What's a bad habit that you've kicked?

Jul 19, 2012
I think it's an interesting topic. I saw on another board thought it'd be cool here. Here's mine..

Prior to going off to college, I partied a good bit, but never smoked. Started smoking my freshman year of college, black and milds. Was smoking like a box or two of those ***** almost everyday  throughout college whether it be one of my own or one that friends may have brought around. I was in school from 2006 - Dec 11 and man I felt like crap, started having all kinda sinus issues and just waking up congested every morning, I could feel the smoke in my chest when I woke up it was hell, but it was like I had become so depended upon them and smoking them while doing everyday tasks that it was so hard to stop.

I had to smoke when I drank, played video games, studied, partied, drove, it seemed as the black was always the perfect compliment especially after eating. I don't know what it was but my boys and I would always smoke one after we ate. Smoked them before we went anywhere be smelling like crap. Middle of June  this year I said **** it, i'm tired of feeling like sh*t, these things are counter productive to my life and I just stopped. Those first two weeks were hell man, I didn't know how I was going to make it, cravings were sick, I was always hungry but I was like forget that, gotta quit. After those two weeks it became easier and easier and now they are just an after thought.

I almost relapsed a couple weeks ago driving back from NO late Sunday night with like 4 hours ahead of me still I was like man **** it, it's just one. Stopped at a gas station and bought one and a lighter. Got in the car and I was freakin (loosening the tobacco) the black and about to fire it up and something just kicked in and I threw that bad boy out the window. Haven't had a craving since.

Not to mention, I feel better, i've lost about 10-15 pounds and been able to keep it off,my mouth feels better ******, and I don't smell that smell everywhere I go anymore. Pretty cool to kick bad habits... so with that being said 

How bout you?
Consuming any soda.

Binge drinking from college days.

Excessive beer pong and over-competitiveness in drinking games.
Smashing girls that got boyfriends.

Smoking black and milds

Sleeping with multiple people

Smashing girls that got boyfriends.
Smoking black and milds
Sleeping with multiple people
Right on with the first one. Very bad habit. Saw it as a challenge to my ego. In practicality, I also liked that were literally no strings attached. Meaning you can be FWB and not do any of the couples stuff because the girl already has a steady boyfriend for all that.
My last cigarette was on January 1, 2010. Cold turkey, no gimmicks.

I also quit taking my albuterol for like 2 months now. My asthma is well controlled, but I was still taking a pump from my asthma medication even when I wasnt feeling any symptoms. It was just out of sheer habit and like a mental security blanket.
Nail Biting.

Drinking Soda (only use soda to chase my liq).

Condoms EVERY time now.
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