year ...lmao


This guy.
Max Oragne I's. (Used to be known as the Infrareds)

Funny thing is, she's not even my broad anymore.. Long story short, we still see each other and hang out.
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Max Oragne I's. (Used to be known as the Infrareds)

Funny thing is, she's not even my broad.. Long story short, we still see each other and hang out.

Thats not funny...at all

...Do you fam'
not wifey, but i'm getting her her fav. chocolate and one rose. keep it simple.
Originally Posted by MrMoneyInDaBank

Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Son I don't even feel like spending money.

Why is it that the dude has to buy everything, and all we get is %%%@@?


and all the other BS....smh

I'm getting P%**y and sneakers.
Already got my foams, my shorty looked out.
Originally Posted by CoolGrayGrey

I think valentines day is stupid.

But I know she'll be mad if I just blow it off.

What can I do?
Some roses and dinner. Keep it simple.
My wife is about 8 hours away in Michigan on business. She will be there for another two weeks, so I will be driving up to spend a long weekend with her. Iasked her to make dinner reservations for us somewhere as I don't know much about the restaurants in that area and I figured it would be best for her toget suggestions from her colleagues.

As for a gift, I'll write her a nice little something (she likes that) and probably download a couple good DMB live concerts and burn them for her. Ofcourse, we will probably hit the mall in Grandville while I'm up there. She likes the stores there and it is a much better place to shop than our mall.
aye nt im taking the fiance to the neyo concert in houston ya think a dude should ask for that ssf4 collectors ed. wthe controllers im just saying yo
Damn those uggs are nasty.

Sorry I just don't dig them, but they aren't for me so cool..I hope she likes them.
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